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Stories about Response (2,485)

Les Amitoyens celebrate progress: "Since we defined our dream it became a living reality"

“We are most proud of our perseverance”, the joy is on the faces of all Amitoyens and contagiously clears up all in the room.  A group of participants in a SALT weekend in the east of France is absorbing their story with eagerness. Ears wide open.

They’d better be proud!

The dream that started in them as individuals and in their families years ago is a big step further to reality today – thanks to their perseverance!

'Amitoyens’ dream is to live in co-housing with a…


Added by Marlou on April 3, 2015 at 2:57pm — 2 Comments

Syria, wishes of peace and community as third party

Yesterday, in the train, on my way from Brussels to Amsterdam,

I met 3 traveller coming from Dubai;

originally they are from Syria;

we had a long conversation;

they talked about their beloved country; about the thousands of people dying or escaping, family members or friends; about their beautiful villages and cities destroyed; about the culture of tolerance and co-existence of religious traditions; about simplicity and aspiration to live a good life;



Added by Nathalie Legros on March 31, 2015 at 6:09pm — No Comments

A smooth transition; une belle transition

(Voir FR ci-dessous)

Dear Friends of the Constellation

Our Voting Members recently elected our new Board, composed of April Foster, Autry Haynes, Gaston Schmitz,…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 30, 2015 at 12:54pm — 4 Comments

Knowledge Fairs Should Be Prepared at the Beginning of the Projects

I share this blog on behalf of Jean Baby Fulama, facilitator in DRC:

The Knowledge Fair in the Kalenda Health Zone went well, and we have almost finished our report. The support team of the GCSE project of the Zone will soon send me the contribution of some villages who are applying SALT.

Here is a small thing that I would like to share with you: I say in my report that the Knowledge Fair should, in my opinion, be prepared from the start of a project, at the same time as the…


Added by Marie Lamboray on March 26, 2015 at 11:47am — 3 Comments


Je partage cette histoire au nom de Jean Baby Fulama, facilitateur en RDC:

Une petite histoire (anecdote) qui corrobore le concept PAF, en soutien à la définition élaborée à partir des propositions avancées par les collègues facilitateurs de RDCCompétence :

La PAF est une action concrète et mesurable, significative et pertinente, entreprise pour introduire un changement. Il peut s’agir d’un changement d’habitude.

La PAF est facile à mettre en œuvre avec…


Added by Marie Lamboray on March 26, 2015 at 11:32am — 1 Comment


I share this story on behalf of Jean Baby Fulama, facilitator in DRC:

A little story which corroborates the concept of PAF in support of the definition developed from proposals by colleagues, facilitators of RDCCompétence:

A PAF is a concrete and measurable action, meaningful and relevant, implemented to introduce a change. It can be a change of habit.

A PAF is easily implemented with the available resources, without outside…


Added by Marie Lamboray on March 26, 2015 at 11:30am — No Comments

La foire d’échange devrait être préparée dès le début d’un projet

Je partage cette histoire au nom de Jean Baby Fulama, facilitateur en RDC:

La foire d’échanges de la Zone de santé de Kalenda s’est bien déroulé et avons quasiment fini notre rapport. Il nous  reste le complément de quelques villages touchés par le SALT que l’équipe de soutien du projet GCSE (Gestion Communautaire de la Santé de l’Enfant) de la Zone va bientôt m’envoyer.

Un petit partage : je dis dans mon rapport que la foire d’échanges devra à mon avis être…


Added by Marie Lamboray on March 26, 2015 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

News From the Amitoyens!

We are meeting the Country City Community this Wednesday, March 25.

Tomorrow is the date when we will officially apply to get a piece of land in order to finally build our co-housing home. Stay tuned for news on the subject!

Amitoyennement yours,…


Added by Stephanie Caldy on March 24, 2015 at 8:42am — No Comments

News From the Amitoyens, in Great Geneva Area!

Hello dear community members!  

We are meeting the Country City Community this Wednesday, March 25.

Tomorrow is the date when we will officially apply for a piece of land in order to finally build our co-housing home. Stay tuned for news on the subject!

Amitoyennement yours.

The Amitoyens group, visting a co-housing home in Geneva, 2011 :…


Added by Stephanie Caldy on March 24, 2015 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

Le cercle de parole, un outil précieux!

Le cercle de parole est un outil merveilleux. Prenons-en soin comme l’artisan  prend soin de ses précieux outils. 

