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I will share about what I felt when i became a facilitator at Advocacy and Human Right community in POLBAN. I felt nervous at the begining, because i felt i didn't have experience in advocay things or human right, but then it's start easily when the members share each other. we started with introduced our self. then we tried to share about the greatest moment in their life. one of the members, Ega's moment, he felt proud of became good moeslem (it's so inspired me), and…
ContinueAdded by venty susanty on May 30, 2012 at 4:55pm — No Comments
Added by Ian Campbell on May 28, 2012 at 8:44am — 4 Comments
I feel like we are all here for specific purposes–to be great at something and to provide something unique that makes each one of us exceptional. For me I think that means inspiring motivativating and empowering inviduals;…
ContinueAdded by Sir Dr Adrian Daisley on May 26, 2012 at 1:30am — No Comments
I have a great privilege to be part of a wonderful coaching team for the Aquatic Agricultural System (AAS) Competence in Bangladesh, Solomon Islands and Zambia. Last week, I’ve learned so much from the team (i.e. Bobby from India, Olivia from UK, Onesmus from Kenya and Wiwin from Indonesia) on how to explain the differences between ‘concern’ and ‘problem’ and why the Constellation chooses to emphasize on ‘concerns’. Here are what we have put our thoughts together.
1. What…
ContinueAdded by Sirinate Piyajitpirat on May 24, 2012 at 7:59am — 22 Comments
This is what I feel about person capacity to be able to facilitate CLCP. I'm too worry about giving opportunity to person who actually able to be facilitator but she/he has not already attending TOF or learning event and the like. It's about how to ensure that SALT and CLCP been learned, , shared and transferred without any project intervention or money support. I don't know why I personally been really evoked and involved at this SALT and CLCP things. I just feel that, borrowing Olivia's…
ContinueAdded by wiwin winarni on May 23, 2012 at 5:57pm — No Comments
One of my favorite past time is watching the sunset. My heart leaps with joy at the sight of the clouds, dancing in the colorful display of lights. I thank God for such a magnificent sight and acknowledge that He too has created all humans, beautiful and for a purpose.
Recently I met a Chinese lady by the name,…
ContinueAdded by Maizy Tan on May 23, 2012 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments
Lucia Hass knows how! She shares her recent experience in Myanmar, which she has graciously agreed to cross-post from her site, beads—passion for facilitation.
With development loosing political interest in developed nations, It has become even more important that stories of grassroots organizations get told and heard. Local…
ContinueAdded by Jennifer Lentfer on May 20, 2012 at 2:48pm — No Comments
Many people including women leaders and social workers are excited about women empowerment in development and under developed country. It is true that in those countries, there have been created many opportunities to empowered women and now women especially poor women of those countries are empowered themselves than last decades. Access in Micro finance and borrowing microcredit and getting working opportunity in garment sectors and another big or small industries or business and other…
ContinueAdded by Suman Chowdhury Mony on May 17, 2012 at 12:36pm — 1 Comment
I greatly appreciated the opportunity given to me to listen to two mothers share their stories.
Mdm. E taught me that strong, deeply rooted desires and believing in “I CAN” (a person’s capabilities), is a path that leads to their achievements.
Mdm. E had a very hard life, a life of rejection. Listening to her, I could feel so much positive vibes in her, even though she has not experienced love and appreciation since childhood to her early adult life.
She shared…
ContinueAdded by Christina Maria Padman on May 16, 2012 at 6:38am — No Comments
In the shoes of a service user/participant
I recently attended a painting workshop over three days that helped me to discover more about myself at least, to go beyond my fears. Being a leisure paint/art person I chose to attend this workshop because the criteria was, “ No painting or art experience is required.” which fitted quite well with me as a leisure artist. Also, I just wanted a break, to relax.
At the workshop I was surprised in many ways.…
ContinueAdded by E. Christina Joy on May 15, 2012 at 6:35pm — 1 Comment
"There are no rules. Just follow the principles of being human," he said.
And, suddenly, I realised why this centre - a Government Run Drug Rehabilitation Centre in the snowy forest of Siberia, Russia - was so successful.
Continue"Just follow the principles of being…
Added by Olivia Munoru on May 15, 2012 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments
hello everyone
long time no see here, it's me venty, I'll share about my experince with the new community from Bandung-West Java Indonesia.
this community consist of the students of POLBAN, they are come from different majors. they are : Dede, Fuad, Yasfa, Ega, Abdul, Juang, Hasan, M.Ichwan and the beautiful one Frida.
