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Stories about Response (2,353)


Though nothing comes on your way without a struggle,Truckers in Kenya gets their meager wages in the hard way.Their employers don't care about their welfare and all they care is their cargo to reach the destination.The driver starts from the port of Mombasa headed for Rwanda ,Burundi,Congo,or Malawi without knowing when he will be back and whatever will happen on the way. He bids farewell to his family and off he hits the road. The obstacles he finds on the journey are nightmares where even the… Continue

Added by SAMUEL GITHIRE on October 22, 2010 at 9:07am — 8 Comments

Quand le prix des condiments augmente!!!!

Quand j'étais encore étudiant, je partageait la même chambre avec 6 autres jeunes au campus universitaire. Comme tous jeunes nous avions

tous des comportements sexuels à risque et très souvent la

disponibilité de préservatifs à porté de main en cas de besoin

faisait souvent défaut.

Alors j'ai discuté avec mes co-chambriers lors du diner…


Added by DIALLO Soumaila on October 20, 2010 at 5:27pm — 3 Comments

L’alliance en difficulté à Banamba.

Contexte :Le 12 Février 2004 La coordination de l’alliance des Maires et Responsables Municipaux contre le VIH/SIDA au Mali s’est rendu dans la commune de Banamba une équipe Municipale de lutte contre le VIH et le SIDA.

Personnes : Coordinatrice, secrétaire permanent, consultant et…


Added by Mme NIANGADO MAH DRABO on October 20, 2010 at 5:07pm — 1 Comment

Ma femme est une sorcière

Ma femme est une sorcière

Dakan est une bonne ménagère chérie de tous. Un jour, elle tombe malade. Vu son état, son…


Added by Younoussa Diarra on October 20, 2010 at 4:30pm — 8 Comments

La discrimination dans un foyer

Apres avois tombe malade les medecins ont fait mon depistage sans m’informe. Après ils nous ont tous refére aux CESAC (Centre d’Ecoute de Soutien et d’Animation et de Conseil) pour

refaire le dépistage.…


Added by HAWA drame on October 20, 2010 at 4:07pm — 6 Comments

« Quand les responsables sont responsables »

Quelque part au Mali, à Bamako, sur l’une des rives du Niger, dans l’ACI 2OOO, une structure de la société civile malienne Dème-So a fait son autoévaluation.

Suite a la pratique ayant attrait au VIH et au Sida sur la reconnaissance et l’acceptation, elle a décidé d’aller jusqu’au dépistage dans son plan…


Added by Ba djibril Sall on October 20, 2010 at 3:40pm — 3 Comments

Un couple fait le test prénuptial pour faire le mariage

Bobo Dioulasso, République du BURKINA FASO, un vendredi du mois de juillet 1998 après la prière de 13h.

J’avais 32 ans et ma femme 12 ans de moins.



Added by Modibo SAMOURA on October 20, 2010 at 3:38pm — 5 Comments

Appeler un chat un chat !

Frequent episodes of ‘honour…


Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on October 20, 2010 at 9:15am — 1 Comment

La solution à nos problème est en nous-mêmes

C’est ma propre histoire. Dans ma famille comme dans la plupart des familles Maliennes, le respect de la hiérarchie était une règle inviolable. Un de ces règles est qu’il n’y a pas de raison entre un grand et un petit frère. Dans tous…


Added by Lazare Coulibaly on October 20, 2010 at 6:30am — 4 Comments

Nigeria Trip Report



Added by ukeme okon on October 19, 2010 at 12:49pm — 4 Comments

A huge loss !

We all are deeply saddened by the most unfortunate and untimely demise of dear Sujal.

Mr.Sujal Parikh -a third year medical student at the University of Michigan Medical School- was working with lot of commitment, sincerity and diligence under the Fogarty International Clinical Research Programme at the Joint Clinical Research Centre, Uganda.

