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Stories about Response (2,397)

Partage d'expérience :''L'Ecoute'' dans la lutte contre le travail forcé et la traite des enfants en Inde.

Bonjour Rituu!

Heureux de pouvoir te lire et de te savoir en action dans la

facilitation de la réponse face au travail forcé et à la traite des

enfants en Inde. Tout en encourageant cette initiative, je voudrai ici

partager quelques mots au sujet de l'écoute.

En effet, l'écoute est appelé à être développé continuellement pour

chacun de nous tous, humains. C'est un…


Added by Jean Baby Fulama Zanzala on May 20, 2016 at 3:28pm — 3 Comments

SALT visit stimulates women to take immediate action

I am a social worker and was to arrange for SALT visit in the village of Bachauli, Khanpur Block on the banks of river.  Villagers are primarily engaged in fishing, working in brick klins and as bonded labourers in agriculture. Men primarily work in bricklins where they earn Rs 500-700 per day (10-15 USD).

I was arranging logistics for the SALT and therefore, could not participate in the SALT discussion. The SALT facilitation team left. As I was arranging, I was finishing and came…


Added by Manoj Kumar on May 18, 2016 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

What happens when others listen to us?

Rituu B Nanda from Constellation conducted SALT training for staff from organisations- PGS and TIP in Allahabad.  I am a research scholar who joined this event and accompanied for the SALT visits. When Rituu introduced us to SALT, she asked a question on L for listening in SALT, which evoked a lot of discussion amongst us. Here are some points from the discussion.

What is listening? There is a difference between hearing and listening.  When you listen attentively and carefully…


Added by peeyush tripathi on May 17, 2016 at 9:30am — 11 Comments

Connect! Don’t Collect! : The Art of Community Mapping

The following is an actual conversation I had with the Manager of a medium sized organisation in 2008 after I had delivered an Asset-based Community-driven (ABCD) keynote presentation at a national conference in Brisbane:

Manager, “We tried that asset mapping thing! It didn’t work!”

I asked, “Could I ask what you did and with who?”

Manager, “It was a staff meeting, I drew up 6 columns (one for each asset) and asked all my staff…


Added by Dee Brooks on May 5, 2016 at 2:49am — No Comments

SALT and Facilitation of Systemic Action Research

Names of the Organization: TIP UP, PGS (Allahabad U.P.) Group members who participated in the discussion- Dr. Sunit, Saurabh, Sushil, Santosh, Subedar, Shashi, Roshanlal, Sanjay, Piyush, Poonam, Anu,  Avantika, Ravindra, Shahjad.

 We are doing a Geneva Global Systemic Participatory Action research project. It is supported by Freedom fund and led by IDS, Sussex. During our recent meeting where PGS and TIP staff discussed what makes a good facilitator. Our team compared…


Added by SUSHIL KUMAR RAI on May 2, 2016 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

A brand new website :) ! [French in comments below]

Today, yet another dream has been birthed into reality for the Constellation: a brand new website! The idea was a new look and feel, but more importantly, a new showcase for our ever-evolving community!…


Added by Célicia Theys on May 2, 2016 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Community Radio: Means of Life line During the Crises in Nepal

The history of Nepal is general considered to have begun in 1768-69 B.S., when Prithivi Narayan Shah, the king of Gorkha, unified Nepal. The total area of Nepal at present is 147,181 Sq. Km. with a rectangular shape. It is about 192 Km. wide from North to South and 880 Km. long from East to West. Nepal is located between 26022' and 30027' north latitudes and 8004' and 88012' east longitudes and has four vegetation zones viz, tropical, deciduous, monsoon forest, subtropical mixed evergreen…


Added by Ram Chandra Lamichhane on May 1, 2016 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Why SALT in Systemic Participatory Action research?

I am part of the Systemic Participatory Action research project on modern slavery (bonded labour, child labour and trafficking) in two states- Bihar and UP in India. IDS with Praxis is leading the action research and the project is supported by Freedom Fund and Geneva Global and is being facilitated by eight NGOs. I captured some thoughts of facilitators from PGS and TIP on why SALT can be effective in in Systemic Participatory Action research? …

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on April 28, 2016 at 8:00am — 3 Comments

Aged Care & Disability Chair Chi Training

Here's our new Aged Care & Disability Chair Chi Training video clip that members may be interested in.

It's a short clip of 4'50 duration and covers the workshop in action and interviews with staff and residents and myself at Bupa Donvale aged care here in Melbourne, Australia.

We currently run training programs for staff, carers and volunteers in aged care centres throughout Australia.

I'd be interested to read any feedback you may have to offer.…


Added by chris on April 25, 2016 at 6:30am — 4 Comments

Festival Global d'Echange - Version française

Cher(e)s ami(e)s

Avec un peu de retard, voici donc les Newsletters du Festival Global d'échange en Français. J'espère que vous aurez autant de plaisir à les lire que nous en avons eu à les rédiger ou traduire lors de ce merveilleux festival mauricien. 



Added by Luc Barriere-Constantin on April 16, 2016 at 11:00am — No Comments

Feu d'artifice ou arbre en fleurs?

