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Stories about Response (2,396)

Introducing SALT and the AIDS Competency Process to Social Workers, Nurses, and VCT Personnel

On 12th May, 2011 the Guyana Competence Team led by Nicole Cole and accompanied by Mr.Lydon Welch and Ms.Marlyn Waterman conducted a one day workshop at the National AIDS Programme Secretariat Head Office. The Participants were diverse with Regions 4, 6, 7, and 10 being represented. Mr. Welch and Ms. Waterman are junior facilitators who are practicing SALT in order to become AIDS Competent Facilitators. The audience was very warm and welcoming to the SALT…


Added by Nicole Rhonda Cole on May 16, 2011 at 1:15am — 4 Comments

SALT e Fiera de Partilha de Conhecimentos

Bem, todos devem imaginar a minha… Continue

Added by Joao Arnaldo Vembane on May 13, 2011 at 5:43pm — 2 Comments

SALT visits and Knowledge Fair in Mozambique (Africa)

Well, you all know about my passion with the Community Life Competence Process since I first went into contact with... there are no words to describe it. Always learning and learning form everywhere. I mean, the process teaches us to explore to a maximum possible extent opportunities that surround us with many hints for our own benefit and therefore our social networks (in all different dimensions). For those of you who were with me in the last visit organized in India -…


Added by Joao Arnaldo Vembane on May 13, 2011 at 5:28pm — 7 Comments

Good news story. TRIBE: Introducing a new initiative for youth in UK

It's not every day that I get this excited. But today I heard about something which embodies all the elements of community development that I believe in - and, believe it or not, it is happening right here in my new home of London, UK!



Tribe is a new breed of extra-curricular activity for youth in UK. It will bring together young people in small groups, known as Tribes,…


Added by Olivia Munoru on May 13, 2011 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

Mainstreaming CLCP at UNFPA Indonesia - What a journey!

Dear friends,




I share with you my thesis (attached) which documents and reflects upon the journey of mainstreaming CLCP and SALT at UNFPA in Indonesia. I hope you enjoy reading it.

  • Section one gives an outline of the journey, from the history of CLCP (and ACP) in…

Added by Olivia Munoru on May 12, 2011 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments


Community, families, individual can find solution to their issues that affects the way of living, what they only need is accompaniment .

Kenya competence trust host TENWEK organization 2 days for a salt visit in Kithituni  to learn and also share experiences ,As a local team we take them through our time line since 1999 ,we tell what has been the motivation and the challenges along the journey .we become one community on the first day ,we mingle as family ,there is…


Added by ABEDNEGO KITHEKA MUTUNGWA on May 11, 2011 at 1:35pm — 5 Comments

Revolution Sveta

A young hairdresser Sveta from a large family in the Chuvash village (Russia) had to move out from her home village as her neighbors, friends and relatives did not accept the fact that she is HIV positive. She moved to another city, won the title of Miss Positive 2005, got married, born two children, made through the court permission to patronize her younger brother after the death of parents (according to the Russian legislation, HIV-positive people can not adopt or patronize children),…


Added by Kolomiiets Snizhana on May 11, 2011 at 1:00pm — 6 Comments

Best of luck…Murgesh

[My sincere thanks to Vivek Anand, Ashok Row Kavi and Sridhar of Humsafar Trust for sharing this story. Humsafar Trust (HST) has led the way in developing innovative and effective programs targeting MSM and transgender populations in India. I am very proud of the Humsafar team. Vivek narrates this story. Enjoy! Rituu]

Today: At Humsafar…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on May 10, 2011 at 6:30am — 3 Comments


 As yet another round of the calendar comes it is yet another special moment and reminder to all that 7th May 2011 is Word AIDS Orphans Day, a grassroots campaign to draw attention to and advocate on behalf of the more than 16 million children orphaned by AIDS. World AIDS Orphans Day was founded in 2002 by FXB International.

The Legacy Explorers humbly joint the honourable initiative in the most humble manner and voiced our voice, tabled our commitment and appeal to all on behalf of…


Added by irangbui on May 7, 2011 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

Déclarons le Droit Universel au Rêve

« Jean-Louis, rédigeons ensemble la déclaration universelle du droit au rêve ! ». Hakim revient du travail de son groupe lors de l’atelier que la Constellation organise à Casablanca sur le développement de la compétence face au sida.  La question était  simple : «  Nous sommes en 2025. Tout le monde parle de la réussite du Maroc dans la lutte contre le sida. Décrivez en 10 phrases ce que les Marocains font pour réussir ». Hakim est rayonnant. « Cela…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 4, 2011 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment


