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Stories about Response (2,402)

Working in the community visit

Kufunda Learning Village

Learning, Community, and Sustainability

Working in and with and through Community

by Stephen Diwauripo


“It takes a community to realize its possibilities”

For the past three weeks the Kufunda facilitation team has been into three different communities working with community farming groups to help them connect more strongly, exploring their community…


Added by stephen Diwauripo on September 21, 2012 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

« Un atelier sur le SALT, c’est comme le marché aux poissons » A workshop on SALT is like the fish market

Florence Muissange, facilitatrice de l’équipe de Mbuji Mayi, nous raconte : « A chaque fois que nous avons un atelier sur l’approche SALT, c’est comme un marché au poisson. Qu’on entre au marché pour acheter ou contempler, on en ressort toujours avec l’odeur du poisson sur soi.»

Nous venons de terminer la séance d’orientation à Mbuji Mayi, pour les équipes de soutien qui vont appuyer le projet « Gestion Communautaire de la Survie de l’Enfants ». Les participants repartent avec…


Added by Laurence Gilliot on September 20, 2012 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

The power of Local Response

Hi All,

For this sharing of SALT Mirror, I would be starting with our understanding on “Local Response”, sharing of my experience during a support group and how I supported it.


Local Response believes the community has the strengths to utilize and exchange resources, to address and responses to community problems.  

One of the mother, Mdm L took the initiative to connect members from her neighbourhood to share and to learn from one…


Added by Najma Banu on September 20, 2012 at 6:48am — 1 Comment

A snapshot of strengths! Community Visioning on the floodplain, Zambia.

Sometimes pictures speak a thousand words.

But here is some background on the partnership which has led to this beautiful process you see in the photo-documentary:…


Added by Olivia Munoru on September 18, 2012 at 10:46am — 4 Comments

Learnings on WASH competence

In Surinam during 2011 we (Autry Haines, April Foster and me) facilitated a WASH program with 20 villages in the interior. We cooperated with the Surinam Red Cross, The PeaceCorps, FOB and Unicef. Core to the program was the integration of CLCP and the International Red Cross WASH program named PHAST. As this prorgram is well on its way I wanted to share my learning with you. It became quite a document so probably suited for those who really want to get into WASH and are interested in…


Added by Boris Alberda on September 17, 2012 at 11:30pm — 8 Comments

Opinion or experience

Blogs are often dominated by opinion. We are attempting to use it more for sharing experience. Here's a good blog from Chris Collison on the difference between opinion and experience

(in my opinion! :))


Added by Geoff Parcell on September 17, 2012 at 12:19pm — 1 Comment

If you can't help your friends...

...what good is a blog?

Three people I know and admire are getting the recognition they deserve this week and I want to take a moment to celebrate their achievements on

1) Mulugeta Gebru, founder of Jerusalem Children and Community Development…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on September 14, 2012 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Appreciative Inquiry in Qingdao by Sue James

I began my career over thirty years ago as a teacher.

And it’s no secret to anyone who knows me or to those who follow my own blog, that I am still passionate about education and teaching.

For example in A Passionate Plea, as well as bemoaning the totally inappropriate and archaic practices still taking…


Added by chris on September 13, 2012 at 6:30am — 5 Comments

Indigenous Peoples' Commission adapts CLCP in Strategic Plan

The Indigenous Peoples' Commission will use aspects of Community Life competence as it implements its strategic plan over the next five years.

The levels of competence will be featured


Added by Autry Haynes on September 7, 2012 at 5:49pm — 1 Comment

Does the handpump still give water?

I was once asked to undertake field visits for the assessment of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). This was needed in order to make decision for funding them. I visited a number of NGOs, tried to know about their work and interacted with their staff. I was shown a number of documents, progress reports and photographs of the work done by them. I wondered if it is was necessary to have so many photographs which captured mainly the ‘important people’ at the events organized by…


Added by Afsar Syed Mohammad on September 4, 2012 at 5:46pm — 1 Comment

Chair Chi: Aged Care

A recent experience working in the aged care sector here in Melbourne, Australia.

So far I have delivered two Chair Chi workshops in the aged care sector. One for a nursing home and one for a retirement village. Next week I have two more sessions booked so my workshops are starting to take off.

