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Stories about Response (2,464)

we had plenty SALT in TRINIDAD

Thank to all the who atteended tha AIDS COMPETENCE WORK SHOP it was a wonderfull experance and very informitive.

We also shared lots of information from our communitise and how we use SALT to work in our comminities.

The facilitators from GUYANA was great they work with us so we were well SALTED when we lef the workshop

Thank again from the members of TOBAGO OASIS FOUNDATION.



Added by doncil granderson on July 21, 2011 at 5:31pm — 4 Comments

Disciples of SALT

Disciples of SALT

The skill or art of communication is a two edged sword; similar is the skill or art of empathetic listening; however they are important elements for the SALT agent.  If your life, however is not grounded or rather built on the foundation of universal principles that stimulates and facilitates a win/win solution to our many societal and developmental challenges, such as HIV/AIDS all you would be as an agent in the response is just another mercenary, looking out for…


Added by Anderson Figaro on July 20, 2011 at 5:54pm — 1 Comment

Cordaid HIV/AIDS Award 2011 Launched - Submit your application!!!

2011 Cordaid HIV and AIDS Award: Help spread the information Please find enclosed and attached the announcement for the 2011 edition of the Cordaid HIV and AIDS Award. The Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development (Cordaid) is seeking nominations from organisations actively involved in the linking of community- and formal health and care services for people living with HIV. Cordaid wishes to award two organisations - one Civil Society Organisation and one Faith Based Organisation -…


Added by Jennie van de Weerd on July 19, 2011 at 12:40pm — 2 Comments

Hussein reflects on the power of a home visit

*Over the course of two years, The Constellation has partnered with the Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in Ethiopia to integrate AIDS Competence (ACP) into their existing Community-Managed Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR) programme. During a support visit in Borana, one Ethiopian participant - Hussein - experienced firsthand the power of SALT through a home visit.*


“My name is Hussein Omar, coming…


Added by Ricardo Walters on July 19, 2011 at 11:55am — 1 Comment

Human Beings

Human beings,

The skill or art of communication is a two edged sword, similar is the skill or art of empathetic listening, both important elements for the SALT agent. However If your life is not grounded or rather built on the foundation of universal principles that stimulates and facilitates a win/win solution to our many societal challenges, such as HIV/AIDS all you would be as an agent in the response is just another mercenary, looking out for yourself and manipulating, and…


Added by Anderson Figaro on July 18, 2011 at 10:29pm — 1 Comment

Pass the Salt - Part 2


Something has not been connecting. Honestly. After years of pumping funds into projects and organisations we are still being faced with an epidemic that's threatening the workforce and future of our nation. Truthfully, people know. At least, they say they do. However, they are not adopting positive behaviors.


As a society, as a community we are concerned. Genuinely so, we wrestle with ourselves trying to find the solutions that create positive behaviour change. We…


Added by David Dk Soomarie on July 18, 2011 at 7:18am — 1 Comment

Holding on to the past

I have been thinking.....sometimes we hold on to the past which directly affects if we actualize our goals or fail.Too many times we are forced to listen to those that sit and complain about the past experiences using it as reason why something is not going to work in the future. To those of you who do that, I say wake up and smell the coffee. Yes I believe that we need to learn  from our past experiences, that we can transfer skills and lessons learnt  to create new and better…


Added by Michael Mc Garrell on July 17, 2011 at 5:00am — 3 Comments

..."the salt of the earth"...


Colleagues, participants, human beings to appropriately understand, there must be dialogue; for change to be sustainable, significant, and quantum there must be a change in mind-set…the old way of doing thing begs for change…how timely this salt visit.

In the Arab countries, an agreement was sealed with a gift of salt to show the strength and permanence of the contract: In the book of Matthew, 5:13 (a book in the Bible) believers are called “the salt of the earth”. Let the salt…


Added by Anderson Figaro on July 14, 2011 at 7:21pm — 1 Comment

A gesture from the heart

Here is another moving sharing by a volunteer at the convention organized recently by Samraksha. The spontaneity of his actions, the immediate recognition of basic human rights and his conerned response is heartwarming. Read more about his actions, and watch the video of his sharing here !!!

Added by Divya Sarma on July 13, 2011 at 6:56am — 2 Comments

Call of the Caribbean: Part II: The SALT Visits and the Self Assessment Framework

(This blog must be updated with all your corrections, as the vagaries of time are fast eroding its veracity. Please comment, and suggest your corrections to which we look forward and thank you in advance.)

Neither Doncil’s birthday party which ended at the early morning hour of 3:30 AM, nor the steady drizzle could dampen…


Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on July 11, 2011 at 8:00pm — 22 Comments

Our experienсe in SALT method

Hi all from Kazan!

