How would the Constellation become part of a broader movement powered by local responses?
The idea is to join forces with all those who share the same belief that communities have the capacity to pursue their own vision and address their own
concerns, and who share a similar way of working, based on appreciation of
strength, rather than analysis of weakness, or need. Joining forces is
important, to make large scale progress and to join voices for greater belief
in community capacity and for related changes in the
behavior of global institutions.
I propose to hold this discussion in five steps, each of approximately one week.
First, we review a text called "Resonance" to replace the current
"Our Roots" page of our website.
Second, we contribute additional names of organisations, discuss criteria for inclusion and suggest how to approach them
Third, we suggest additional references and discuss criteria for inclusion
Fourth, we further reflect on the spiritual dimension of SALT
Then, we wrap up the discussion, edit the new page, post it and discuss next steps.
Many thanks to Marie and Apriil, who will animate the discussion.