Un feu d'artifice évanescent ou un arbre en fleurs? Quelle image utiliser pour représenter le festival d'échange de la semaine dernière à l’Île Maurice? Pour ma part l'arbre en fleur représente mieux le festival parce qu'il portera des fruits. Nous avons quitté le festival heureux et déterminés d'agir différemment sur la base de ce que nous avions appris avec les communautés au cours de la semaine.

Pour moi, le voyage à l'île Maurice a été d'abord un voyage intérieur. Chaque réunion m'a…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on April 13, 2016 at 5:03pm — No Comments

Scaling in for scaling out

Evanescent fireworks or a blossoming tree: which image would best represent last week’s Global Learning Festival in Mauritius? For my part the blossoming tree better represents what happened to us here last week because our festival will bear fruit. We left the festival with happy determination to act differently on the basis of what we had learned with communities over the week.

For me, the travel to Mauritius was a travel within, as each meeting gave me the opportunity to deepen my…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on April 13, 2016 at 3:56pm — 1 Comment

Bonjour a vous tous, D'abord merci a tout nos amis d'ici et surtout ceux de l'etranger qui étaient a Mahebourg Mardi dans le cadre de Learning Festival.Nous avons vecu vraiment un moment fort,j'ai ét…

Bonjour a vous tous,

D'abord merci a tout nos amis d'ici et surtout ceux de l'etranger qui étaient a Mahebourg Mardi dans le cadre de Learning Festival.Nous avons vecu vraiment un moment fort,j'ai été personellement tres touché par la simplicité, la sagesse et la bonne humeur des personnes que j'ai rencontré.Grace a leur soutient,leur  et  leur encouragement,je me suis senti forte et prete a aller de l'avant dans notre reve de travailler ensemble avec la communauté,pour voir un…


Added by bianca jhureea on April 12, 2016 at 7:34am — 2 Comments

A Dream Machine that produces joy

For the principle for Action:

“Si on crée l’espace pour l’expresssion, les capacites des personnes vont éclore”


The dream machine that produces happiness

“Are the children in the Village de Tamarinier poor?” asks my ten year old daughter Chiara when I call her after a day of visiting this Mauritian village. I hesitate. Yes, at the first sight…


Added by Marlou on April 11, 2016 at 5:14pm — 3 Comments

yoga class in shiksha jyoti ngo

आज दिनांक 7/4/2016 को शिक्षा ज्योति संस्था के द्वारा दस बच्चो को योगा  क्लास दी गयी| इस क्लास का मकसद बच्चो में योगा  के प्रति और स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूकता फेलाना है इस योगा क्लास में शिक्षा ज्योति संस्था की सवयम सेवक देवकी जी ने सभी बच्चो को योगा करने के लाभ बताए और सभी बच्चो को योगा भी करवाया | सभी बच्चे इस योगा क्लास से काफी खुश थे और बच्चो ने कहा की हम रोज योगा करेंगे |

Added by YASH PAL on April 8, 2016 at 8:44am — No Comments

SALT for local capacity development in First Nations communities in Canada

Thank you members for allowing me to join your group.

My last major assignment was to assist a small rural university campus directing commmunity services and business development team. Rural students attended Agriculture and Food processing study programs. I noticed we were few Canadians in the group and wonder theu have have heard about University of Guelph francophone Campus d'Alfred in the Canadian province of Ontario. One person in our small team worked on international projects…


Added by Maurice Morin on April 7, 2016 at 12:50am — No Comments

Short and Sweet Global Learning Festival Newsletter day four

Constellation and Le Pont du Tamrinier have organised the Global Learning Festival fwhere we are sharing and exchanging on community response to different issues.

Here comes the newsletter number four. Its short and sweet.

We are spending today and tomorrow on building knowledge assets with communities. You will short notes on that, meeting of national country teams, powerful sharing on…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on April 7, 2016 at 12:11am — No Comments

Global Learning Fest newsletter day three- creative!

Here is the newsletter number 3 from the Global Learning Festival. I liked the following elements from the contributions

  • Creative- there is a drawing, poem etc
  • French colleagues responded!
  • Three nice things of the day
  • Virtual participants shared!
  • Collaborative newsletter




Added by Rituu B. Nanda on April 6, 2016 at 8:23am — 1 Comment

Collaborative Global Learning Festival Newsletter 2016- Day two

Today in the Global Learning Festival we divided into four teams to being the SALT visits. The joy and excitement on the faces of the team members who returned from the SALT visits was a beautiful sight. How just listening, learning and appreciating can stimulate community to respond- simple yet powerful. Read the details in today's newsletter



Added by Rituu B. Nanda on April 4, 2016 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Collaborative Newsletter Global Learning Festival 2016 - Day one

The newsletter is GLF 3rd April Attachment

In a nutshell…

People arrived from about 11 countries. Conversations flow…the application of SALT is moving to many more areas. SALT is beginning to permeate in all spheres of personal as well as professional life.  SALT begins from self, thereafter with the family. Moving to the profession we apply it  with our…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on April 4, 2016 at 2:08am — No Comments

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