Donor fatigue is a phenomenon in which people no longer give to charities, although they have donated in the past. There are a number of causes for donor fatigue, including pressure to donate, overstretched budgets, and frustration with mis-managed charities and donation campaigns. Many charities work hard to avoid donor fatigue, since it negatively impacts their collected funds for the year. There are an assortment of ways in which donor fatigue can be avoided by both donors and…


Added by ukeme okon on May 4, 2011 at 5:39pm — 1 Comment

Barefoot in Church

In the midst of media blitzes such as the current one, I long for something real and human more than ever. The following story from the “Readers Write” section of The Sun Magazine, fit the bill for me yesterday. And I was delighted to come across this poignant personal story from its pages on the experience of being at the receiving end of help. It offers… Continue

Added by Jennifer Lentfer on May 4, 2011 at 1:30am — 2 Comments


Last week (25-29 April 2011), IndoCompetence and Inspirit worked hand in hand on training for facilitators to materialize a joint project steps on strengthening women's rights (SWR) . Along with comprehensive accompaniment from GIZ, as the donor, 16 participants of The ToF provided IndoCompetence a learning moment on how important we DO BELIEVE salt as ways of thinking and working.

At the first three days, Inspirit elaborated splendidly appreciative inquiry to rise participant's… Continue

Added by wiwin winarni on May 3, 2011 at 9:42am — No Comments

Entre os Direitos e o Marketing - 1 de Maio (Dia do Trabalhador) / Between Rights and Marketing - 1st of May (Labor International Day)

O Estabelecimento de um Memorial

O primeiro de Maio foi estabelecido como dia internacional do trabalhador a 20 de Junho de 1889 em Paris, durante uma conferência da organização política internacional socialista. A escolha desta data foi em homenagem aos trabalhadores que participaram em manifestações sindicais em  1886 , no Chicago, onde reivindicavam a pesada carga horária de trabalho. Porém, a manifestação teve um fim trágico com a morte de centenas de…


Added by Joao Arnaldo Vembane on April 29, 2011 at 4:27pm — 1 Comment

Building Trust, Mobilising Communities and Sustaining Response through SALT - Volunteer Youth Corps Young Leaders Club

Building Trust, Mobilising Communities and Sustaining Response through SALT - Volunteer Youth Corps Young Leaders Club by Korey Anthony Chisholm – National UN Volunteer

When young people get organized at the community level, have an open and fair representation in the ‘organisations and youth projects’, have access to information, hold genuine dialogue sessions among themselves and with the grown-ups, and use participatory approaches in their…


Added by Korey Anthony Chisholm on April 28, 2011 at 5:28am — 2 Comments

Sorry but it’s not YOUR project

(Whispering.) “Psst, excuse me, but actually it’s not ‘your’ program. And if you think that it is, we may have a problem on our hands.”

Many would argue that who owns what in development is a key aspect, if not the aspect, to a project’s or program’s success.

And so a person’s choice word choice when describing their work or do-gooder endeavor can actually reveal quite a lot.

Some may think I’m just being…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on April 28, 2011 at 2:45am — 2 Comments

Aid, Africa, Corruption, and Colonialism: An Honest Conversation

I’m sharing an interesting discussion that’s been going on via the LinkedIn Africa NGO Network group, "Why is development aid having corruption problems in Africa generally?". Some of the key contributions on root issues follow below.…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on April 22, 2011 at 4:35pm — No Comments

WASH and Community Life Competence

The past 2 weeks have found Boris, Autry and I in Suriname working with a fantastic team to integrate WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) with the community life competence process.  There is the phrase - 'Water is Life'.  We have heard reflections this week that you can have water, but no real 'life' in communities.  Trust, respect and vision are also needed.  The skilled, passionate, committed team in Suriname is going to teach us all alot about this in the coming months.  Thank you in…


Added by April Foster on April 21, 2011 at 9:37pm — 1 Comment

Health Personnel is now a PLWHA

I was given the opportunity to work with a nurse who is presently HIV for the past two year now, her problem is to coming to grip with the reality of her status, however, after about three hour she was willing to open up and discuss her problem, and even informed me that her collages at the hospital is advising her to leave her profession and seek a next job.


However, I advised her that is not the right think to do, but however, she should educate herself more about her…


Added by Lyndon Welch on April 21, 2011 at 12:50am — 7 Comments

notre expérience dans la lutte contre la stigmatisation liée au VIH à Ségou (Mali)

Lutte contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination liées au VIH/sida « l’autre combat contre le VIH/sida »


L'ONG Walé en tant que structure de référence en matière de lutte contre le VIH-sida dans la région de Ségou est confrontée quotidiennement à la stigmatisation dans l’offre de ses services (constats faits au sein de l’organisation et au niveau des vécus des PVVIH)


Ainsi, pour amorcer une dynamique devant…


Added by dramane keita on April 18, 2011 at 6:32pm — 3 Comments

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