This afternoon they shared about their community name's, their strength. we learned about CLCP and of course SALT. they have many dreams to make this…
ContinueAdded by venty susanty on May 14, 2012 at 7:14pm — 7 Comments
Histoire 1 : Fin de la clandestinité lien avec l’inclusion
Autrefois, au centre de Toma, on entrait par la grande porte pour bénéficier du counseling et éventuellement faire son test de dépistage. A la fin, on sortait par la petite porte pour éviter de se faire voir par les passants indiscrets.
Maintenant, ceci n’est qu’un lointain souvenir. En effet, grâce à note association de PVVS, nous sommes sereins et confiants en nous-mêmes. Les activités des clubs d’écoute et culinaires,…
Added by Younoussa Diarra on May 8, 2012 at 11:30am — 1 Comment
Avant lorsque le pasteur était mis au courant de l’infection d’un disciple de son ministère, il en informait sa hiérarchie qui prenait des mesures contre le pécheur. La personne était mis au banc des accusés de la communauté. Paer conséquence, le personne était aussitôt stigmatisée.
Certains jetaient le bébé avec l’eau du bain en déclarant.’’ Pourquoi appuyer les PVVS ? Il faut les laisser mourir, comme ça la maladie disparaîtrait avec elles’’
Mais grâce à l’association des PVVS avec…
Added by Younoussa Diarra on May 8, 2012 at 11:30am — 2 Comments
La fin du programme étant annoncée pour bientôt, qu’allons nous devenir et que faire ? C’est ainsi que l’association a initié l’exploitation d’un champ collectif d’arachide à Toma. Le produit de sa récolte nous permet de tirer une pate entrainant dans l’assaisonnement des certains repas communautaires servis aux membres dans le but d’améliorer la qualité nutritionnelle de leur alimentation.
L’insuffisance pluviométrique de la saison dernière n’a pas entamé le moral des gens car nous…
Added by Younoussa Diarra on May 8, 2012 at 11:30am — 1 Comment
En 2009, vingt (20) PVVS se sont rendus en visite d’échange à Koudougou ainsi qu’à Léo pour apprendre et s’inspirer de leurs expériences.
L’apprentissage de Toma à Léo est consigné dans un rapport de mission a confirmé Micheline.
Les PVVS de Toma nous ont beaucoup appris, nous les pasteurs a dit Ki Barnabas
Au cours de conférence-débats, les PVVS répondent aux questions posées par les participants. Des élèves viennent nous voir pour discuter du VIH d’après Zoungrana Moise
Added by Younoussa Diarra on May 8, 2012 at 11:30am — 1 Comment
Les populations, sciemment ou inconsciemment, prennent beaucoup de risques qui les rendent vulnérables au VIH et au sida.
Les facteurs favorisant cette vulnérabilité sont entre autres.
• Les cinq (5) heures : il s’agit de pratiques libertines qui débutent de 17 heures ou 5 heures du soir et prennent fin à 5 heures du matin ou le lever du soleil ;
• Les funérailles. Constituent des occasions de quartier libre où les gens donnent libre cours à leurs pulsions au cours de ces…
Added by Younoussa Diarra on May 8, 2012 at 11:30am — 1 Comment
I've often said that it was easier for me to move to rural Zimbabwe than to Detroit. When people ask me why this farm-girl-turned-aid-worker devoted myself to placing community-driven development initiatives at the forefront of aid, here’s why:…
ContinueAdded by Jennifer Lentfer on May 8, 2012 at 2:29am — No Comments
Jean est une PVVIH de la communauté PEZ Bukavu, il est actif dans l'association Twikile membre de cette communauté, il fait souvent le témoignage de sa vie pour amener les gens au changement de comportement. Pour tout le monde il demande aux gens d'aller se faire dépister, celui qui est infecté pourra avoir la chance d'être accompagné par les assistants sociaux de leur structure de prise en charge psychosociale. Les assistantes sociales, s'occupe de la PTME au centre Hospitalier CBCA…
ContinueAdded by Judith DIALUNDUA on May 7, 2012 at 7:50pm — 1 Comment
Do you share ? Are you getting or giving feedback?
Here's some of my thoughts on what I term as a very vital part of staying connected in our global community.
FEEDBACK, is a very important medium of TRANFERing knowledge and information. A small note in response to a writer makes them feel APPRECIATED and SUPPORTED, even in cases where there is nothing to add; just saying thank you goes a long way.
Feedback provides the writer…
ContinueAdded by Zenita Nicholson on May 7, 2012 at 6:41am — 2 Comments
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