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Nigeria Trip Report


Activity: Frontier Process


Location:Uruk Otong Corps (AISW Division)


Date: 13th July-4th August 2011



  • To build young people's competence on HIV/AIDS
  • To build young people's experience around Psycho-Social Support for OVC
  • To build the leadership competency of the youth in responding to issues affecting their communities
  • To expose…

Added by ukeme okon on August 17, 2011 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

News from ARH Competence at Indonesia!

Thanks to have reading ARH on ning. Even not much additional information ARH Competence has been improving in number of groups. Newly recruited facilitators and me keep promoting this. At Bandung West Java Province at least there are two schools and six universities that adopt ARH Competence. One project will be presented at the ICAAP as poster presentation. The issues also becoming wider. It's now dealing with youth competence (life skill education, English, proposal/abstract writing class,…


Added by wiwin winarni on August 17, 2011 at 9:49am — 2 Comments

A "what if...?" moment

A very important question was posed in response to's recent guest post, "Participation: Reality or the Promised Land? A View from South Sudan, which is "What can development professionals who believe in and practice participatory processes do to promote it?"


It’s a tough question to answer, especially for people on the “inside” of the system, because this often means…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on August 17, 2011 at 2:48am — 2 Comments

Amazing S.A.L.T.

My experience thus far facilitating S.A.L.T.

Presently I am supporting/stimulating, appreciating, listening, learning and transferring with 29 youths all under 17, the youngest being 12…it is truly amazing to see cold, defensive youths who were severely abused, truly open up when they are asked about their dreams,, hopes, concerns…empathetic listening truly breaks down barriers.

There was this particular beautiful girl child who did not want to speak to me in the…


Added by Anderson Figaro on August 16, 2011 at 4:22am — 3 Comments

The Arts of Survival

I’m currently in Santa Fe, New Mexico and last weekend I stopped in at a favorite place of mine here, the Museum of International Folk Art. A current exhibit, “The Arts of Survival: Folk Expression in the Face of Disaster,” had caught my eye and I wanted to check it out.…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on August 15, 2011 at 7:12pm — No Comments

Indeed there is an other way:bottom up approach and S.A.L.T, best practice for malaria competence

Well this is my first blog and i want to first talk about my inspiration with the bottom up approach of the community life competence before loading blogs on my specialty as a malaria coach and facilitator.

My journey with the Constellation started in the summer of 2005 when I joined the Constellation community of learning and sharing of malaria competency experiences and in building and strengthening communities to scale up for impact. This experience is…

Added by Marie Chorr on August 14, 2011 at 11:00pm — 8 Comments

Participation: Reality or the Promised Land? A View from South Sudan

In response to an earlier post on, “Sorry but it’s not YOUR project,” a reader offered the following guest post. Andebo Pax Pascal shares his experience as an aid worker in Africa’s newest country.


My friend Tom is working for “Aid Agency X”, which has prided itself in working ‘with’ and not ‘for’ the people, a sign that it is ready to involve the community in its development…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on August 12, 2011 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Creating an effective Self Assessment Framework while applying CLCP to other life issues

I want to share an experience on creating a new framework and would like your input on my main question: when is a framework most effective?


Creating a Self Assessment Framework in Surinam

We're applying the CLCP to WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) in 16 villages in Surinam. During the first week of the project we transfered the process to 30 trainers and facilitators. During this week we also created the…


Added by Boris Alberda on August 12, 2011 at 9:22pm — 3 Comments

ACP - With my life

I realize that ACP has been important for my life. ACP show me that wherever who are, where you are what you have but the most important is that: People have strengths, have something to share and learn from each other. No matter the social statement, but that the community know something and that we have to take advantage. This is what ACP teach me day-by-day.

Added by Inacio T. Paruque on August 11, 2011 at 12:41pm — 2 Comments

Empowering women to protect themselves: Successes in female condom programming, Aug 8, 2011, UNAIDS

Ensuring that high quality condoms are widely available, either free or at an affordable price, is fundamental to a pragmatic and effective AIDS response. In a recently published report, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) focuses on the increasing use of female condoms and highlights how millions of women around the world are now using this method to protect themselves against HIV.


HIV prevention that women can control

Titled HIV prevention gains momentum:…


Added by Tapati Dutta on August 10, 2011 at 6:57am — 2 Comments

What have we done and What have we not done about HIV and Aids

In my point of view, we need to move from having project- specific assistance to Developmental and Institutional Projects because this is what makes the changes sustainable.

If a person is diagnosed with HIV, his or her capacity must be built. He or she needs support to develop confidence in him/herself and take charge of his/her own fate as well as the task of convincing other positive people to come out.and this is lacking in our communities.


