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Stories about Response (2,394)

Exploring strengths through conversation :)

Recently, in a candid conversation with a friend, I asked him a question that caught him off guard: "What makes you feel proud?" His immediate response was that pride seemed like too high an emotion to truly experience. Intrigued, I followed up with another question: "Can you recall any incidents from your past that brought you happiness?" Although he hesitated at first, he eventually opened up, sharing a few instances where his work had taken him around the world, offering him a lot…


Added by Kasthuri Divya on September 1, 2023 at 9:16am — 1 Comment

My thoughts on SALT as beautiful BALLOONS

Hi everyone ! 

I just want to share my thoughts on SALT by indicating the SALT as a beautiful Balloon. The thought emerged or something stimulated me to think on it today when I was on the way home from the office, I  realized myself…


Added by Dheeraj Lepcha on August 24, 2023 at 5:00pm — No Comments

How To Build Community - The 50th Episode

The How To Build Community podcast recently published its 50th episode! Over 6 years, I've spoken with 61 interviewees, from 23 countries, all with stories, wisdom and insight on ways to build and sustain a healthy community. 

In it, I reflect on some of what I have learned during this time, and share some highlights. See what you think, and if you like it do subscribe in your podcast app and tell others about it!…


Added by Jake Lloyd on August 17, 2023 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Reviving Hope: A Family's Inspiring Journey Towards Education

In the heartwarming tale of the Das family, we encounter the power of discussion and encouragement in transforming a young girl's life. Rina (name changed), a bright and eager learner, was forced to abandon her education due to her family's circumstances.

However, through the utilization of the SALT technique and sheer determination, her parents managed to reignite hope and ensure their daughter regained access to education. Despite their initial enthusiasm, Rina's attendance at the…


Added by Souvik Sarkar on August 11, 2023 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Knowledge Fair_ Enlightened to Each Other_ KF_Kholapur

Knowledge Fair is the fair where the different peoples without experts join together in one umbrella (objective) to learn and share their experiences and challenges. They don’t only share their experience but also learn from each other.  …


Added by Dheeraj Lepcha on August 9, 2023 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

How to support people through loss

Loss and grief affect all of us at some point in our lives.

In this recent episode of my 'How To Build Community' podcast, I spoke with Barnabé Anzuruni, a theologian based in Kenya, who shared with me his personal experiences of loss and also his experience of supporting others through their grief.…


Added by Jake Lloyd on August 3, 2023 at 3:26pm — 1 Comment

A support hand is very important during a fall.

I facilitated SALT conversation in a village where. children and men were present. In the beginning, everyone was looking at each other, wondering what to say, but eventually everyone started talking...

One of the girls,…


Added by Jayashri Kamble on August 3, 2023 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

To co-create, distribute facilitation & connect

In May 2023, Global Fund for Children partners came together to share and learn, most of them had never met each other. The theme of the event was Community ownership and participatory MEL. Out of the 5 NGOs, four NGOs have used  SALT and CLCP and participatory MEL. The event was hosted by NGO Avani in Kolhapur. 
Who facilitates? who…

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on August 1, 2023 at 7:00pm — No Comments

"We will not influence final decision making by the TMJ Community" - Sifting the After Event Reflection (AER) for Evidence of Community Ownership

Members of the Thanjavur Medical Journal (TMJ) Community, had its first online meeting about a week ago. The main point was to discuss sources of funding to start the Journal. 

After this online meeting, I posted the points discussed in the TMJ WhatsApp groups of over 460 doctors, which sparked of a series of discussions. Presented is one of the…


Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on July 31, 2023 at 2:50pm — No Comments

Star woman of the village

A short proud story from the life of 38 years old woman, she is temporary worker at Bhatpara tea garden.

Hi everyone, I’m Nityam Ghosh. I work with Rural Aid NGO with support from Global Fund for Children is in Alipurduar District, Kalchini Block, State of West Bengal, India. We work in the tea gardens on the issue of trafficking and child labour. When we had SALT conversation, she shared one of the best proud story from her life, her story fascinated me.

