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Malaria Competence


Malaria Competence

This platform is the meeting place for facilitators and communities involved in malaria competence activities. Here is where we will learn from each other and work together on a strategy to scale up our efforts.

Members: 18
Latest Activity: Apr 20, 2017

Malaria Competence

Even in the most affected countries, Rolling Back Malaria is possible. The evidence is growing. In Benin, ITN use in communities has increased 10 fold over the last year and Eritrea and Togo have achieved national coverage.

All those instances have one characteristic in common. Communities have stopped to accept malaria as a fact of life.  Determined to reduce avoidable disease and death, they are implementing a multi-pronged strategy for preventing malaria and treating the disease. They have forged the required local partnerships to make a lasting dent in the disease. However, those examples are still too few to Roll Back Malaria worldwide.

A huge potential remains untapped: that of communities taking on the challenge and sharing their experience with others. To succeed, our global partnership must mobilise the energies of millions of people acting locally to recover the terrain left to malaria. In addition to the various technical strategies for care and prevention, a complementary strategy is required: the facilitation of the local ownership of the issue of malaria and the sharing of experience in rolling back the disease.

What is Malaria Competence?

The self assessment regarding competence in 14 key community practices to Roll Back Malaria will i) identify new actions in support of ongoing efforts and ii) a reorientation of the national response in order to maximize community efforts. Sharing experiences and learning from others is an essential element in achieving impact during the rapid scale-up of interventions.

The 'Competence approach' in the battle against malaria
in Togo and The Gambia, from the Constellation and Roll Back Malaria, Oct-Nov 2008

Comment Wall


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Comment by Marlou on April 29, 2009 at 3:53am
Adam, that is great to hear that you have been promoting self assessments at the family level at WMD. PLEASE, do share that experience in the forum: I do agree that it is time to together beef up the Malaria Competence efforts. Hopefully soon other friends will join the platform and we can build the working group around that here. Will you encourage the champions from The Gambia to join?
Take care,
Comment by Adam Jagne Sonko on April 28, 2009 at 5:39pm
Collegues please share our WMD events. Ours were: press briefing with media houses, radio/tv sensitisations, malaria rallies including our neighbours senegal on cross border issues etc.It is atime for stock taking on our RBM efforts
Comment by Adam Jagne Sonko on April 28, 2009 at 5:36pm
Marlou, this was the question we posed during OUR WMD press briefing to all Gambians.We promoting self assessment at the family level
Comment by MUKALAYI UMBA Toussaint on April 28, 2009 at 3:18pm
Malaria competence m'interesse mais j'aimerais beneficier des expériences des autres pour voir comment l'appliquer.
Comment by Marlou on April 22, 2009 at 7:31am
How Malaria Competent are you on World Malaria day 2009? Hope you will join groups in the world in doing your self-assessment at this occassion!

Members (18)


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