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Posted on February 28, 2014 at 2:21pm 2 Comments 4 Likes
I do not really remember when I got acquainted with SALT method – I accidentally got to the meeting made by Svetlana Izambaeva where I first heard about SALT method. I can say that I didn’t get it fully and never thought that in a while I will have another meeting. My first SALT experience happened in October 2012 when Rituu came to Kazan to teach us something new and…
Posted on December 17, 2013 at 1:30pm 0 Comments 2 Likes
Созвездие (Constellation) - международная организация, которая собирает различные сообщества по разным важным темам, таким, как ВИЧ, малярия, вопросы полового неравенства, необходимых санитарных условиях.
Русские субтитры предоставлены Doina Bolgari из Молдовы…
ContinuePosted on December 5, 2011 at 2:14pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
Я думаю, что одно из самых больших наших достижений сегодня, это встреча с представителями Интернет- сообщества. Татьяна, Алесандр Афанасади Фидипов и я влюбились в идею СОЛТ и мы действительно хотели опробовать что-то в этом роде. 30 ноября мы пригласили к нему людей, которые известны благодаря своим публикациям в Интернете – журналистов- блоггеров и альтернативных пользователей социальных сетей, так же, как и детей из юношеских организаций.
Мы очень волновались, что они откажутся…
Posted on November 2, 2011 at 2:30pm 0 Comments 5 Likes
UNAIDS and Constellation organised a Knoweldge fair in Odessa in Oct 2011. Alla was one of the participants who went for her first SALT visit. She was very impressed by SALT. She gave a video recording of her experience in Russian which Rituu will upload. I saw the video and did the English translation. I live in Russia and did the English translation for Rituu when she was the facilitator in Kazan. I am very taken in with SALT and from a translator also became a SALT…
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A very happy birthday dearest Milka! You are our star! Love, best wishes on your special day. Have a great celebration. Wish could send you a gift.
I am here again to thank you for yet another translation! we are lucky to have you in our team.
Thanks dear Milka. Your wall is going to be filled with this word for so much you do for us.
Thanks for encouraging new members, Milka.
Hey Milka, I would love to see you in India. Love from Ektarinaburg:-)
Thanks dear Milka!
Welcome to Community Life Competence, my friend!
Could you add your picture as it adds a human touch to your profile? (go to 'settings' then 'upload photo')
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Warm regards,
Laurence and Rituu