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Stories about Response (2,400)

How a drug user became a Church leader (story shared by Uncle ACP)

[This is the story of Thangkin Gangte from Village New Moava, Nagaland, India.  Uncle Huolai wrote down the story on a piece of paper and gave it to me saying that I must post it on this platform. Uncole Huolai was part of the facilitation team which visited and did SALT visits in Thangkin's village. Uncle Huolai calls himself Uncle ACP]



Added by Rituu B. Nanda on January 11, 2011 at 8:00pm — 6 Comments

A dream building exercise with Nepali women, EMPHASIS Modicare Foundation

29 Dec 2010 को Sarhaul village(Gurgaon)…


Added by Sandhya Mishra on January 7, 2011 at 7:41am — 3 Comments

A Personal Reflection

I don't believe that youths want to live in apathy and ignorance, perhaps they were not given enough opportunities to explore and discover the paths they could have taken. 


As a youth initiated project, we face so many difficulties. For instance, we lack in expertise and experience to execute a community project. We have to establish connections by ourselves, and often we doubt whether are we capable to make it happen? Or worst, sometimes problems may arise within the…


Added by Ng Hui Xin on January 5, 2011 at 11:34am — 4 Comments

First AIDS Kit events for 2011

It is indeed hard to commit to blog once a week - school has reopened and the project is running with full force now. 

Here are plans that I would like share with you all: 


Days Peer toPeer Facilitation Training (After exam, March)



Added by Ng Hui Xin on January 5, 2011 at 11:11am — 1 Comment

SALT visit in Dhangadhi, Nepal

On 26th November Rafique and me conducted one day CLCP workshop followed by a community visit in Dhangadhi. The workshop was participatory with role plays. The participants consist of program staff of both partners from Kanchanpur and Accham.

After demo of the tools in CLCP we went for the field visit. The…


Added by on January 3, 2011 at 5:39am — 6 Comments

Best wishes for 2011 from Dusit and Usa

Dear friends,

As another year is passing us by,

we'd like to thank you, sincerely and gratefully, for another year of

friendship, support, and inspiration, which have made it a meaningful year and

a memorable journey for us.  And we hope to continue the journey with you

in the year to come.  May 2011 be a great year of living, learning,

reflecting, connecting, and sharing for all of…


Added by Usa Duongsaa on December 31, 2010 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

First AIDS Kit Moves On!

FIrst AIDS Kit is moving to a page!


The First AIDS Kit project was established to reduce new HIV infections among youths in Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines, through peer education targeted at at-risk and vulnerable youth…


Added by Ng Hui Xin on December 29, 2010 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

Atelier d'échange des initiatives communautaires face au sida, Casablanca du 14 au 16 décembre.

Zaventem, le dimanche 12 décembre. Alors que l’avion s’apprête au décollage, L’obscurité s’installe et le thermomètre ne cesse de descendre.

Un peu crevée par les émotions de la journée (un oubli stupide de mon passeport m’a conduit à devoir prendre un autre avion) je m’assied avec un soupir de soulagement à côté d’un monsieur très sympa. Un léger accent marocain dans son français me transporte déjà dans une ambiance du Sud.

Arrivée à Casablanca en pleine nuit, je respire un… Continue

Added by Gaetane Gilliot on December 28, 2010 at 3:15pm — 2 Comments

is SALT Dutchable?

Recently, a group of curious people met in Amsterdam to discus if the SALT approach is Dutchable. This is a short reflection of this meeting. I do invite others to add anything they miss.



Added by Maaike van der Velden on December 28, 2010 at 10:01am — 5 Comments

Community Mobile Video Show

CHED-Smiling Family program (SFP)  plan to provide community Mobile Video Show on HIV/AIDS/STI/RH Intervention to Military Families in  Kampong Cham Cambodia.  The project’s goal is to to

increase the safety of sexual encounters among uniformed service men and their

wives. The event will be organize tonight at Battalion 214 of Barrack 21 of…

Added by Vichet LOK on December 27, 2010 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

Kenya Long distance Truck-drivers & Allied workers Union - World AIDS Day Celebration

The above mentioned event was celebrated country wide on 1st December 2010 by various organizations carrying out HIV/AIDS programs and the Kenya Long Distance Truck Drivers Union were not left behind and they celebrated the event with style.
The union with its branches along the northern corridor held processions starting from the port of Mombasa with truck fitted with banners up to Mlolongo trucks stop with the theme for this year world Aids day –UNIVERSAL ACCESS AND HUMAN…

