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Mon Experience ( being a SALTY WOMEN )

Cette approche a changer beaucoup de chose dans ma vie personelle et professionel. Elle valorise un contact authentique en integrant les dimensions sensorielles, emotives, intellectuelles,sociales et spirituelles .

Views: 84


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Comment by Annick Cotte on March 24, 2016 at 12:28pm

Le SALT ma aider a travailler entant que leader dans mon equipe de therapie .avec cette nouvelle approche centre sur la personne aide a identifier les besoin et rend la personne actrice de son programme.Travailler avec la communaute a apporte un plus dans mon travaille de pouvoir les ecoute et de travailler a travers des objectif ensuite de pouvoir evaluer .Je continue de grandir et a m'epanouir a travers SALT

Comment by Marie Pamela Aglae on March 24, 2016 at 8:27am

SALT help me to appreciate people .Working with communities treating them equally ,all like human being is now my Motto. SALT is my sharing net work where I learn a lot from communities .From all my experiences of social work for years SALT  change my life and the way to deal with others. it is a huge approach  of appreciating and listening others.

SALT help me to be a better leader

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on March 20, 2016 at 6:33pm

How has SALT changed your life? Please could you share with an example Annick. Merci! See you soon

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