Comme dans mon précédent message,
J'ai trouvé un ensemble de définition et d'explications sur l'empowerment qui est totalement l'approche de la Constellation et sa vision.
Je vous mets ci-dessous les points repris :
"- Certaines constantes se retrouvant dans la majorité des définitions applicables à l’empowerment. Les notions de caractéristiques individuelles (le sentiment de compétence personnelle, de prise de conscience et de motivation à l’action sociale), ainsi que…
Added by Aude on September 24, 2008 at 4:15pm —
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Earlier this month, I was fortunate enough to take part in a Constellation workshop organised by Belcompetence in Brussels. During Friday afternoon and Saturday a wonderfully diverse group of about 30 people introduced themselves to the AIDS Competence process.
There were many things I could write about the weekend, but this note is about Building the Dream, the first step in the Constellation process. I thought about writing it immediately after the weekend, but I decided to give…
Added by Phil on June 23, 2008 at 4:00pm —
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Here are some thoughts based around what I have done and the conversations I've had over the last week.
1. In a conversation with Jean-Louis on Friday, we mused that we did not have a vocabulary to articulate strengths. I guess that what we are saying is that our vocabulary is not well developed. It's a bit like trying to discuss wine. We are all comfortable to say that is good or not so good, but we (I) find it very difficult to describe what is good about it and what is not so good…
Added by Phil on June 16, 2008 at 11:08am —
A Belcompétence, nous venons de vivre une semaine intense. Comme disait Aicha : « Nous avons abattu le travail d’un mois, mais on dirait que nous n’avons passé qu’un jour ensemble ».
Lundi matin : bienvenue chez l’échevine de la santé de Schaerbeek, commune où des personnes de 152 nationalités différentes vivent en paix.
Mardi midi. Les formateurs du centre de jeunes de Molenbeek nous ont invités. Ils sont 16, de toute origine, âge et sexe. Nous sommes venus à 6, nous…
Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on June 15, 2008 at 6:55pm —
Trust the development experts...all 7 billion of them. This is the title of an article in the Financial Times published on 29 May 2008 by William Easterly.
The article is a criticism of the report of the
World Bank Growth Commission. This represents the work of a huge number of people giving their views on what countries need to do in order…
Added by Phil on June 1, 2008 at 10:09pm —
Il est 23 heures à Kinshasa, et je rentre à mon hôtel, l’«African Dream ». Situé sur le boulevard du 30 juin, c’est un chouette hôtel, très sympa, avec Internet gratuit, piscine et tout et tout… Mais voilà, le boulevard est plongé dans une nuit d’encre, et à l’hôtel ce n’est guère mieux : une bougie déposée devant ma porte me rappelle les nuits passées en brousse. Seulement là-bas personne ne facturait la nuit à 175 US$ ! Je me réfugie sous le drap pour échapper aux moustiques ragaillardis par…
Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 20, 2008 at 5:30pm —
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Kinshasa, le 17 mai 2008.
Il n’y a pas grand monde dans les rues ce samedi : le jour est férié, car c’est l’anniversaire de l’entrée triomphale à Kinshasa de Mzee Laurent Désiré Kabila. Je me trouve à un rond point du centre ville, pas loin d’un supermarché. Un vieux papa vient m’offrir des mandarines.
« Le paquet à 2 dollars ! »
« Tu me coupes les jambes avec ton prix. Prends un dollar. »
« Tu prends combien de paquets? »
Tout-à-coup le vieux…
Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 17, 2008 at 4:00pm —
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Voici un message de Aude, membre de l'équipe belge de facilitation. Je voulais le partager avec vous...
"Superbe réunion hier pour la prépa d'African Days avec le visionnage du film Papy. Discussions et échanges très forts et prenants surtout avec des jeunes congolais de l'association "culture et sport".
Réactions très fortes (révoltes face au film concernant les images vues de pauvreté, famine,... tristesse et mal à cause du film qui les blessent par rapport à leur pays, leurs…
Added by Laurence Gilliot on April 10, 2008 at 12:00pm —
Loloata. Une petite île à 10 minutes de l’embarcadère, lui-même à 20 minutes de l’aéroport de Port Moresby. Un gros caillou parmi d’autres dont la crête longitudinale porte un sentier vers un petit sommet d’où la vue magnifique s’offre à 360°. Gare au vertige ! Quelques cabanes en bois sur la plage pour logement. Un hangar pour les repas. Une petite boutique et le coin internet. Mais surtout le bureau des plongeurs. Car d’ici on peut aller admirer les coraux et se balader dans quelque…
Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on April 6, 2008 at 4:30pm —
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Loloata, une petite île de Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée.
Ce samedi soir, pas de gala, mais un musicien du cru. Le personnel danse. Le volume est trop élevé, mais cela ne fait rien. Devant Hans et moi, un gigantesque barbu moustachu chevelu de soixante ans, accompagné d’une fille du cru le tiers son âge. Notre homme sort tout droit d’un film. Il a habité longtemps dans la périphérie de Sydney où il entretenait des avions. Les derniers mètres de sa navette pour rentrer chez lui ne…
Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on April 6, 2008 at 4:30pm —
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This is a transcript of today's '60 second Science' podcast from Scientific American.
"When it comes to saving lives, a personal touch can sometimes work better than drugs alone. That’s what researchers in Uganda found, in a study published in the journal the Lancet. Scientists studied the efficacy of home visits to AIDS patients in rural areas that aren’t served by clinics. Lay workers with no clinical training visited patients weekly to provide potent anti-AIDS…
Added by Phil on March 25, 2008 at 8:51am —
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I want to describe a piece of remarkably effective communication. I know that it is effective because just 2 messages have changed my behaviour and I am confident that those 2 messages have changed my behaviour for ever. I've been talking about this with a variety of people over the last few weeks and I've been trying to understand what it means for how the Constellation communicates.
I got the first message from a poster. As far as I can remember it was a simple black text on a…
Added by Phil on March 20, 2008 at 11:33am —
What attracts our friends from all corners to the Constellation? Honestly I don' t know.
But let me put this out as a test: " We attract people because we offer a way to regain some control over our destiny, and because our style is consistent with our message: we are real".
At least that works for me, for now....
What do you think?
Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 18, 2008 at 7:19pm —
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I'm getting ready to participate in a SALT visit this morning. It is the third time we visit the Schaller school with teenagers with a physical handicap.
This time it is quite special because we go with a friend of Mimi who is paralyzed. BUT he's a lawyer and he grew up in Congo! Mimi always says that when you talk to him for 5 min, you forget his handicap...
We'll talk about their common dream and make some drawings. I'll post some pictures!
Have a great day!
Added by Laurence Gilliot on March 13, 2008 at 9:30am —
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I request every member who was at the EMPHASIS India Knowledge Fair to fill in their perspectives into the AAR and some one to translate into Hindi as my daughter Ayesha is now in Kochi!
What strengths did we see?
- Community Representatives who were coming for the first time able to interact freely and share.
- Most of us had dreams, that EMPHASIS would be owned by the Community in 2014
- All participants are very engrossed…
Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on November 30, 1999 at 6:00am —
Ozia has been at the Hope for Life Centre since late 2009 and has strong opinions on the issue of ‘knowing your status’ and being positive and optimistic about his own HIV status. He arrived in South Africa to find employment as a migrant worker from the agricultural Midlands in politically troubled Zimbabwe.
On arriving at Johannesburg Park Station in March 2008 he called his friend who had motivated him to come to South Africa and asked him for help finding work. This proved…
Added by Onesmus Mutuku on November 30, 1999 at 6:00am —
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