Here's a wonderful poem from Phil describing our vision of inclusion

Everyone together addresses HIV and other issues that face the community.
Everyone has something to offer.
Everyone can participate equally.
Everyone cares equally for all members of the community.
Inclusion starts with self-acceptance.
Each of us has a responsibility to feel included.
Many of us are infected.
All of us are affected.
All of us have something to contribute.
When we include, we appreciate our own strengths and those of others and we stimulate action.
When we are included, we feel appreciated and we act.
Here are some common principles that emerge from the experiences people have shared:
- If we appreciate and accept ourselves for who we are then others can accept and appreciate us also, and we accept and appreciate others
- Once we appreciate ourselves and each believe in our own strengths then we start taking action
- If we make one simple act of acceptance then we can inspire others to take their own actions
- If we make it clear that we will include, and care about, those who are infected then more people will volunteer to know their status
- If we in the community understand what we can do to help PLHIV then we are eager to get involved
- If we include people who may feel excluded then they themselves become agents of change. And, when people who feel excluded act as agents of change they feel included.