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Stories about Response (2,397)

ça continue en bretagne !....


Added by hervé guidou on November 25, 2014 at 12:05pm — 1 Comment

Fundraising: It’s mainly about one’s connection to humanity!

Thanks Rituu, for providing the opportunity to share my thoughts on this important topic....Fundraising.

I am from the eastern part of India and having lived in different metropolitan cities of the region. In my career span, I have worked primarily with organisations such as Greenpeace, ActionAid and Oxfam. Currently, I am associated with Netherlands Leprosy Relief. My career has mainly centered around fundraising with corporate sectors, donor agencies, institutional donors,…


Added by Pankaj Kumar Jha on November 21, 2014 at 6:45am — No Comments

Appreciative Inquiry - a video of MYRADA - a community development organization

This video presents the story of MYRADA - a community development organization.

Appreciative Inquiry-A Beginning documents the experience of development workers and community members with appreciative inquiry, an innovative approach to bring about lasting change. Appreciative inquiry empowers local people by helping them build a vision for a…


Added by Dawn Dole on November 18, 2014 at 4:21pm — No Comments

With HUMAN resources, we are much richer

With thanks to Rituu for the invitation to all Constellation members to share experiences on fundraising! The request reminded me of an 'old' story that I shared during the International…

Added by Marlou on November 17, 2014 at 9:40am — 5 Comments

The impact of appreciation on Stigma

Dear friends,

Greetings and trust you are well!

May I kindly share with you this short paper that largely draws learning from Mauritius in the first quarter of our partnership with MCB FF in the context of applying CLCP/SALT in the issue of drugs.

We explored the power of appreciation and its impact on stigma among people using drugs and their families. In the spirit of appreciation, enormous strengths of reconciliation were evident and over flows to neighborhoods were…


Added by Onesmus Mutuku on November 17, 2014 at 4:26am — 4 Comments

Transferring the approach… what does that actually mean?

ABOUT TRANSFER - When the Constellation team shares its excitement about its approach and the impact it has on their lives, some people want to apply it in their context, and invite us to facilitate them. Together with them, we transfer the approach. The TRANSFER function organizes (at scale) the response to invitations of people and communities to apply the appreciative way of working (SALT) and the CLCP learning cycle.

9 Months after arriving on this Paradise Island, we…


Added by Joke D´haese on November 15, 2014 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

The power of crowdfunding isn't in the funding, it's in the crowd.

I will share my experience on importance of creating a connection between the NGO with donors.

I don’t see a time in my life when I have not known the non-profit sector… I was indoctrinated into it. My mother was the director of a small nonprofit organization. After graduate school, I got a job in a grantmaking organization where I worked to support more than 60…


Added by Michael Gale on November 12, 2014 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Opening of the new David L. Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry

I am so pleased to share with all of you the news of the opening of the new David L. Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry, an AI-focused academic center that the Stiller Family Foundation established and named in Cooperrider’s honor located in the Robert P. Stiller School of Business at Champlain College, in Burlington, Vt.,

The center was dedicated during a ceremony at Champlain College on Nov. 8th.

“To be sure,” Cooperrider said, “this is not…


Added by Dawn Dole on November 12, 2014 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

Competences or Sharing Circle

last Thursday, we held in Brussels a 'Competences or Sharing Circle';

this gathering was initiated by a post of Laurie about an exchange system in Bogota (; it was opened to anyone: invitation was sent to the Belcompetence members, with extension to their friends;

we came together and shared personal practices: Laurie guided us through the preparation of vegetarian recipes…


Added by Nathalie Legros on November 9, 2014 at 4:09pm — 4 Comments

My friend woke me up from that brown sugar nightmare

Rupesh, 27, Civil Engineer, has two sisters and one brother. From his 13 up until his 22, he was committed to sports. He even used to play for the Mauritius national team. But with sports you can’t earn a living in Mauritius. When Rupesh began working at the age of 22, he earned a lot of money. He made very long working days and put aside his sports.…


Added by Annick Cotte on November 6, 2014 at 8:30am — 7 Comments

Axiom News points to promise in enabling local, strengths-based response to Ebola

Good morning,

As many of you know, we at Axiom News have also stepped up to use our media assets in order to highlight the promise we see in enabling a local, strengths-based response to Ebola. The story continues to make its rounds.