When the wife of any…


Added by Nityam Ghosh on July 26, 2023 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

The 3Fs - Fair of Learning, Fair of Friendship, Fair of Culture That's called Knowledge Fair

I am sharing some sweet memories of these 3F's with you through a short video. It was a different experience for us. It was a huge energizer for us. So let's see this awesome experience..Fair of Learning, Fair of Friendship, Fair of Culture That's called Knowledge Fair.…


Added by Imran on July 26, 2023 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Villagers are taking action for their dream

In the village of Nandwal, work has been going on for the last two years through SALT under Avani organization. Gram Panchayat, other villagers, children, and women had created a dream in their village. 

n the common village dream, the Gram Panchayat, and the villagers dreamed of planting trees in it. Everyone had this dream but no one could take the initiative…


Added by Jayashri Kamble on July 26, 2023 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Community led- action for enrollment of dropout children

Hi everyone ! This is Ujana Minj, Rati Lama and Pancham Minj from Rural Aid NGO work with support from Global Fund for Children is in Alipurduar District, Kalchini block (State of West Bengal, India). We work in the tea gardens on the issue of trafficking and child labour. Blog written & supported by Dheeraj Lepcha.      

Community sustainability and ownership is one of the dreams of…


Added by Ujana kumari Minj on July 24, 2023 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

We are adapting according to the community's time and availability

We would go from 10 am to 6:30 pm to take SALT Activity in the villages of Pirwadi, Vashi Nandwal, Kandgaon, and Kerli through Avani Organization. During this time we were able to meet y Anganwadi Sevaka, Gram Panchayat, and some women. But during this time we could not meet men or other people who are engaged in any job or business or farming. 

1. As a solution to…


Added by Shahrukh Atpade on July 23, 2023 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Down the memory lane- learning Festivals & Knowledge Fairs

Philip Forth describes, "A Knowledge Fair is an event is which people come together to learn and to share based on their experiences. The guiding principle is that all of have something to learn and that all of us have something to share. There are no experts."

I have been part of several learning festivals and Knowledge Fairs. I wrote a blog/compiled photos after almost all the events. 

Nov 2010, Karnataka, India  mentored by Lawan…

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on July 18, 2023 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Fair & Friends

The Global Fund for Children (GFC) Knowledge Fair unfolded in the mesmerizing city of Kolhapur, bringing together partners and organizations, including us, in collaboration with Avaani NGO. With hearts brimming with anticipation, Team Purnata—Subrata, Mithu, and Souvik—presented their shared dreams, exchanged self-assessment posters, and immersed themselves in the shared journey of others.
We were…

Added by Souvik Sarkar on July 14, 2023 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Knowledge Fair got us a New Family..

“Knowledge Fair” was organized by Avani Organisation, Kolhapur with Global Fund for Children (GFC) support. Through Avani organization, work on salt is going on in the villages of Pirwadi, Vashi, Nandwal, Kandgaon, Kerli for the past two years. 

Knowledge Fair with communities was held on 21st May 2023. A few days after the event, I (Shahrukh) went to Vashi village…


Added by Shahrukh Atpade on July 11, 2023 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Aanganwadi workers, Children & adolescrnt girls build their common dream

Date : 13 April 2023

Avani Sanstha started SALT conversations in Vashi village for past one year. After SALT visits, we decided to invite community members for building their dream. Everyone was called to the Anganwadi center in Vashi village. In April 2023 about 17–18 people joined including Aangawadi workers and girls aged 11–16 years. We asked them to write what their dreams are about their village and about the children of the village.…


Added by Shahrukh Atpade on May 26, 2023 at 9:21am — No Comments

Strong characters are built the way strong muscles are build

Village- Kithituni, Kenya

Date 27th April 2023

I met a group of 15 women who have formed a group called Baraka for a SALT conversation. This means blessings in my language. Women of different age groups formed a group by this name as they want to receive blessings. The group meets every Saturday. The group started as the women were not in good condition and wanted to help each other. They had a small amount of money. They share their food with…


Added by Florence Mwikali on May 8, 2023 at 8:30pm — 5 Comments

Why does it take time to adopt SALT?

Rural Aid works with Tea Garden communities in West Bengal and started using SALT more than a year ago. I asked the wonderful team the reason why those working with communities take so much time to understand and use SALT. Here is what they said- Very powerful and clear. Thank you Rural Aid team!



Added by Rituu B. Nanda on May 1, 2023 at 3:30pm — No Comments

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