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Si nous apprécions et acceptons qui nous sommesalors d'autres peuvent nous accepter et nous apprécier et nous pouvons accepter et apprécier les autres | HIV is just the excuse we find to justify why we
do not love ourselves and why others might not love us. But HIV can
also be a way to find the strengths you have to do things for
others (and for yourself). [MariJo's response to Ye Win] Ye Win |
Discussion | ||
Asylum seekers: What do you have to offer to Belgium?
"First must we change the image we have of society, then we can
change the image that society has of us." Louis Marie |
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Entre deux cultures. Ma vision de moi-même était
tellement mauvaise et je me sentais tellement coupable que je
mettais la faute sur la communauté. J’en voulais à ma mère, j’en
voulais à mes copines, j’en voulais à toutes les femmes et aussi à
tous les hommes de ma communauté parce que je pensais qu’ils
étaient la cause de ma souffrance. Je leur donnais le pouvoir de
gérer ma vie. En suivant mon chemin personnel j’ai compris que
c’est ma responsabilité, que je devais garder le pouvoir pour
moi. Benyaich Aicha |
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A young woman considered suicide when she was diagnosed HIV
positive. But when Uncle Houlai told the villagers "There is no
difference between positive and negative people; When you know you
act" she changed her mind. Rituu Nanda |
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When there is even a small effort dedicated to people with
disabilities their abilities to cope with HIV and AIDS become
evident. Joao Arnaldo Vembane |
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Disclosure- a turning point in my life. Telling my best
friend. MariJo |
Story | |||
Une fois que nous nous apprécions nous-mêmes et chacun croit dans ses propres forces alors nous commencons à passer à l'action | Becoming Themba Themba has found an oasis in the midst of a wilderness – a place of sanctuary – a place of acceptance and belonging Ricardo Walters |
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Si nous faisons un acte simple d'acceptation alors nous inspirons d'autres à réaliser leurs propres actions | Lakshmamma was overjoyed to be invited to a cradle
ceremony at a neighbours house. Divya Sarma |
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The world is not only me. A woman divorces her husband and the
daughter experiences discrimination when she learns she is HIV
positive. But after learning about the work of the Red Cross
volunteers she spoke up and joined the volunteers and she is now
healthier and reunited with her husband. Kith Marady |
Story | |||
One day, in a village, a young farmer living with HIV was sent
out of the home and his share of the property was denied to him by
his brothers. A local religious leader, Mahanta Swamiji felt very
disturbed by the stigma and discrimination and decided to intervene
. He contacted the family and started discussions with them about
acceptance and duty towards one’s family. The family which had been
most reluctant to take the PLHIV in, were very touched by the
Swamiji’s concern and words. The young man was taken back home
again and he got his property back. Inspired by the Swamiji, each
member of the AIDS Action Committee has started taking up small
actions of inclusion and support individually and as a group. Divya Sarma |
Inclusion: montrons l'exemple! Nous refusons de nous
assoir à la haute table, et nous mélangeons aux personnes qui nous
accueillent. Jean Louis Lamboray |
Story | |||
Songs are powerful tools to inspire change in
people. <"">Bheri M R |
Story | |||
The sharing of a personal story inspired change in the son, who
is now very supportive to his mother. <"">Murari Rao |
Story | |||
Si nous montrons
clairement que nous allons inclure et se soucier de ceux qui
sont infectés, alors plus de gens vont volontairement se faire
dépister. |
In Jalukie village it is a sentiment of “There is
no question of throwing them out, we want to know how to care for
them and not get infected ourselves.” Joe Ngamkhuchung |
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PLHIV can continue working in a company without
fear of being fired Andryansyah Arifin |
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Si nous dans la
communauté comprennons ce que nous pouvons faire pour aider les
PVV alors nous voulons nous impliquer. |
A woman shared how she went for testing and found
she was HIV positive. She included her family and neighbours. Those
who found they were positive got help from a sister who advised
them to come up with an association. - Kenya Carol Njeri |
Inclusion of neighbouring community in the SALT
team After a Uganda SALT team introduced the ACP to CSW and
fuel vendors of the neighboring community, the CSW realized their
potential and their strengths. This led them to use the Welfare
Centre for their meetings and discussions about proper condom use,
replenishing condoms, discordancy, and further inviting the SALT
team to share experiences Ouma Mugeni - Uganda |
Watch video | |||
Village communities in Karnataka, India,
supporting those among them with HIV. By sharing experiences the
community learns from each other. Now, with a greater understanding
of what they could do to help people with HIV, they are eager to
help, by referring to services, and by supporting them in other
ways Arun Bhandari |
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This is an experience from SALT Visit to RH
Competence at Manonjaya Sub-district in Tasikmalaya - West Java
Indonesia (November 2009) on inclusion. Groups of fathers that
is really dominate SALT visit is becoming very supporting group
when they were equiped with sufficient knowledge on ARH issues and
better understanding on SALT as ways of thinking and working.
Initially they came to community to preach, to teach since some of
them were teacher, head of villages and know become religious
preacher. I learned that the way they approach community not for
teaching and preaching but asking a questions and dream of
neighbours, nieces, grandsons/daughters, siblings, youths and of
course community gathering they cultivated on ARH issues and
appreciate their current understanding. They link the community by
information sources/service providers to provide complete
information community need. I learn inclusion from they way they
try to open discussion ARH issues and what can we contribute as
community members to make this come true. This were not there at
the sub-district, even there were not exist even at the father's
group's mind. That ARH issues were not simply not their bussines.
Now its issues is simple there at the father's group's mind,
speeches, approaches. I am really glad to know and learn that SALT
approches is trigerring model group to be include. Wiwin Winarni |
PLWHIV staff and volunteers at all levels from the
regional network to the province, district and sub-district groups
were well trained on HIV, situation analysis, action planning, etc.
prior to the community forums at the village level and the
sub-district level. Mr. Suriya Wingworn |
Si nous incluons les personnes qui se sentent exclues alors elles deviennent des acteurs du changement | Kitchen Garden is one of the best activities
for PLHA. It provides them with additional nutrition, a
community activity and in some cases a small income. Abraham Mutluri |
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Demandeurs d’asile : ce qu’eux ont à offrir à la
Belgique Louis Marie |
Story | |||
PVV participent aux visites à domicile
L'UCOP+ n'était pas impliquée dans les vistes à domicile à Goma.
Après discussions et réunions d'échange des PVV ont commencé à
effectuer les visites à domicile et l'impacte dans l'adhérence au
traitement était observé Jimmy - RD-Congo |
video | |||
Tous les acteurs travaillent ensemble
L'équipe SALT à Bukavu a inclu différents groups ex le
gouvernement, PVV, PNMLS, etc. et pour la première fois tout le
monde travaille ensemble (par John Nyagaza- RD-Congo) |
video | |||
Inclusion leads to increased income The
members of Izere association brought in the community at large, the
local authorities, military etc. They came up with many projects
like dress-making, hair dressing, carpentry, selling water etc.
where they are now getting enough income. Carol Njeri |
video |
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