Warm regards,Michelle

Added by Michelle Strutzenberger on November 3, 2014 at 5:25pm — No Comments

Addressing HIV in India through Community Life Competence Approach

Bobby Zachariah, Coach, The Constellation for Community Life Competence  

Nabesh Bohidar, Care India

Rituu B. Nanda, The Constellation

HIV is a significant issue impacting India, especially among its migrant populations. In this short article, we describe a strength-based facilitative intervention designed to reduce HIV vulnerabilities among those groups.  This action, applying a participatory Community Life Competence approach, was developed and carried out by…


Added by Nabesh Bohidar on October 31, 2014 at 7:00am — 1 Comment

The legacy and sustainability of Participatory Video

Another field visit has passed like the wind. It left rich learning behind for all of us: for you and me. It’s been a pleasure really to hear local facilitators in Guyana, Cameroon, South Africa and the Philippines reflect on the legacy and sustainability of Participatory Video in their communities, alongside Jay Mistry from…


Added by Soledad Muniz on October 29, 2014 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

The 2015 World Appreciative Inquiry Conference call for proposals and registration is now open!

Please join us in South Africa in July 2015 for the World Appreciative Inquiry Conference! Proposal submissions are due Jan 15, 2015  and the Early Bird Registration closes January 31..  

WAIC Website Link

 Hope to see you there!

Added by Lindsey Godwin on October 28, 2014 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Les habitants d'une commune Belge, construisent sur leurs forces et compétences pour réaliser leur rêve commun pour leur village!

Les habitants du village de Grez-Doiceau (Belgique) développent leur rêve commun et utilisent leurs forces et compétences pour agir ensemble!


Pendant deux jours, 45 habitants de la commune de Grez-Doiceau, ont partagé leurs rêves pour mieux vivre ensemble, ont noué des liens entre voisins pour construire ensemble leur village de rêve. A l'initiative d'un groupe d'habitant, les habitants de ce village ont été invité à…


Added by khorchi laurie on October 20, 2014 at 5:10pm — 4 Comments

The stories still hard to find: The local responses to Ebola

This morning when I googled "local response" + "ebola", here's some of the headlines I found:

Nurse's visit spurs Ohio Ebola fears 

Florida: County and hospitals prepare for Ebola

As KU Hospital tests patient with Ebola-like symptoms, Lawrence agencies coordinate response

Denton City Council to be briefed on virus…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on October 20, 2014 at 2:14pm — 1 Comment

Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) explained through animation

Hi All,

Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is an approach to community development, as well as a way of thinking and seeing.Here's a great clip explaining ABCD through animation - it's great!

I'm going to use it often when people ask me, "What do you actually do for work?"…


Added by Dee Brooks on October 19, 2014 at 7:00am — 8 Comments

When you believe People can, They can!

When you believe People can, They  can!

Two weeks ago, I joined some enthusiastic community volunteers from Flacq on a visit to  Etoile d’Esperance. This is an organization in Mauritius, working to help women with alcohol addiction and other related problems to take treatment and transition to a new life. It offers a residential programme for fifteen women apart from day care and after care.

The visit was special. The residents showed us around in small groups,…


Added by Sanghamitra Iyengar on October 10, 2014 at 3:39pm — 1 Comment

Inhabitants of Grez-Doiceau put their dreams at work

Grez-Doiceau in Belgium is dreaming and planning this weekend.

Belcompétence is demonstrating again the example of what is possible, enjoy this vidéo:

Good luck to the team of facilitators!!


Added by Marlou on October 10, 2014 at 8:34am — 2 Comments

Equipe de sensibilisation dans la ville de Macenta

Au travers les compétences face à Ebola, un groupe encadré par la mission Philafricaine  applique SALT par le porte à porte.

Added by joseph koïvogui on October 10, 2014 at 12:01am — No Comments

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