Connecting local responses around the world
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Summer time and the living is easy, that’s how the old song goes. Well, one thing that was not so easy is to gather enough participants for a 2.5 half day SALT initiation training in English.
However, nothing is lost. Together with Radmila, the creator of Generation Why Not? (Check out the Facebook site here) we decided to give a 1-Day…
ContinueAdded by Anita Sheehan-Nutz on June 25, 2018 at 3:19pm — 2 Comments
Background: Under the HealthRise project, Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) is facilitating SALT and community life competence process for strengthening patient centred approach in the state of Rajasthan, India. As part of this project, the CHAI team has set up patient support groups and we are using SALT so that the groups can own the issue of diabetes and hypertension and take action. Technical inputs: Dr Sameer and story credit: Asha, Brinda and Sharad.
I want …
ContinueAdded by Rituu B. Nanda on June 14, 2018 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment
Dream building 21st May 2018 Village Barog
About 10 stakeholders like village Pradahn, ASHA etc met for dream building. The best thing says Ramesh was that for the first time they want to do something for the village. After dream building action plan was made. They will celebrate NCD day on 15th June. They have divided duties- Health worker and AWW will organise the meeting in subcentre. Pradhan will distribute…
ContinueAdded by Dr. Gaurav Sethi on June 11, 2018 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments
The very first time i saw the Dancing Jajas from As You Open Your Eyes (AYOYE) video i was in awe. I was caught in this whirlpool of ideas and emotions; all that I could do with this one gem of a video, all the people it could reach and all the emotions it aroused in me. Having myself been a facilitator for the AYOYE team here in Mauritius I couldn’t help but think,…
ContinueAdded by Yumilah Govinden on June 3, 2018 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments
Guyana celebrates its 52nd Independence celebrations. Youth week engagement included schools who celebrated in several different ways. Bernice Edwards a teacher of grade 8 students in response to students interest in future careers and the fact that from Grade 9 class they begin to stream into career choices wanted to engage students in an interactive way so that conversation on career choice is stimulating to them.…
ContinueAdded by Autry Haynes on June 3, 2018 at 12:57pm — No Comments
Dearest Constellation friends
As you know, our awesome Visual Development couple David & Jessica have been working very hard for several months now to bring you the first-born of a series of documentary episodes called As You Open Your Eyes…
The first episode, Dancing Jajas, centers around the jajas of HENU…
ContinueAdded by Célicia Theys on June 1, 2018 at 10:30am — No Comments
If I were to rate the most powerful moments of my work with communities, then Knowledge Fair in Assam would stand out. It was messy, confusing at times but very enriching and a delight to one who believes that communities can do things for themselves. In Assam, for the past one year we have been working in 90 villages in 3 districts with two organisations- VHAA and CNES. During the Knowledge fair we organised four events in April end. We did one event each in the three districts and the…
ContinueAdded by Rituu B. Nanda on May 30, 2018 at 10:30am — 2 Comments
(This blog is by Asha Meghwal, Outreach worker, Block Jhadol from Medtronic Foundation funded, Abt Associates supported and implemented by Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) in Udaipur, India. The HealthRise project is using SALT and CLCP for patient centred approach to Diabetes and hypertension. Asha is a SALT facilitator whose blog I translated into English. Asha is very strong in documentation. Thank you Asha for sharing! Photo courtesy Asha who is sitting on the left…
ContinueAdded by Rituu B. Nanda on May 29, 2018 at 7:30pm — No Comments
Uganda GLF, October 2017.
As part of the “market place”, Belcompetence has chosen to showcase a few tools different facilitators have been experimenting with and which may be relevant to strengthen our practice of SALT/CLCP. One such tool is called the “mandala of our truths”, and it is part of something called “deep ecology”, and specifically…
ContinueAdded by Célicia Theys on May 24, 2018 at 7:38am — 1 Comment
Version Française à la suite du texte anglais.
