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Stories about Response (2,485)

SALTing the Hogeschool of Amsterdam

“But isn’t that just the normal behaviour?” asked one of the students in response to the explanation of the SALT way of thinking and way of working. Together with Boris and Marlou, we went to the Hogeschool of Amsterdam on the 29th of September to transfer CLCP to a group of 17 students.

Following a course in Community Development, they are currently in full preparation for their final projects. One student will be…


Added by Loïs Hutubessy on October 13, 2015 at 11:26am — 5 Comments

Sharood, fostering communities through food

Together with three fellow students of mine, we developed and launched our app Sharood on our campus in August 2015. Sharood (think “share-food”), is an app that connects people in the same area by matching those who are cooking with those are hungry. The inspiration behind the app came from our realisation of how the individualism of our society can be destructive for its members and a hinder for its progress. By seeking to make the idea of sharing food a…


Added by Loïs Hutubessy on October 11, 2015 at 1:58pm — 5 Comments


Au cours de la dernière journée de la form'action à Mayotte avec Laurie Korchi et Pamela Aglaé, nous avions à présenter la Constellation à nos stagiaires.... Que faire ? Jean-Louis Lamboray fait cela si bien avec toutes ses histoires, l'origine de la constellation, ses débuts.....mais nous n'étions pas Jean-Louis et à moins que d'apprendre par cœur cette histoire (et encore…


Added by hervé guidou on October 6, 2015 at 10:57am — 3 Comments

France Compétence

Une nouvelle étoile brille dans le ciel de la Constellation, France Compétence est née le 26/09/2015 !!!! vous pouvez la retrouver sur Facebook ( Merci à toutes ces belles énergies qui s'associent pour…


Added by hervé guidou on October 6, 2015 at 10:35am — 1 Comment

The magical link between private and public is opening with CATCH

I share this blog on behalf of Onesmus Mutuku.


Back ground

CATCH is “Communities Acting Together to Control HIV”, a combination-prevention strategy pioneered through a collaborative effort by the National AIDS Coordinating Agency (NACA), the Ministries of Local Government and Health, UNAIDS, and development partners (in particular, FHI 360 and USAID).  The model…


Added by Marie Lamboray on October 1, 2015 at 9:58am — 1 Comment

There is a attachment to see the effect of SALT in our community:- story%20of%20salt%20practice%20in%20a%20village.docx

There is a attachment to see the effect of SALT in our community:-



Added by Pratibha Lal on September 29, 2015 at 2:34pm — No Comments

Actually, it was my capacity that needed to be built

“Capacity building” has been in every job description or programmatic strategy of every international aid and philanthropic organization with which I’ve worked over the past 15 years. In some form or another, I’ve led, funded, or facilitated workshops, exchange visits, trainings intended to enhance the knowledge and skills of people who live in poor countries. 

Along the way, as an “expat” aid worker, as a grantmaker, as a manager and a communicator, I’ve…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on September 28, 2015 at 2:23pm — 2 Comments

Stepping Stones to their dream (^_^)

The group of differently-able persons continued pursuit to their common dream "Living comfortably in our (Cheshire) Home where we can accomplish our dreams".

In a very jovial and vibrant way they "brainstormed' their individual ideas to arrive at seven stepping stones (Practices) that will lead to their common dream. The stepping…


Added by Autry Haynes on September 28, 2015 at 10:50am — 1 Comment

Une réunion où AIC (association internationale de charité) parle de son application de l’approche SALT

AIC : une des plus anciennes associations de volontaires, fondée en 1617 par St. Vincent de Paul. Regroupe actuellement plus de 150.000 volontaires, essentiellement des femmes, organisées en équipe et regroupées en 53 associations dispersées à travers le monde. Objectif : lutter contre la pauvreté par des projets de proximité.

Le premier pas, comme bien souvent, est une conversation entre deux amies : l’une,  facilitateur de…


Added by Anne Brouha on September 25, 2015 at 9:18am — No Comments

Inculcating the spirit of After Experience Reflection

On Thursday, a group of parents of Tamarinier met to plan for their bingo. This bingo is a SMART Action aimed stimulating improved communication among neighbours. After some intense planning amid jokes and hearty laughter one of my co-Facilitators turned to me, Autry, Marlyn would like to know if we do After Experience Reflection immediately following the event the same night? I looked up and they all laughed n laughed.

