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Friends....Greetings! We are excited about building our coaching community in 2014. Please read the attached and we look forward to hearing from you as we embark on this exciting new year together! April
In February, a small team gathered in Belgium to think about the LEARN Function of the Constellation for 2014.
As part of that reflection, the Dream to have a more vibrant coaching community in the Constellation was expressed.
First, why a coaching community instead of just coaches? Through discussion and our experience over the years, we understand that those who live and practise CLCP goes far beyond those who choose to become coaches of the Constellation. So, we want to be more inclusive of that wider experience as we move forward. At the same time, those who are coaches of the Constellation have both opportunities and responsibilities in the areas of CARE, SHARE, LEARN and TRANSFER.
In that spirit, some ideas were shared for our way forward in 2014:
*Defining what the coaching communities is, and what the opportunities and responsibilities are of community members
* The coaching community taking ownership of mentoring each other and stimulating growth
*A clear and transparent process for Constellation wide opportunities for the coaching community
*More dynamic exchanges between and among the coaching community
*Re-visiting the Facilitators and Coaches self-assessments to make them more relevant to the current expectations of coaches and facilitators
We would like to build a small team for 2014, that gives leadership to moving this dream forward.
If you are interested, please contact me at:
La semaine dernière, une petite équipe s’est réunie en Belgique pour réfléchir à la fonction d'apprentissage de la Constellation pour 2014.
Dans le cadre de cette réflexion, a été exprimé le rêve d'une communauté de coaching plus dynamique dans la Constellation .
Pourquoi une communauté de coaching plutôt que simplement des coaches? Nous avons constaté au fil des années que les personnes qui choisissent d’être coaches de la Constellation sont loin d’être les seules personnes qui vivent le processus de la compétence communautaire pour la vie et qui le mettent en pratique. Nous désirons à l’avenir inclure davantage ces personnes. Parallèlement, les coaches de la Constellation bénéficient de possibilités et assument des responsabilités dans les fonctions de GESTION et d’attention à l’autre, de PARTAGE, d’APPRENTISSAGE, et de TRANSFERT.
Voici quelques idées pour progresser dans ce sens en 2014 :
* Définir ce qu’est la communauté de coaching, et quelles sont les possibilités et les responsabilités de ses membres
* Les membres de la communauté de coaching prennent l’initiative d’apprendre les uns des autres et de stimuler l’épanouissement
* Une description claire et transparente des possibilités au sein de la Constellation pour la communauté de coaching
* Des échanges plus dynamiques entre membres de la communauté de coaching
* Révision des grilles d’auto-évaluations des facilitateurs et des coaches pour les rendre plus conformes aux attentes actuelles vis-à-vis des coaches et des facilitateurs
Nous voudrions mettre en place une petite équipe pour 2014, qui donnera l’impulsion nécessaire pour progresser vers ce rêve .
Intéressé(e)? Contactez moi à:
Dear April
After our Strategic Plan last 2012, our organization has decided to focus on our main work on human trafficking and HIV and AIDS is just one of the health outcomes that we seek to address among other issues such as gang violence, drugs, and organized crime.
Previously, I am one of the active coaches of our National Facilitation Team in the Philippines however, the team currently has members who work independently from each other.
We are interested to be part of this coaching community as we are currently expanding our reach in the ASEAN and currently we have 6 team members representing Trafficking in Persons Sectors in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao as well as some civil society champions that who are memebrs of our Board who are responsible for program development which incorporates the SALT approach.
I will email our members to register at our ning community.
I will email you for our bid to have a team.
Hi April.Hope am not late in this discussion.Would love to be part of this
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