During the month of April 2018, Loli, Luc and Sophie Piquemal were invited to meet various associations of a city in the suburbs of Paris (France), Les Mureaux. That invitation aimed at investigating to what extent the Constellation could collaborate with a local initiative of "Mieux vivre ensemble" (…
ContinueAdded by Luc Barriere-Constantin on May 23, 2018 at 9:50am — 3 Comments
Phayao, November 2017. “Let us go and support khun Moon,”says our friend Suwat to khun Saowanee, Anu and I. “He has stopped using chemicals on his land and has to deal with a lot of resistance from his fellow villagers.” Moon and his wife welcome us in front of their modest house. Lots of chicken run around among a luxuriant vegetation. In front of the house a fish pond opens the view toward a mountain range.…
ContinueAdded by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 22, 2018 at 11:10am — 2 Comments
Het is een hele omschakeling van de Syrische stad Damascus, via het levendige Bangkok, naar het dorpje Joure op het Friese platteland in Noord-Nederland. Kinana heeft zich voorgenomen om tijdens deze reis van elke fase in haar leven een leerervaring te maken. Een mogelijkheid om nieuwe dingen te ontdekken en te groeien als mens. Nu dat ze haar eigen gezin met vier prachtige kinderen op de rails heeft, staat voor Kinana vast dat ze wil bijdragen aan het geluk van anderen, “vanuit mijn…
ContinueAdded by Marlou on May 17, 2018 at 4:30pm — 3 Comments
While identifying the strengths in the room we got to know who we are…
Added by Loïs Hutubessy on May 8, 2018 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment
(I had the privilege to talk to Gloria, Acting chief information, Education and Communication and Chanana, information, Education and Communication both from National AIDS Coordinating Agency (NACA), Botswana Government. Here is a note from our conversation. It was held in Entebbe October 2017. Kudos to NACA and Botswana Government have recognised the critical role of communities for an effective response to HIV and have taken a bottoms up, strength-based…
ContinueAdded by Rituu B. Nanda on May 3, 2018 at 6:49pm — No Comments
Maggie had a dream for Green and Happy islands in Maluku. She lived that dream.
She took her role in contributing small doable actions towards the dream very serious and that made her a great human being.
To a question what ‘animal’ she would be if she was an animal she responded: “A…
ContinueAdded by Marlou on April 23, 2018 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments
When we start working with the community, we need to go with the mindset that they know better about their situation, environment and issues then me.
We outsiders think that we are educated, we have enough experience, we are perfect and we have the solutions. But the thing is different . Community has their own practical experiences, they have faced the problem and at some extent they have also tried to overcome the problems. They have practical approach rather than…
ContinueAdded by M. D. Shakil Anwar on April 13, 2018 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments
When did we meet for the first time, I am not sure. Was it in 1998, when we discussed the impact of HIV on Health Reforms? It does not matter, as I feel that we know each other since and for eternity.
Professor John Rwomushana was instrumental in the development and the validation of the concept of local response to HIV. UNAIDS knew since 1998 that people in Phayao had stopped the spread of HIV because they had taken ownership of the challenge through collective discussion,…
ContinueAdded by Jean-Louis Lamboray on April 10, 2018 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments
Dear all,
Together with our team of 8 people, we applied CLCP to ourselves a couple of weeks ago. It was refreshing, insightful and created real enthusiasm and commitment in our team members.
Here the collection of dreams and the practices. Enjoy! …
ContinueAdded by Gaston on March 22, 2018 at 11:46am — 5 Comments
Mocambique, Pais Africano situado na zona Austral. confirma hoje uma estatistica populacional de cerca de 29 milhoes de habitants. A OMS- organizacao mundial da saude, alerta que na Africa Sub-sahariana, cerca de 15% da populacao de cada pais tem algum tipo de deficiencia . De 2008-2011, esperimentamos um processo unico e genuino de estimular e por as comunidades conectadas. estimulamos o dialogo, a partiicpacao, a partilha da visao, do valor da vida, do sentido…
ContinueAdded by rui maquene on March 20, 2018 at 3:35pm — 3 Comments
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