We must also not forget…


Added by Amy Ndinda Mutunga on August 7, 2011 at 3:27pm — 2 Comments

Behind the Barricades, There Is Happiness

Richard Moore describes himself as “just a guy who wanted to help.”

This is somehow funny coming from a man whom the Dalai Lama refers to as “my hero.”

Well known to the residents of Derry, Ireland, where we met last month, Richard Moore was shot at the age of 10 by a British solider on his way home from school. Taking a rubber bullet on the bridge of his nose, Richard lost…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on August 5, 2011 at 4:27pm — No Comments

Call for Proposals: World AIDS Day/Journee Mondiale de Lutte Contre le Sida





This is a call for applications for grantees to organise activities on World AIDS Day, which is marked on the 1st of December. In order for AWDF to consider your request for support in organising World AIDS Day activities, please follow…


Added by zoneziwoh on August 3, 2011 at 7:35pm — No Comments

"Until the Day I Die": Gerta Louisama on Haitian Women Winning Their Rights

By Beverly Bell

August 2, 2011

Gerta Louisama is a member of the Executive Committee and the National Women’s Committee of Tèt Kole Ti Peyizan Ayisyen, Heads Together Small Producers of Haiti, Haiti’s largest and oldest peasant group. She is also head of the local Tèt Kole Women’s Committee in her village of Savanette. Here she speaks about the Tèt Kole’s efforts to win recognition, social equality, and economic rights for rural Haitians, especially women.…


Added by Beverly Bell and Other Worlds on August 2, 2011 at 7:04pm — No Comments

Do CBOs have an image problem?

I give lots of thought to what makes community-based organizations the lowest common denominator in development aid. Readers of may already be familiar with previous arguments I’ve offered for the increased inclusion of and investment in community-based organizations (CBOs). As an ardent proponent of CBOs’ comparative advantages, I believe they have a better chance of being driven by “the…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on July 31, 2011 at 5:57pm — No Comments

Story from CHED PE and PF

We are working as volunteers in Tank Arm forte, MR5 of MOND since 2007 for Smiling Family Program (SFP). SFP provide HIV/AIDS/STI and RH intervention to military families in Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Kamong Cham provinces through CHED in partnership with Family Health International (FHI) with funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria round 5.

Our main role and responsibility to have military wives keep busy schedules; individual discussions would not… Continue

Added by Vichet LOK on July 24, 2011 at 9:09am — 2 Comments

Community Life Competence Process works!

"I must say, at first when I was being introduced to this Process, I was apprehensive. I see potential and I kept saying yes it will work, but at the back of my mind, I was thinking somethingelse. Now that I have been with you, these past seven days in the communities, I am appalled at what I see happening, THIS PROCESS WORKS! In fact I am happy that I made the effort…


Added by Autry Haynes on July 23, 2011 at 1:44pm — 4 Comments

Les gens m'ont aidé, maintenant c'est à moi d'aider

Pendant ma visite à Samara, Laurence m'a demandé d'interviewer un des amis russes comme 'Membre du mois' pour notre newsletter de la Constellation. J'ai choisi d'écrire sur Alexei, une personne hors du commun. L'histoire ci-dessous est le résultat de plusieurs conversations pendant la semaine et ses contributions pendant les visites SALT. Marlou


Je m’appelle Alexei et je viens de Samara, en Russie. J’ai grandi dans une famille de toxicomanes ou l’alcool et la… Continue

Added by Marlou on July 22, 2011 at 9:27am — 1 Comment

People helped me, now I want to help

During my visit to Samara Laurence asked me to interview one of the Russian friends as ‘member of the month’ for our Constellation Newsletter. I chose to follow Alexei, he is a special person. The story below is the result of various conversations during the week and his contributions during the SALT visits.


I am Alexei, from Samara, Russia. I grew up in an addicted family: alcohol and drugs were always there. It was a hard environment for a child to grow up. I was… Continue

Added by Marlou on July 22, 2011 at 8:55am — 3 Comments

Participants feedback Trinidad and Tobago

Colleagues, find feedback on ACP conducted in Trinidad and Tobago. I think that there is much we can learn from this feedback.

  1. 1.       What do you expect from this event?
  • More info on networking  +goal setting
  • The exposure to a new approach of dealing with HIV/AIDS, its spread and impact and a greater understanding  of  the role of communities, all stakeholders.
  • I expect to learn “new” skills, concepts,…

Added by Michael Mc Garrell on July 22, 2011 at 3:35am — 2 Comments

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