Added by Autry Haynes on September 25, 2015 at 8:04am — 2 Comments

Dream building in Monitoring and Evaluation

On 21st Sep, I shared about Constellation's SALT approach and community life competence process with 27 students of Monitoring and Evaluation course organised by Government of India in Narela near Delhi. The students are professionals from different countries of the world.

There was a moment when when I asked them of their dream for Monitoring and Evaluation in year 2020. In groups they discussed on this and the discussion was very rich. It was even richer, vibrant when each group…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on September 24, 2015 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Our Salt visit to the Community of Chirougui

Our first meeting with the community of Chirougui was sublime. Our welcomers were surprised with our introduction ,so they also presented themselves with great simplicity. They seem surpris but pleased to be in such simplicity;

Yep we met our common point; Being a human being and that was our strength; it was just Magic. We were alL parents, passionate of sport and so on

Ours welcomers talked with such enthousiam about their jobs and motivations.The facilitators team was their…


Added by Marie Pamela Aglae on September 19, 2015 at 11:05am — 2 Comments

Notre visite de SALT a la commune de Chiroungui a Mayotte

 La présentation de notre équipe de facilitateurs sans les casquettes ont choqués plus d’un...les regards étaient figés mais émerveillés. Du coup ceux qui nous accueillaient se sont présentés  avec toute simplicité. le point commun était installé , nous sommes tous égaux , c'était magnifique, c'était l’humain au centre de la rencontre ,nous avions tous de points communs les unes et les autres: mère, père des enfants, passionné de sport et j'en passe.

Dans un enthousiasme ceux qui nous…


Added by Marie Pamela Aglae on September 19, 2015 at 10:15am — 1 Comment

Differently abled at the Leonard Cheshire Home

There are two homes in Mauritius, one for the elderly and one for the differently abled. The warm group of people are excited to be engaged in a SALTy way. They are a lively 'bunch' of people to working with (^_^). We meet on Mondays to do SALT and they look forward to Mondays they say. Today we did dream building, starting with the individual dream and finished with the…


Added by Autry Haynes on September 7, 2015 at 9:56am — 1 Comment

Fishermen as researchers - lessons learned from the AAS Partnership

Can fishermen and farmers become researchers? YOU BET!

From 2012 - 2015, in a partnership with CGIAR and the World Fish Centre, the Constellation shared SALT and CLCP with fishing and farming communities across 5 countries: Zambia, Solomon Islands, Phillippines, Bangladesh and Cambodia.

Our joint challenge was to incorporate SALT and CLCP with approach known as "Research in Development".

At the ground level, the initiative was an opportunity for local community…


Added by Olivia Munoru on September 3, 2015 at 6:01pm — 2 Comments

Personal reflection about an outing with the men

When I entered the van, I scanned the group and was slightly shocked and disappointed. I saw him, someone I totally did not expect to be coming for the outing. “Oh no!”, “Why did he come?”, “How are we going to do this with him there?”, “What do I say?” “I don’t even know his name.” These thoughts were working inside of me and I was not sure how to feel about it or how to reconcile them.  He had long ‘rasta’ hair and wore those dark glasses that made me slightly uncomfortable in the past…


Added by Pascale Paul on September 2, 2015 at 10:15am — 1 Comment

What worked…….the experience of Carre d’As' Local Response!!

The Carre d’As community comprising of 14 families is one of three that Le Pont du Tamarinier works  with and the first with which SALT as a different way of working was engaged. Over the period of five months stimulation in terms of hopes and concerns to dream building and now action…


Added by Autry Haynes on September 1, 2015 at 5:23pm — No Comments

Sur le chemin de l'appropriation du SALT à Mayotte - Parution du premier bulletin trimestriel

Depuis juin 2015 nous somme lancé dans une aventure humaine pour la santé communautaire à Mayotte. C'est à l’initiative de deux associations, Constellation et IREPS Mayotte, qui s’allient pour faciliter un programme régional de mobilisation communautaire autour de la santé, que débute un accompagnement à distance d'un pool  de futur facilitateurs de l'approche SALT à Mayotte.

Nous comptons à ce jour une dizaine de personnes de structures et professions différentes, rassemblées…


Added by khorchi laurie on August 31, 2015 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

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