And what a pleasure it is in working with elderly people.

It was fun and inspiring not only to share the Chi exercises but also the wonderful conversations and…


Added by chris on September 3, 2012 at 5:56am — 8 Comments

Community organises its own International Conference

We are happy to be here at Kolkata, hosted by Durbar Mahila Samanvaya Committee (DMSC). However, we wanted to be in Washington but we were not allowed because sex workers are considered criminals” This was what I heard over and over again at the International AIDS Conference Hub held at Kolkata, India.

This was my debut at an International AIDS conference. I was happy that I was at this Festival for what it signified. Every two years, an International AIDS Conference takes…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on August 29, 2012 at 7:14pm — 1 Comment

Games in International Development: Fad or Innovation?

People have been playing more games these days in Washington D.C. And I don’t mean the strategies of the Obama and Romney spin teams.

Two recent events suggest games’ growing popularity in D.C. aid circles: this one I attended at the World Wildlife Fund earlier this month and this Tuesday’s upcoming …


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on August 26, 2012 at 6:57pm — No Comments

Interview questions you should be asking of aid organizations

Last week at happy hour, we found ourselves giving advice as to a budding aid worker who was about to have her first round of interviews for her first "real" aid job. She wanted to know what questions she should be asking of the organizations and people with which she's interviewing. These are the questions that one has to have ready, when inevitably interviewers say, "Now what questions do you have for us?"…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on August 24, 2012 at 4:31am — No Comments

Community Resilience: An Untapped Resource for Sustainable Development?

A guest post on by, Clement N. Dlamini, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Development Management based in Matsapha, Swaziland

Communities have inherent in their systems, means of survival and a tenacity that has seen them through very difficult times. There is heart in communities that keeps pumping and keeping people alive even in the midst of…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on August 23, 2012 at 12:56pm — 1 Comment

Measurement and more in DR-Congo

Kinshasa. Dusty as usual, but there are some clear stars shining through the dust. It has been more than 15 months since my last visit. There are flatscreen TVs now in the airport. I feel both a little nervous and excited. The friends of RDCCompetence come and pick me up with their usual hospitality. Already on the way to my Christian guesthouse, I hear some of the impressive progress that is happening over the last months. I feel the excitement takes over and have troubles sleeping under my…


Added by Gaston on August 20, 2012 at 9:54pm — 4 Comments

Ugandan Community Development Workers and Ministry Of Gender Labour and Social Development to use CLCP in their Work

Sometime in May 2012, I was invited by Ugandan ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development to present a paper on Community Life Competence Process during a workshop drafting the first Social Gerontology Manual for Community Workers.  The presentation attracted the attention of the ministry as a very innovative and sustainable approach in promoting community ownership…


Added by NAMARA ARTHUR ARAALI on August 19, 2012 at 11:30pm — 4 Comments



I see the power of local response during a SALT Visit cum BBQ at Sembawang

  1. Before the event itself, we had difficulty getting the participants to help prepare the tea-break and BBQ. All were busy. Two residents who were not able to attend volunteered to do the preparation and they even brought down the food to the bus.
  2. While waiting for the others to come, participants were helping to call the others who have yet to come.
  3. During the SALT Visit itself,…

Added by Christina Maria Padman on August 15, 2012 at 6:30am — 3 Comments

Hunger Summit

The hunger summit convened by the British Prime Minister over the final weekend of the Olympics confronted the  issue of hunger in the world. It is estimated that food production globally needs to double in the next 20 years. This fact alone is sufficient to throw the spotlight on food security as the principal challenge facing Africa and pretty much everywhere else.

It was really encouraging to read of one initiative in Kenya that has demonstrated an approach that gives real hope by…


Added by David M A Evans on August 13, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Strengths in unlikely places

I am sitting with members of a hijira group in western Bangladesh. They asked to see my colleague and I when we visited a church group in Meherpur. The hijira are some of the most isolated and marginalised groups in South Asian society. Hijira are a transgender minority group who often describe themselves as professional wedding dancers. They are frequently the target for abuse, discrimination and violent assault.

The church development workers in Meherpur had done a great job of…


Added by David M A Evans on August 10, 2012 at 12:14pm — 9 Comments

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