C’était à St Paul de La Réunion.  Invités par l’IREPS, nous en étions à la quatrième journée d’une semaine d’apprentissage et de partage de l’approche SALT avec des personnes engagées dans la promotion de la santé.  Nous nous étions débarrassés d’emblée de nos titres et chaque jour la pratique du  SALT nous rapprochait. La veille nous avions développé le rêve de La…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 23, 2015 at 7:00pm — No Comments

"Paper Pull" in SALT

"When you come back....." more a statement than a question was the remark of Nadia to the After Experience Reflection question with Persons on Methadone Therapy. You would gather that they had agree that we come back for more SALT action. (^_^). So when the question was finally asked "do we come again?" there was a resounding yes. Her statement was related to the thought of what other exercises will we do the next time. She continued.."What I like is the "pulling of the paper" that made a…


Added by Autry Haynes on March 21, 2015 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

Five stories that our nonprofit should be telling

How do we get better at storytelling? This article suggests five types of stories, with case studies, that every charity should be telling. They includes stories about ethics and values, social proof, founders, improvement and impact.


Added by Geoff Parcell on March 20, 2015 at 8:52am — 1 Comment

11 Forum International de l'EHESP à Rennes, 4 février 2015

Les organisateurs m'ont demandé de place la "leçon inaugurale" dans le contexte des attaques terroristes à Paris de janvier. Voici ce que j'ai dit. Je suis persuadé que je n'ai pas convaincu tout le monde, mais la Maire adjointe de Rennes a repris les thèmes de la confiance et du rêve dans ses conclusions...


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 12, 2015 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

11th International Forum at the French School of Public Health, February 4, 2015

The School invited me to place the  introductory lecture, in the context of the early January terrorist attacks in Paris. This is what I said. I am pretty sure not everyone was convinced, but the vice mayor of Rennes, came back in closing on the two themes of trust and dream.

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 12, 2015 at 3:00pm — No Comments

DIX ANS DE CHRYSALIDE : Dans un cocon d’espoir

Unique centre prenant en charge les femmes touchées par la drogue et la prostitution, Chrysalide fête ses dix ans. Cinq cents femmes comptant parmi les plus vulnérables de la société y sont passées. Quelques-unes s’y sont mues en beaux papillons. Les responsables du centre ont compris qu’il leur faut constamment se réinventer face à la complexité du problème.

Il fait peut-être un peu chaud, mais une bonne tasse de thé ne se refuse pas sous la varangue créole de Chrysalide à Bambous.…


Added by Annick Cotte on March 7, 2015 at 8:49am — 4 Comments

Travailleuses du Sexe : Femmes et mères avant tout

Elles sont femmes et mères et luttent pour faire vivre leurs enfants. En amont de la Journée Internationale de la Femme qui sera célébrée le 8 mars, une autre date est à marquer dans les agendas : le 3 mars, Journée Internationale des Travailleurs du Sexe.

M., 34 ans, a cinq enfants et son rêve dans la vie et de pouvoir leur apporter ce dont ils ont besoin. « Gayn enn lakaz ki ena lalimier, mo zanfan pe get…


Added by Annick Cotte on March 7, 2015 at 8:41am — No Comments

A SALTY welfare organization

 In April 2013 I completed a SALT weekend in Amsterdam with lots of fun. Inspired , I went  back to work in our welfare organization in the south of Holland in Kerkrade. My dream was: A SALTY welfare organization . Big and bold! My dream and enthusiasm helped me to spread SALT slowly and let people around us have positive experiences with it. 2 of my colleagues were then infected with SALT virus, and also joined a weekend in Amsterdam. They helped…


Added by Gemma van Voorst on March 6, 2015 at 8:28pm — 5 Comments

Nepal's First Senior Citizens Day Care and Lifelong Learning Center

I as a youth took this initiative to empower senior citizens by making a group of likeminded colleagues with a common vision and mission. We then started organizing awareness program through signature campaign against elder abuse, awareness program in schools and colleges and finally with some fundraising initiative we started Nepal’s First Day care and Lifelong Learning Center. I have been mobilizing local resources ( human resource, fund, donations) and coordinating with various…


Added by Aarati Poudel on March 5, 2015 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Salty seeds in fertile ground in Ambon - Results and coaching team lessons from first learning event

The result of a six day CLCP learning event in Ambon Indonesia is overwhelming. We count thirty confident facilitators, two potential coaches who can support the new facilitators, and a local partner organisation that is turning into a SALTy organisation. Three action plans are ready for implementation and three communities in a village developed their dreams and exchanged among the teams about possibilities and non possibilities for further…


Added by Marlou on March 5, 2015 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

Villagers of Hatu in action towards their dream


Added by Marlou on February 27, 2015 at 2:34pm — 6 Comments

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