Added by SAMUEL GITHIRE on December 23, 2010 at 2:27pm — 1 Comment

Mobility Competence Process - Self Assessment Framework

Session on Self Assessment Framework

CIHQ, Dec.16, 2010 (11 a.m.-2 p.m.)…


Added by Sandhya Saxena on December 23, 2010 at 2:04pm — 4 Comments

Dream building exercise, Modicare Foundation

Date of visit- 16th Sept 2010



Added by Sandhya Mishra on December 23, 2010 at 7:44am — 5 Comments

Smile and simple for S and touch for T, another enrichment along community engagement

Last November (22 - 26) Chandra and I facilitated Adolescent Reproductive Health Competence at Singkarawang, about 3 hours driving from Pontianak West Kalimantan - Indonesia. Local facilitators from Pontianak, Rudi and Kang Alit also came along. From Tasikmalaya aslo joined our lovely midwive Siti Aminah. We had wonderful time exploring and learning as a person and facilitators among five of us. We have different background this we shared many things from our individual life, learning,… Continue

Added by wiwin winarni on December 21, 2010 at 3:32pm — 4 Comments

CLCP – An Effective Approach


Nari Saksham is a federation of 10 Sex worker CBOs in Andhra Pradesh supported by CARE India.  I am the project coordinator of Community Life competence project with Nari Saksham. India competence is facilitating this process.  I am posting the story shared by Sathyavathi a community facilitator which I have translated from Telugu to English and hoping that this story of Sathyavathi would inspire other’s to attain their dreams in a positive way.


In the process of my…


Added by CHIKKALA PADMA RANI on December 20, 2010 at 5:33pm — 5 Comments

En Belgique,le SALT ne se dit pas,il se montre

En Belgique, le SALT ne se dit pas, il se montre…


C’est une des leçons apprises lors du week-end à l’auberge de Taverneux, le 03/12 et 04/12/2010.

S’il est vrai qu’on peut apprécier les forces de la communauté en posant des questions, il  est d’autant plus facile de les apprécier à travers une activité avec l’individu ou la…


Added by Louis Marie on December 19, 2010 at 8:23pm — 4 Comments

CAD among Peer Educator PMI East Jakarta, Indonesia

Hiii All Friends.,

On 12 December 2010, around 13 Peer educators from Indonesian Red Cross ( PMI East Jakarta )celebrate Community Action day with doing building a dream and do the self assessment.there's a lot of fun and laugh during the activity.,we share and learn from each other.,

the dream of Peer educator is they want to spread the process where ever it is.they want to have a youth center, so every young people can access the information about HIV and AIDS and about…


Added by Dewi Rahmadania on December 15, 2010 at 7:49am — 8 Comments


CHED plan to conduct its SALT Visit and Self-Assessment to the staff in Dec 20-25 2010 in Sihanouk Ville. CHED provided HIV/AIDS/STI/RH Intervention to Military Families in Battambang and Kampong Cham Provinces in Cambodia through Peer Facilitators network supporting CHED´s project activities as volunteers .

The project main interventions included.

  • Provision of health education sessions (monthly for women only, and quarterly for couples)
  • Provision of…

Added by Vichet LOK on December 15, 2010 at 4:51am — 2 Comments

Community Action Day with Dimapur youth

People in Need Foundation (PNF) and Youngs club in Dimapur, Nagaland, India organised Community Action day with the local youth. The youth were given orientation on Community Life competence Process, they built their dreams and made action plans.

Date: 28th November 2010

Venue : PNF, Conference Hall, Dimapur, Nagaland, India

Organized by PNF and Youngs Club, Dimapur

Total No. of Participants: - 24

Facilitators - Fr. Joe Namgkhuchung(PNF, Dimapur)

Bijoya (Program…


Added by Jenpu Rongmei on December 14, 2010 at 7:03pm — 1 Comment

Just a simple stimulation and appreciation helped me to become the 'President of Nari Saksham'- Baby

During theSALT visits in Rajamundry in the month of November 2010, Baby, President of Nari Saksham shares her story to stimulate sex workers to talk. I am glad to share this simple but very inspiring story.

Baby is a very simple and shy woman hailing from a small village in Rajamundry. She has been in sex work profession for the past 20 years and is just a literate. She happened to attend one of the meetings facilitated by K.Padmavathy, Manager-Capacity building. Baby introvert by…


Added by YERUVA ANTHONY REDDY on December 10, 2010 at 1:26pm — 2 Comments

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