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Stories about Response (2,394)

Mobilising our efforts for a voice at Vienna


Can we as a constellation of connected people, groups and organizations who have experience with facilitating local responses, mobilize to share our experiences and results at the upcoming XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna? This is the challenge UNAIDS recently put to us. The invitation by UNAIDS signals a much greater openness to non bio medical approaches and related results.

Here is the catch: we need to submit as many abstracts as possible by… Continue

Added by Marlou on January 29, 2010 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Good Nutrition for PLWHA

Balanced diet is a process of healing.It is based on this that some women groups in my area have sort better feeding habits as a means of fighting the world's pandemic.

Nutrition is the analysis of food and what it does to the body.It is also the study of the various food types and their nutritional contents. Nutrition also deals with the composition of food, its cooking methods and consequences of lmack of vital nutrientsin the body.

In a workshop carried out last year for trainers… Continue

Added by Njoh Angwi Constance on January 29, 2010 at 11:04am — 1 Comment

Life Competence

Hello all,

I am back at Jakarta almost after 5 weeks. This green city, the ojecks ( motor cycles), vendors at the streets selling all sorts of foods... make me feel I am home. Even this time in Dhaka I was missing Jakarta, life in Jakarta and off course the warm welcoming people of this city! Peoples are busy all day yet not rushing. You won't see here people are walking in hurry. relax and happy smiling faces. In my 2 years stay here now I think peoples smiling face are the… Continue

Added by rebeka sultana on January 28, 2010 at 1:26pm — 3 Comments

Community Life Competence and Inspiration

Hello friends!

A deeply fulfillling 2010 to you! Let us hope the cup of inspiration overflows!!! It all started with Jean Louis' words at the Chiang Mai Knowledge Fair." If we believe that others can be the agents of change, they become the agents of change and then we are inspired" Believing communities could be the agents of change, the Samraksha team had been trying to be catalysts for change in the community for many years. We would often say...we are so charged when we are in… Continue

Added by Sanghamitra Iyengar on January 24, 2010 at 6:57am — 3 Comments

Fate Why?


Fate why?

Question often asked.

I am HIV positive,

Why me?

Turning around,

I could hear some people saying;

I have a heart disease,

I am suffering from cancer of the pancreas "

I am suffering from a disease which,

Medically has not yet been diagnosing. "

Suddenly, I saw this shadow echoing

Footsteps coming towards me.

And the closer, the quite .

Then - said;

I am diabetic,

Also suffering from a liver… Continue

Added by zoneziwoh on January 22, 2010 at 7:03pm — No Comments

Referring SALT to Self Help Group

Mingalarpar to all
I had visited to aids competence office, Chiang Mai at November 2009. During this trip, I could try to understand about the SALT methodology. Then I had tried to transfer these methodology to my staffs, partners and local SHG. So 2 SHG had understand the SALT and then they also tried to apply their activities.Thanks for aidscompetence!!! I think more of SHG will apply SALT and get success in their activities.

Added by Ye Win on January 21, 2010 at 4:34am — 5 Comments

Greater awareness is needed

Dear friends ,

thank you for sharing with me your own experience concerning the situation of women and girls as far as HIV/AIDS is concerned. my worry mostly is because women form the backbone of our economy, especially at the rural level. the life of their family depends almost entirely on them. most women have averagely 3 children.

with such a position in the soceity it is dangerous if this group has to be affected to this level.

the government is doing alot in this area of… Continue

Added by Njoh Angwi Constance on January 20, 2010 at 10:06am — 3 Comments

Songs for change

Songs are powerful tools to inspire change in people. Samraksha teams and the communities have composed and popularized many songs. These are songs challenging stigma, promoting positive living and promoting bonding among and across communities. Here are some instances which particularly stuck me, about the power of songs.

One song speaks the story of a HIV affected child, who has been abandoned by her uncle and aunt. The song traces her life through the phase when she was abandoned… Continue

Added by Bheri M R on January 20, 2010 at 7:52am — 3 Comments

Inclusion: montrons l'exemple!

Les blogs d'aujourd'hui m'incitent à partager un souvenir qui m'est cher.

Ruhaha, juillet 2010.

Nous visitons cette communauté rwandaise proche de la frontière du Burundi. Nous venons des six pays de la GLIA et d'Europe. Entrés dans la salle de réunion, nous refusons de nous assoir à la haute table, et nous mélangeons aux personnes qui nous accueillent. Bosco qui facilite les échanges, nous demande de nos tourner vers nos voisins et de nous faire l'accolade. Nous voici… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on January 19, 2010 at 6:43pm — 2 Comments

Personal sharing inspiring action in others

The sharing of the lived experience of the people with HIV is a source of support for PLHIV and also influences attitudes of other important people like their famiy and their community towards them. This can lead to changes in discriminatory behavior and active offers of support

During a group education session, one positive woman shared that her elder son had started acting in a very discriminatory way towards her. He kept complaining that her illness had stigmatized him, and he… Continue

Added by murari rao samraksha india on January 19, 2010 at 8:37am — 1 Comment

Some inspiring stories of inclusion

Samraksha has been working with different village communities in North Karnataka, and recently engaged in a reflective perspective building process using the self-assessment framework.

