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Stories about Response (2,394)

Learning about Stories for SALT

Place of stories in SALT

Some learning about stories for SALT

Kausar SK

Telling and listening stories is not a new phenomenon. Story telling has been around forever, it seems. It is not difficult to recall stories heard during childhood. As adults too we hear stories and tell stories, but when do we start reflecting on them ? While like fish in water we live with stories, we stop being a fish in water when we start  thinking about them , and wonder what they do…


Added by Kausar Skhan on February 7, 2021 at 10:33am — 3 Comments

Community based COVID-19 response


  1. Community based grain bank
  2. Community based soap bank
  3. Nutrition gardens

Added by Akhilesh Kumar Terwari on February 5, 2021 at 10:30am — No Comments

My SALT Journey

Since December 2020, I have joined a SALT training group which comprises of a group of wonderfully unique people.

These sessions are led by Rituu and Kausar Apa and have been a truly insightful journey so far. While I joined these sessions to learn about the SALT approach and how to engage and work with communities effectively, this experience has been so much more than that. Not only has it allowed me to interact and connect with a diverse group of individuals,…


Added by Munazza Mansoor on February 5, 2021 at 8:19am — 2 Comments

An Exciting Announcement

Hello again. Some news from the How To Build Community show that you might interest some of you... 

This isn't a 'normal' episode of the show! Today we're pleased to announce that Arukah Network is joining forces with our friends at Tearfund's 'Footsteps' magazine in order to create this show together.

In this episode I speak to the Editor of Footsteps JUDE COLLINS to discuss what this new partnership means for the show.…


Added by Jake Lloyd on January 26, 2021 at 5:51pm — No Comments

The answer is not out 'there' - its about me

My SALT journey- part one I will share one of the reasons which made it my path...there are many paths but I chose this.

Communities and institutions hand-in-hand

Both institutions and communities have a role to play in development and progress. Institutions like government, NGOs, research organisations etc can provide information, facilities, awareness etc. Communities decide what is their issue, what can they…

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on January 24, 2021 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

My SALT Jorney

Hi everyone! I am Yamini Suvarna from Mumbai, India. My SALT journey started in Dec 2020 with a group of wonderful people from across the globe. Led by Rituu and Kausar Apa, the journey so far has been wonderful, insightful and exciting; so much to learn, share and discover. Am sharing my thoughts and feelings in the image below. Look forward to our shared learning and growth.…


Added by Yamini Suvarna on January 23, 2021 at 7:00am — 5 Comments

The Rise Of The Eco Church

Hello all,

You might enjoy this new episode of the How To Build Community show... 

A growing number of churches in the UK are trying to show that the word 'gospel' means good news not just for people, but for the planet as well.

In this episode, we hear about the thousands of churches that have joined the 'Eco Church' scheme, and we learn how this scheme is impacting communities across the country:…


Added by Jake Lloyd on January 14, 2021 at 5:00pm — No Comments

After movie conversation at the Premiere of One of Us, World AIDS Day


The movie is available here:



David and Jessica: the movie makers (Visual…


Added by Marie Lamboray on December 15, 2020 at 9:22am — No Comments

Sharing, connecting and learning during the online learning festival, Amsterdam

On Saturday 21st of November 2020 the SALT and CLCP facilitators training in Amsterdam was completed by an online learning festival. It was musically enlivened by Oed-player Alsharaa. A group of seven neighbours from the eastern district of Amsterdam shared their learnings with the guests of the festival, who were: Neighbours, people from other local organisations and a civil servant of the eastern district of Amsterdam.

Against the backdrop of corona, the training unexpectedly became…


Added by iSiZ on December 10, 2020 at 9:59am — 2 Comments

'How To Set Up A Community Health Programme'

Hi all,

We've just published a new episode of our 'How To Build Community' show at Arukah Network. 

In it, I speak with Arukah members TED LANKESTER, JUBIN VARGHESE and NATHAN GRILLS who have recently collaborated on the fourth edition of the book 'Setting Up Community Health Programmes in Low and Middle Income Settings'. They share stories and insights from the book.

It's published by Oxford University Press in association with Arukah Network, and you can buy a copy or…


Added by Jake Lloyd on November 24, 2020 at 4:08pm — 1 Comment

Liza and SALT: a mirror story

To meet Liza is to take the pulse of a story of transformation that begins in her, splashes on her family and impacts her vision of the world and her way of being an actress in it. For the full article, visit the cooperative blog of Belcompetence - Constellation Belgium:

“... from the moment the fogged glasses find a little light, you see things differently…


Added by Marie Lamboray on November 16, 2020 at 3:24pm — 1 Comment

How To Fail Well - An Expert's Guide

Hello all. Some of you might enjoy this new episode of Arukah Network's 'How To Build Community' show. It's an interview with the founder of the world's first ever 'Failure Consultancy'. She helps people and organisations to use failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, and in this interview she shares stories, tools and tips on "failing intelligently" in life / work / community.…


Added by Jake Lloyd on October 20, 2020 at 5:52pm — No Comments

"SALT helps me learn all the time!"

I have been part of the Family Planning (FP) Board in West Java Province and Bandung city to work on community empowerment of the family planning program. there are almost 2000 village-level groups established since 2016 with the objective to boost contraceptive use among women in reproductive members as well as cultivate the eight family functions among families in Indonesia. Using this village-level group, it is expected that families of the targeted groups become a member and benefited…


Added by wiwin winarni on August 24, 2020 at 5:21pm — 2 Comments

How To Motivate Others - A Masterclass From Sierra Leone

Hi all. You might enjoy this new episode of the How To Build Community podcast and radio show:

Since 2018, DANIEL SARA TURAY has been running a huge volunteer project in his region of Sierra Leone. The aim: to build over 100 miles of roads and to connect villages that have never been connected by road before. To do this, he’s recruited hundreds of local people. He's been telling me how, and why.…


Added by Jake Lloyd on August 22, 2020 at 4:50pm — No Comments

From 'power' to 'trust' in philanthropic grantmaking

A growing trend and a positive one is to decentralise grantmaking, moving to participatory and flexible funding based on principles of trust. I found it very encouraging and want to share with members of this platform. These are my takeaways from LLC Webinar -Lessons in Leadership from the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on August 20, 2020 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Resolving Conflict: An Expert's Guide

Hello all. You might enjoy this new episode of the How To Build Community podcast and radio show. I speak with a mediator and conflict resolution expert from the USA. She tells me:

  • about her work with individuals in what’s known as ‘transformative mediation’.
  • how this approach can be scaled up to help communities resolve conflict
  • what mediation tools and techniques we can use in our own lives and communities
  • how, if we learn to disagree well,…

Added by Jake Lloyd on July 27, 2020 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Amsterdam SALT trainees gather inspiration during lockdown

“If I am not in the world simply to adapt to it, but rather transform it, and if it is not possible to change the world without a certain dream or vision for it, I must make use of every possibility there is not only to speak about my utopia, but also to engage in practices consistent with it.”     ― Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of Indignation


In small groups, the participants in the Amsterdam facilitators training organised three SALT visits to learn from…


Added by iSiZ on July 9, 2020 at 3:00pm — No Comments

How the bees listen

Laura Simms had joined us for a Knowledge Fair in Assam where we brought the communities together to share and exchange. So when there was a presentation organised by Taos Institute on the Assam project and Knowledge Fair, Laura joined us. Here are our thoughts on the presentation sent to me by email. The title of the blog is from Laura. …


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on June 24, 2020 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments

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