As a Fogarty Fellow he was doing long-term research with children with HIV (CLHIV) and he would have returned to the University of… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on October 18, 2010 at 10:03am — No Comments


Community participation through community mobilization and empowerment is inevitable in ensuring the quality and sustainability of services implemented by the targeted intervention programme aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS among core high groups like female sex workers and MSMs. Almost all the Targeted Intervention…

Added by BPDU on October 18, 2010 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Le résultats partiels du projet appui aux initiatives communautaires en République Démocratique du Congo

Six mois après le début de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie simplifié du projet "Appui aux initiatives communautaires en République Démocratique du Congo, les résultats s'annoncent satisfaisant. Cependant l'équipe "Prestataire de Services National" constituée de La Constellation et de RDC Compétence ne dort pas sur ses lauriers.

En effet, les communautés s’approprient de plus en plus de l'approche SALT et cela se matérialise par les différentes activités facilitées dans les 15 villes du… Continue

Added by Judith DIALUNDUA on October 15, 2010 at 6:41pm — 9 Comments

3 ways of introducing SALT, in the Netherlands

After the Oxfam/Novib-supported visit of the Dutch team led by the Togetherness Foundation to learn about SALT and its application by the Interfaith Network on HIV/AIDS in Thailand, Norwegian Church Aid, and the Constellation in February, the Thai team conducted a 5-day return visit to the Netherlands in May to share the approach with more people and to explore with their Dutch partners how the process may be apply in the Dutch contexts.

The big challenge (and learning opportunity) for… Continue

Added by Usa Duongsaa on October 13, 2010 at 11:24pm — 3 Comments

Potential for more SALT practice


as I had mentioned to most if not all of you, I will be integrating the SALT process into my program here at Youth Challenge Guyana, What this means is that I will be taking all my volunteers arriving to participate in our field projects through the process. I have groups in arriving in country 5-6 times per year. I have two groups for the remainder of the year One next Month the other in December.

November the 5th will be the day set aside for the…


Added by Michael Mc Garrell on October 13, 2010 at 5:29pm — 7 Comments

My Journey from a Sex worker to Training faculty

‘As a child I am a mother of two children and as a sex worker I am sister of thousands of sex workers’. My journey from a sex worker to Traing faculty Afsari Begum…


Added by YERUVA ANTHONY REDDY on October 13, 2010 at 11:51am — 5 Comments

The Experience

My organisation's tag line says "the experience that lasts a lifetime" Even as i sit an reflect on the AC process and the process involved. It makes me realise that this will add to my experiences that will last me a lifetime.

The SALT process will be fully integrated into my work, I truly believe that it will only make things better for the communities we work in. It is a process i believe that gives back to the community, it helps the work with the strengths they have. Too long has…


Added by Michael Mc Garrell on October 12, 2010 at 8:30pm — 8 Comments

Impressions du PEER ASSIST

Le 11 octobre, par une matinée fraîche et ensoleillée, Gaston, Laurence et moi avons poussé la porte du Cercle des voyageurs. Tout le monde (ou presque) était déjà présent et l'odeur du thé à la menthe embaumait l'atmosphère. J'ai été accueillie chaleureusement par chacun d'entre eux et j'ai pu enfin mettre une image sur ces noms que je connaissait déjà. Un peu impressionnée dans mon coin par ces "grands" esprits, j'attendais en silence, un peu curieuse, ce qui allait se… Continue

Added by Gaetane Gilliot on October 12, 2010 at 10:50am — 2 Comments


The status of female sex workers in Kerala was very pathetic and wretched before starting the HIV/AIDS interventions among them by Kerala State AIDS Control Society under National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) during the late 1990’s. They were victims of extreme human right violations due to…


Added by BPDU on October 11, 2010 at 7:37am — No Comments

NARI SAKSHAM IN RAJAMANDRY dreams to have partnership with Government to manage Targeted Intervention

NARI SAKSHAM is a CBO promoted by CARE India in SAKSHAM (Strengthening Awareness, Knowledge and Skill for HIV/AIDS Management) Project. The project served as the implementation and learning site for a Community Led Structural Intervention in Andhra Pradesh in India. This project funded by Bill and Melinda Gates foundation was implemented during 2004 to 2009 in Rajamandry town with over 1800 sex workers. The project was successful in reducing the HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities and enhanced rights…


Added by YERUVA ANTHONY REDDY on October 11, 2010 at 7:08am — 4 Comments

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