Communities dream about being an inclusive society. They want to create a society where there is no stigma, where people with HIV are treated as others, and are able to publicly disclose their status, without any fears and seek support from others. These are some inspiring stories

Basappa's… Continue

Added by Divya Sarma on January 19, 2010 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

Un salto hacia fuera después de un paso hacia dentro: cómo llegué a conocer AIDS Competence y qué significa para mí

Hola a todos y todas!

Como es la primera vez que comparto aquí mi experiencia con la Constelación, quería empezar explicando brevemente cómo llegué a conocer la comunidad de la AIDS Competence. Me acuerdo muy bien del primer día cuando oír hablar del enfoque de la Competence. Era con mi amiga MariJo. Ella volvía de un encuentro en Francia y quería compartir conmigo el entusiasmo de un grupo de personas en el que participaba y con el que se había reunido allí, interesadas en trabajar… Continue

Added by Marion Zibelli on January 18, 2010 at 6:12pm — 6 Comments

SALT Approach and Demistification

Dear All;

This is what I have been learned from facilitating UNICEF Project review at 7 January 2009. At that time I had only 1.5 hour to share SALT as a way of thinkimg and working.

My college from UNICEF and me agreed to maintain reporting and recording (RR) mechanism due to maternal and child health among other priorities. Session was intended by 58 participants from 19 basic healt provider/clinic. As all of participants admit thta providing RR system due the program is… Continue

Added by wiwin winarni on January 18, 2010 at 5:45am — 3 Comments

The second major crisis being faced by Haiti

Every death diminishes us. It is much more painful when it is untimely

and catastrophic in nature.

The poorest country of the western hemisphere (Haiti) has had the worst

earthquake of the last two centuries anywhere in the Globe.

Let us all do our level best to mobilize all types of support at the different

levels (especially though the Indian Diaspora in the USA and Canada)

which our fellow humans desperately need at these troubled… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on January 15, 2010 at 3:35am — No Comments

Beginning to introduce myself: DD Advocacy

This is my first blog entry. I first wrote it as comment in response to Laurence Gilliot, but, then, realized that if enhanced a little, it might serve to introduce myself, at least one facet of my life.

I look forward to spending more time on the aidscompetence site, perhaps finding community that embraces our similarities while respecting our differences.

Currently, most of my "free" time is required by work to save from closure our State operated campuses for people… Continue

Added by Saskia Davis on January 14, 2010 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

Women and Girls: The vulnerable groups

Dear all,
good day. In 2007an HIV/AIDS screening survey was carried out in Cameroon. 7819 people were tested for HIV. 1210 were declared positive. Of this number, 915 were women and 215 men. Alarming isn't it.
More action needs to be taken for these figures to reduce.
Think about it.

Added by Njoh Angwi Constance on January 14, 2010 at 9:15am — 2 Comments

Happy 2010 and Counting Blessings!

Dear All,

Greetings for the new year!

I hope you have all had a super holiday season!

As we begin 2010, we count our blessings for the invaluable support we have from our dear friends, colleagues and partners -- including each one of you. We would also like to convey a special thank you to IKEA for its wonderful work to make a difference in the lives of truck drivers in India.

At the end of December, IKEA, CHP, APL logistics and Albatross conducted a… Continue

Added by Ash Pachauri on January 9, 2010 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

Peer education in the fight against HIV/AIDS

Peers have great potential to influence opinion in their communities and physically deliver services and effect change. Drama and songs were powerful instruments used by peers in a sensitisation campaign to create a greater awareness in the fight against HIV/AIDS in some schools in Yaounde - Cameroon.
peer engagement increases their sense of responsible behaviour vis a vis each other and thus the likelyhood of prevention.

Added by Njoh Angwi Constance on January 6, 2010 at 10:42pm — No Comments

Blood Security

Wish you all a very peaceful,prosperous and meaningful twenty ten.

This year coincides with the 50th year of the statehood of the Indian state of Gujarat and we all are observing the same for the 'Golden Gujarat'("Swarnim Gujarat").

The Indian city of Trivandrum,Kerala deliberated upon FOOD SECURITY in the just concluded Indian Science Congress there.

It is a pleasant coincidence that the meaningful discussion on BLOOD SECURTY were effectively carried out just a… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on January 5, 2010 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

TED - Ideas worth spreading

Happy New Year all!

I've just been listening to another TED video. I have shared one with some of you before. TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. This one is about Learning from Leadership's "missing manual".

I was listening to it from several perspectives:

1. to… Continue

Added by Geoff Parcell on January 3, 2010 at 11:30am — 4 Comments

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