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Peace Competence

A place to connect on issues related to peace. We will explore how communities can apply strength-based approach to achieve peace.  

Members: 118
Latest Activity: Jan 18, 2022

Discussion Forum

Peace work : Passion or Career

Started by Pamela Villamor. Last reply by Akhilesh Kumar Terwari Feb 5, 2021. 6 Replies

Hello friends, I  will be working on a research about the life of a Peace workers who  devotes their lives in Peace advoacy,  What drives a Peace worker stays in this field?  Whats in Peace work that…Continue

Participate in the Conference: Building Sustainable Peace: Ideas, Evidence, Strategies Call for Submissions

Started by khorchi laurie Mar 7, 2019. 0 Replies

Dear SALT practitionners and peacebuilders, Before I share about my idea, I want to present mysefl shortly!As you'll see in my Ning profile I'm a Human Right defender, passionated about peacebuilding…Continue

Do we have the capacity of Being Peace?

Started by rebeka sultana. Last reply by MOSES OKOMBO AYANY Jan 6, 2016. 4 Replies

Friends,I would like to hear from you about this question that I posted few days ago.Do we have the capacity of being peace?What would be your answers and why it is so?Let me elaborate what comes in…Continue

La Compétence pour la Paix au Burundi, Rwanda et l'Est de la RDC

Started by Laurence Gilliot. Last reply by Nathalie Legros May 3, 2013. 1 Reply

Chers amis, Nous allons soumettre un proposition à la fin de la semaine prochaine pour adapter le Processus à la Compétence pour la Paix. Le projet qu'on propose est au Burundi, Rwanda et dans deux…Continue

Tags: paix, peace, RDC, Rwanda, Burundi

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Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on July 15, 2011 at 11:14

Dear All,


Olivia Munoru shared an article on the International Dialogue for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, which is a series of multi-stakeholder meetings led by the g7+, a group of fragile countries (including Liberia, South Sudan, DRC, Afghanistan and others).  This group are advocating for peacebuilding and statebuilding to be placed at the forefront of international development. Read what Olivia shares at:


Have a nice weekend.


Comment by Tony Ghaye on June 30, 2011 at 15:39

Hi Rebeka,

It would be great to think that 'we' have the capacity for 'being peace'. Is it truely within us? Maybe the seeds are within all of us. But maybe then the places where we live and the experiences we have there, allow this capacity to grow or injure it?

There is a very interesting website called 'Make Peace with Now' which may be of interest. You can find it at:


What I like about their message is the way peace is linked with a 'POSITIVE ATTITUDE' (particularly in negative and difficult circumstances/contexts) and how important this is for being 'at' peace and peace-building.


So what is your base level of positivity and how aware of it are you within yourself?

Best wishes




Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on May 29, 2011 at 9:22

Dear All,


Friends from Philippines are currently having a knowledge fair. I am happy to share that one of the youth groups has decided to focus on peace building in the upcoming Community Action day in September.


Constellation every year encourages celebration of Community action day to stimulate and connect local responses. During the day communities come together, discuss their dreams on a particular area of interest, do self assessment and make an action plan. this is then shared on this platform in the group Community Action day


Hope you are having a nice Sunday.


Comment by ukeme okon on May 28, 2011 at 15:32

When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us. When our community is in a state of peace, it can share that peace with neighboring communities.

We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.

what do we do to help resolve conflict in our society?

Comment by irangbui on May 10, 2011 at 6:12

As yet another round of the calendar comes it is yet another special moment and reminder to all that 7th May 2011 is Word AIDS Orphans Day, a grassroots campaign to draw attention to and advocate on behalf of the more than 16 million children orphaned by AIDS. World AIDS Orphans Day was founded in 2002 by FXB International.
The Legacy Explorers humbly joint the honourable initiative in the most humble manner and voiced our voice, tabled our commitment and appeal to all on behalf of about 16 millions to take a day to feel the emotion and the sentiment of the infected & Affected and finally being orphaned by AIDS, leaving them under the uncertain care of the world with little or no basic needs of human-being.
The story cannot end with uncertainty, for we are created in the image of God which includes Love and care, we network for a better society and this is where we have hope for our 16 millions and other unaccounted orphans or otherwise we still wait for another millions to open our eyes as quoted by KOFI ANNAN;
“The global HIV/AIDS epidemic is an unprecedented crisis that requires an unprecedented response. In particular it requires solidarity -- between the healthy and the sick, between rich and poor, and above all, between richer and poorer nations. We have 30 million orphans already. How many more do we have to get, to wake up?" --- Kofi Annan
Now that we need to put a halt and reverse the HIV/AIDS and so do the AIDS orphans and most importantly and the most deadly virus which we normally carry along in our mind in most of the circumstances is Stigma and Discrimination which we really need to do away with.
Today let this AIDS orphans Day bring us another tablet to heal us from the infection of Stigma & Discriminations Virus.


Legacy Explorers

Comment by Laurence Gilliot on May 5, 2011 at 6:15

I'm writing a proposal to work on Peace Competence in communities in Rwanda, Burundi and east DR-Congo. 


Do you know if there are global indicators of progress in terms of peace at community level? That will help me to think through the strategy to measure progress.

Do you have experience with facilitating peace/reconciliation in communities?

I would love to learn more from you...




Comment by Tony Ghaye on May 3, 2011 at 15:40
I came across an inspirational person recently. She is Primrose Oteng from
Gaborone, Botswana. Her thinking and work is in the area of POSITIVE PEACE.
You can read about some of her ideas at:
Comment by Gaston on April 26, 2011 at 11:03

Mimi, voir ici ce page en francais:


Ou tu mets le URL (addresse du page) ici: et choissis traduction de l'anglais en francais. Ce n'est pas parfait, mais assez bien je pense. 

Comment by Mimi Gerniers on April 25, 2011 at 16:37

Chers amis

Jusqu'à présent toutes les communications sont en anglais, les personnes bilingues anglais français pourraient elles exprimer leurs messages dans les 2 langues pour permettre aux unilingues de participer aux échanges

Comment by HUTCHISON Florence on April 24, 2011 at 21:37

Bonjour!   i'm very happy to be here and to share with ones concerned by peace and if i'm not myself envolved in  organisations or  social network  i'm  very  interested to share  and learn from your great experiences

perhaps, having this  desire from  many  years agao, i'll envolve myself in such action Waiting this moment while i'm still working as  nurse, i'll consider  these sharings as richness for me If  i can  have  a personnal article i'll do my  best, improving a non  fluent english, to share it with you all.

Perhaps i'll  get friendships... i already  know  two members of this Group ( Ymani and Irit)  very amazing and beautiful hearted women:::  Receive  all my  best thoughts and so long  Florence


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