Responses to life's issues based on the experience of others

Responses means "what we do to deal with the issues and problems we face."

Click on Acknowledgement or Inclusion to see an example. 

We can use the experience of others to improve our competence to respond to life issues. If you know the practices you want to improve then look here for stories based on real experience to both inspire and give insights on how you might build your response. 

These stories are  arranged by the 10 practices of Life Competence which are the same as on the self-assessment framework. Click on the practice you wish to improve and you will find some common principles, illustrated by stories of other's experience from around the world, and supported by existing resources.


  • Acknowledgement and recognition   HIV/AIDS is considered a normal disease and everybody uses their strengths to respond. Positive people set the example. People can live together as human beings. Everybody knows their status and can share it with others. Everybody is concerned and mobilises resources for prevention and care (we act together).
  • Inclusion  HIV is a common issue, everyone comes together with shared concern and meaningful involvement, PLWHIV live like everyone else in the community, at the end everyone owns the concern and response.
    Inclusión en español - Inclusion en français
  • Linking care and prevention  Care and prevention are not separated. They are used in an integrative way. Care is used in the wider sense of the word and includes emotional, spiritual and psycho-social care. Care strengthens relationships and helps to change our behaviour.
  • Access to Treatment
  • Identify and Address Vulnerabilities  We have a common understanding of the factors that make us vulnerable and are taking action to reduce those factors; "we are driving safely"
  • Gender
  • Learning and Transfer   We are open to learn and adapt continuously through our action and reflection.We transfer knowledge, care and practice to ourselves and others in a participatory, inclusive and respectful manner.
  • Measuring change and adapting our response
  • Ways of Working
  • Mobilizing Resources

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