A want to share our experience in SALT method. Recently we've learned it and we practeсed it. Our practice was in a family where parents desided adopting four children with HIV from their birth. And one of these children has also cerebral palsy.  We interviewed the parents with interest asking them about their strengths and what they are proud for in their life and what things made them so strong in their desire to take children in their family. We are very grateful…


Added by Kamilla Sabirova on July 9, 2011 at 3:48pm — 4 Comments

Call of the Caribbean: Part III: One End is another’s Beginning:

(This blog will be updated with all corrections suggested. Please comment, and suggest your corrections to which we look forward and thank you in advance.)


The end of the event is the beginning of Ning and Learning Blended. For, once hooked to ACP and CLCP, one is hooked for Life. This was the message Autry and Michael had clearly spelt out during their presentations on Ning and Blended Learning.  

Testimonials galore:

Proceeding into the Plenary…


Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on July 8, 2011 at 7:03pm — 5 Comments

Pass the SALT - Reflections on the Trinidad Experience.


Ironically enough, the Trinidad Experience did not begin in Trinidad, but in Guyana. A  T&T delegation comprising of government officials and representatives from civil society got themselves "salted" at the Clara Lodge Hotel in Guyana. We did not only see the application of the process in our own lives, but we saw the real life applications of it when we conducted two SALT visits, one with Prison Officers and the other with the MSM community. Personally, the visit to the Prison…


Added by David Dk Soomarie on July 8, 2011 at 6:51am — 11 Comments

In My life the mean of this approach

The approach has been very significant in my life, as in the family helps me definir and prioritise concerns and together seek solutions through locally available resources. There is already an attention especially in terms of time share, learn, transfer, however a number of issues that looking back a bit not affordable. We have now set or fortify relations with my neighbors where he shares his concerns vice versa. What this means to implement the ACP recognizes that each discussion there is… Continue

Added by Inacio T. Paruque on July 7, 2011 at 12:20pm — 6 Comments

Self/Community Assessment Framework on HIV for Trinidad and Tobago

Dear Friends,


Our new friends from Trinidad and Tobago are in the process of developing their National AIDS Coordinating Program (NACP) and are doing it through the Competence Process. Consequently, please help them to tinker with the Self Assessment framework. Looking forwards to everyone from the T&T ACP Event to land on this page and give their inputs online after the workshop, so that we can all together continue on the journey towards Competence. A couple of days ago…


Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on July 7, 2011 at 9:30am — 2 Comments

Salt Visit - Mozambique Matola & Boane

The month of June have been engaged in the salt visits into Disability & HIV  Project in Mozambique (Maputo Province - Municipy of Matola and Boane District. It really was a unique moment when we see the communities sharing, learning, transfering as it has answered the questions of HIV through local response to minimize its impact. I'll tell you one thing struck me very in the community for I visited. a house of a very young couple together, share a view that as the situation has somewhat… Continue

Added by Inacio T. Paruque on July 6, 2011 at 2:37pm — 1 Comment

The example set by a woman leader

Samraksha recently organized an inspiration sharing event for community volunteers to share their experiences. 


This is a powerful sharing by a woman leader Parvatamma on how she helped fight stigma in the community through her personal action and ensured adequate livelihood for women affected by HIV in her community.


You can see the post at …


Added by Divya Sarma on July 6, 2011 at 8:51am — 2 Comments

First of all, we are All Human

Digesting all my learning from a week in Samara, a beautiful Russian city at the Wolga, it appears to me, now clearer then ever, that SALT is a natural process. It reminds us to be ‘normal’, to be the human beings we are in all our interactions.

Natasya, in her wheelchair during our last (in a series of 6) SALT visits that week says it beautifully:

“These meetings with your team once again proved that it is not important how we look, what language we speak, what confession we are…


Added by Marlou on July 5, 2011 at 4:08pm — 7 Comments

Now that I know your story, your problem is mine

“I only regret one thing”, says the young Elena, “and that is that I did not dare to let my tears flow”. During the After Action Review on this mornings SALT visit to a Roman Catholic Community in Samara (Russia) I see a new Elena. After this SALT visit she is full of energy and sees a new way forward for herself and the people around her.

The day before… Continue

Added by Marlou on July 5, 2011 at 3:52pm — 6 Comments

Call of the Caribbean: Towards AIDS Competence in Trinidad and Tobago

The beginnings:

It was one of the most quickly organized visits. In a week, we had decided the itinerary for travel, got a visa, and I was on my way to Trinidad and Tobago. For from 4 to 7 July 2011, the Constellation will introduce the AIDS Competence Process (ACP) to organisations and communities in Trinidad and Tobago. Michael Mc Garrell, Autry Haynes, and me were the three facilitators for this event.

We had a preparatory meeting on the 3 July 2011, going…


Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on July 5, 2011 at 12:30am — 8 Comments

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