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Stories about Response (2,395)

"Paper Pull" in SALT

"When you come back....." more a statement than a question was the remark of Nadia to the After Experience Reflection question with Persons on Methadone Therapy. You would gather that they had agree that we come back for more SALT action. (^_^). So when the question was finally asked "do we come again?" there was a resounding yes. Her statement was related to the thought of what other exercises will we do the next time. She continued.."What I like is the "pulling of the paper" that made a…


Added by Autry Haynes on March 21, 2015 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

Five stories that our nonprofit should be telling

How do we get better at storytelling? This article suggests five types of stories, with case studies, that every charity should be telling. They includes stories about ethics and values, social proof, founders, improvement and impact.


Added by Geoff Parcell on March 20, 2015 at 8:52am — 1 Comment

11 Forum International de l'EHESP à Rennes, 4 février 2015

Les organisateurs m'ont demandé de place la "leçon inaugurale" dans le contexte des attaques terroristes à Paris de janvier. Voici ce que j'ai dit. Je suis persuadé que je n'ai pas convaincu tout le monde, mais la Maire adjointe de Rennes a repris les thèmes de la confiance et du rêve dans ses conclusions...


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 12, 2015 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

11th International Forum at the French School of Public Health, February 4, 2015

The School invited me to place the  introductory lecture, in the context of the early January terrorist attacks in Paris. This is what I said. I am pretty sure not everyone was convinced, but the vice mayor of Rennes, came back in closing on the two themes of trust and dream.

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 12, 2015 at 3:00pm — No Comments

DIX ANS DE CHRYSALIDE : Dans un cocon d’espoir

Unique centre prenant en charge les femmes touchées par la drogue et la prostitution, Chrysalide fête ses dix ans. Cinq cents femmes comptant parmi les plus vulnérables de la société y sont passées. Quelques-unes s’y sont mues en beaux papillons. Les responsables du centre ont compris qu’il leur faut constamment se réinventer face à la complexité du problème.

Il fait peut-être un peu chaud, mais une bonne tasse de thé ne se refuse pas sous la varangue créole de Chrysalide à Bambous.…


Added by Annick Cotte on March 7, 2015 at 8:49am — 4 Comments

Travailleuses du Sexe : Femmes et mères avant tout

Elles sont femmes et mères et luttent pour faire vivre leurs enfants. En amont de la Journée Internationale de la Femme qui sera célébrée le 8 mars, une autre date est à marquer dans les agendas : le 3 mars, Journée Internationale des Travailleurs du Sexe.

M., 34 ans, a cinq enfants et son rêve dans la vie et de pouvoir leur apporter ce dont ils ont besoin. « Gayn enn lakaz ki ena lalimier, mo zanfan pe get…


Added by Annick Cotte on March 7, 2015 at 8:41am — No Comments

A SALTY welfare organization

 In April 2013 I completed a SALT weekend in Amsterdam with lots of fun. Inspired , I went  back to work in our welfare organization in the south of Holland in Kerkrade. My dream was: A SALTY welfare organization . Big and bold! My dream and enthusiasm helped me to spread SALT slowly and let people around us have positive experiences with it. 2 of my colleagues were then infected with SALT virus, and also joined a weekend in Amsterdam. They helped…


Added by Gemma van Voorst on March 6, 2015 at 8:28pm — 5 Comments

Nepal's First Senior Citizens Day Care and Lifelong Learning Center

I as a youth took this initiative to empower senior citizens by making a group of likeminded colleagues with a common vision and mission. We then started organizing awareness program through signature campaign against elder abuse, awareness program in schools and colleges and finally with some fundraising initiative we started Nepal’s First Day care and Lifelong Learning Center. I have been mobilizing local resources ( human resource, fund, donations) and coordinating with various…


Added by Aarati Poudel on March 5, 2015 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Salty seeds in fertile ground in Ambon - Results and coaching team lessons from first learning event

The result of a six day CLCP learning event in Ambon Indonesia is overwhelming. We count thirty confident facilitators, two potential coaches who can support the new facilitators, and a local partner organisation that is turning into a SALTy organisation. Three action plans are ready for implementation and three communities in a village developed their dreams and exchanged among the teams about possibilities and non possibilities for further…


Added by Marlou on March 5, 2015 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

Villagers of Hatu in action towards their dream


Added by Marlou on February 27, 2015 at 2:34pm — 6 Comments

The people from Lima join forces


Added by Marlou on February 23, 2015 at 1:09pm — 4 Comments

H2CGhana team

Before we leave to Ghana...

