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Laurence Gilliot's Blog (28)

True dialogue for transformation and peace

I was truly touched by the book of Thich Nhat Hanh Living Buddha, living Christ, in which he brilliantly shows the parallels between the life of Jesus and the life of the Buddha. I was inspired because many of the things he writes make me think Aha! This is exactly what the Community Life Competence Process is about...

I was particularly struck by this paragraph:

"In a true dialogue, both sides are willing to change. We have to… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on July 21, 2009 at 5:21pm — 2 Comments

Tambour, dance et sourire: l'explosion congolaise d'énergie

Dimanche dernier vers midi, Gaston, Mimi et moi sommes arrivés dans la petite cour du centre 'PECS' (Projet d'Entraide pour la Chaîne de Solidarité) pour les enfants de la rue. Les garçons étaient excités et courraient dans tous les sens, jouaient au foot, lavaient leurs vêtements et se battaient gentiment, comme des jeunes garçons peuvent le faire.

La plupart… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on July 11, 2009 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

Drum, dance and smile: the Congolese explosion of energy

Last Sunday around noon, Gaston, Mimi and I stepped into the little yard of 'PECS' center (Projet d'Entraide pour la Chaîne de Solidarité) for street children. The boys were excitingly running around, playing football, washing their clothes and gently fighting as young boys do.

Most of them live a hard life in the streets of Kinshasa. Some of them take… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on July 11, 2009 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

Acknowledgement and recognition: HIV is our problem!

Dear friends,

We all have something to share, we all have something to learn. The most valuable knowledge is not somewhere in books on shelves but it is in our heads. It is in the heads of millions of communities who respond, every day, to the issue of HIV.

We invite all of you to participate in this first global ‘knowledge asset’ building on Ning: the collection of our joint knowledge on the ten practices of AIDS Competence, based on our experiences.

We propose… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on June 1, 2009 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

thank you, merci, dank je, salamat, gracias: the art of gratitude

How do we say ‘thank you’ in a profound way? A way that connects us on a deeper level, by which we can learn and improve ourselves. I saw an inspiring lecture of Marchall Rosenberg, the founder of ‘Non Violent Communication’, were he explained the key to express our gratitude. We can also use these steps to express what we appreciate in communities we visit.

Marchall explained that at one of his workshops, a… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on April 9, 2009 at 1:48pm — 3 Comments

Family reunion in Chiang Mai: I met my brothers, sisters, nieces, oncles and aunties

I just realized that I had family members all over Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc. The International Knowledge Fair in Chiang Mai felt like a family reunion...

It is so special to be in a room with 76 people who all share the same values... I felt safe, appreciated, stimulated.

We all felt that "yes! I'm not alone... believing in people's capacity to solve their own problems."

We also felt the connection with… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on February 8, 2009 at 4:01pm — 1 Comment

Réaction fortes de jeunes congolais suite au film Papy

Voici un message de Aude, membre de l'équipe belge de facilitation. Je voulais le partager avec vous...

"Superbe réunion hier pour la prépa d'African Days avec le visionnage du film Papy. Discussions et échanges très forts et prenants surtout avec des jeunes congolais de l'association "culture et sport".

Réactions très fortes (révoltes face au film concernant les images vues de pauvreté, famine,... tristesse et mal à cause du film qui les blessent par rapport à leur pays, leurs… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on April 10, 2008 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

SALT visit with teenagers with a physical handicap in Brussels

I'm getting ready to participate in a SALT visit this morning. It is the third time we visit the Schaller school with teenagers with a physical handicap.
This time it is quite special because we go with a friend of Mimi who is paralyzed. BUT he's a lawyer and he grew up in Congo! Mimi always says that when you talk to him for 5 min, you forget his handicap...

We'll talk about their common dream and make some drawings. I'll post some pictures!

Have a great day!

Added by Laurence Gilliot on March 13, 2008 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

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