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Community life competence process in Russia


Jean-Louis Lamboray, chair of the Constellation made an introductory visit to Moscow in May 2010, where UNAIDS Regional Support Team (RST), CSOs and city mayors showed interest to apply the AIDS Competence Process in the Russian context.


Learning events and blended learning

The Blended Learning modules for facilitators on the AIDS Competence Process were translated in Russian. The local facilitators from Moscow, Samara and Kazan went through the blended learning on the first two modules prior to the first face-to-face learning event which was conducted on 5-7 April 2011 in Kazan city.


After the first learning event, Constellation provided a regular distance support through skype meetings with the Russian facilitators. The visit to Samara was the second face-to-face learning event. The aim was to introduce the next steps of the approach and further build upon the previous learning. The UNAIDS RST also supported a Knowledge Fair for local communities prior to the learning event. A team of Constellation coaches accompanied the processes and worked closely with members of the RST.


Emergence of National Facilitation Team

Presently, three facilitation teams are in place: one within the RST, one in Kazan and one in Samara and we find a National Facilitation Team blossoming including Anastasia and Natalya, Kazan based Svetlana Izambaeva , Svetlana Kochetkova and Kamilla and Elena  facilitator from Samara.


Application of SALT

Elena from Samara has involved religious leaders on issues related to HIV through SALT. She has linked them with sex workers. A lady from Muslim community lady even she wrote an article on sex worker in a Muslim publication.

Sveta applied SALT with five families whose children have cerebral palsy. When the families came together they realized that they had similar issues. Discussions between them brought out they felt alienated from others. They preferred to take their children for a walk when others had turned in for the day. Thereafter, recognizing their own strengths the families organized a celebration for the children where there were fun activities for children. 


Recent and upcoming events

The next step was to introduce the approach to CSOs and communities from Ukraine and Belarus which was done last week in Odessa, Ukraine. The upcoming events include a knowledge fair and training of volunteers which began tomorrow.


You can read Reports  of the events at


Stories from Russia:





Views: 195


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Comment by Gaston on October 26, 2011 at 9:05am
Nice, brief posting that shows the depth with links to more information if I want. A pleasure to read! And great to see how the facilitation of local responses is emerging in that part of the world.
Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 16, 2011 at 2:18pm

Photos from SALT events in Kazan, Russia October 2011


Aigul posted some photos on community life competence website


Mikhail shared some photos posted in vkontakte - means "in connection" in russian. It's most popular social network in russia. a facebook clone


Comment by Milka on October 12, 2011 at 10:34am

Dear Rituu and the facilitation teams,

I want to share with you the feeling that I have after the strong and emotional five days which you spent with us trying to to make us a little bit more human and less self oriented. It was very hard to take all the information and to catch the whole idea, out of question. But I have a feeling that no matter if all people got it or stayed with thir own ideas that it is not the way for them to act - none of them went empty. Sometimes it takes a long time a seed to become a tree.

So, thanks to all of you for being patient with people who were critical, for giving support to those who were lonely in their dreams and sharing your experience with those who needed guidance.



Comment by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on October 5, 2011 at 3:44pm
Good to see CLCP taking a firm root in Russia, and making it to the KF level. Not many would have dreamt so a year ago! Hats off to the CLCP team!
Comment by Jean-Louis Lamboray on October 5, 2011 at 8:00am

Great summary Rituu! 

Greetings from Geneva



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