Thank you to all the people who have supported us these past few months in many different ways!

Ah! We also finally listened to Celicia! 

Hans and I did the first part of the SALT (dream and practices) regarding what we expect of H2CGhana and ourselves. We really needed it, we discovered a lot and we want to continue in this…


Added by Carmen Indrani on February 12, 2015 at 8:44pm — 7 Comments

Digitizatied Training Materials for Community Health Workers/Paramedical Staff

On February 4th 2015, Netherlands Leprosy Relief Foundation, launched LepClips at Hotel Royal Palza, New Delhi. 

“LepClips” are short films (video clips) on different aspects of leprosy. At present there are 10 video clips each of 5-7 minutes duration, prepared in English and Hindi.


Why these “LepClips”

Inadequate training and untrained staff leads to late case detection and poor case management of leprosy leading to disabilities, stigma…


Added by Pankaj Kumar Jha on February 9, 2015 at 10:00am — No Comments

fun run , to help raise money for Chrysalide

Added by Annick Cotte on February 7, 2015 at 10:15am — 5 Comments

Integration is better rehabilitation than isolation

A 15 year old girl, whom we will call Nancy, came by to our office in her school uniform this afternoon looking rather cheerful.   It was her way of saying thank you and letting us know that all is well with her.  Last December, she was ordered to spend 2 weeks confined at the Singapore Girls Home as a slap on the wrist for breaching her supervision order.  The judge told her that it could have been 18 months if not for her voluntary work which we described in our…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on February 6, 2015 at 2:12am — No Comments

chote chote bacho ka bhavishya khatre main h

tumne dekha hoga ki red light pr chote chote bache bhik mang rahe h
un pr humne sochna hoga.......


Added by YASH PAL on February 5, 2015 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

La confiance


Elle est montée dans le train à la gare de Florival.  J’ai eu l’attention attirée par l’attitude du contrôleur, qui attendait patiemment que la personne monte. J’ai ensuite compris. La jeune femme est mal voyante, et elle laissait à son chien le soin de monter.

Je leur ai laissé ma place, plus spacieuse. La dame dégage une belle énergie et alors que le train serpente le long de la vallée de la Dyle, (à gauche les étangs, à droite la forêt) je me suis rassis en face d’elle et…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on January 8, 2015 at 7:01pm — No Comments


She got into the train at the Florival station. The controller's attitude drew my attention as he was patiently waiting for a person to board. Then I understood. The young woman was blind, and she let her dog board first to guide her inside. I offered them my place which was more spacious and went to sit on the other side of the aisle. As the train was winding along the Dyle valley, with ponds to the left and the forest to the right, the lady was radiating a beautiful energy.  I decided to…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on January 8, 2015 at 6:30pm — 4 Comments

Community Life Competence inspires H2CGhana!

Hans and I have given birth to H2CGhana! A newborn “educational project” that tries to stand out among tons of others.…


Added by Carmen Indrani on January 7, 2015 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments

Inspiration from Response

As the Constellation ventures into 2015, it is with sincere appreciation I am reflecting on the overwhelming response from all of you towards the Nomination of The Constellation for the 2014 Health Systems Social Media Awards.

It was truly inspiring; it offers hope for what the Constellation can achieve with our accumulative support to local response. Seeing the endorsements was great, but seeing that it came from all continents was so exciting! Showing that 'seeds of SALT'…


Added by Tricia Francis on January 1, 2015 at 2:57am — 1 Comment

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