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This blog is my unfinished work on Family Planing Competence that, actually, I really want to share. I remember one of my colleague told me not too much established such a competence unless I would be know for sure that all of CLC mechanisms had been completely implemented.
As we already known that Indonesia was center of excellent of FP programme and awarded Population Awards from UNFPA at 1990s. However, after reformation era, FP was no longer priority of national development agenda. This is also worsen by decentralization policy that creates local political leaders who have not much exposure on the important of FP as one of development agenda. These conditions make unmet need higher and all indicators of FP programme were decrease. Advocacy division on the Provincial FP Board concerned on conducting social marketing on FP and to have two or three villages that competence on FP.
We discussed this dream about two years ago, and I see that this dream is still up to date to be implemented now. Yes, I had to admit that this Family Planning Competence is very superficial but at least Provincial Family Planning Board and I had discussed frame work on how this practices will be revisited.
At least six good practices was discussed and put in a parking lot as self assessment frame work:
1. information on FP and it's not simply the use of contraceptive. Ensuring that human rights principle is mainstreamed on the dissemination and socialization on FP at all level level.
2. Access to FP services particularly on long term contraceptive method. This is responding data that most contraceptive use are inject-able and pills
3. Involvement of youth on FP program. This is to response to the condition that in fact in Indonesia most of youth have no idea about family planning that in turn the youth themselves will be mother and father in the future. Adolescent Reproductive Health could be entry point to implement this good practices. This is also to address early first marriage age practice among people
4. Activating local forum or groups, and mostly are group of Islamic teaching at village level or any other group that initially established by FP Board, as center of information as well as FP local task force pool. FP local task force pool's assignment is to distribute contraceptive and refer FP acceptors to midwife when FP acceptors need more information and counseling
5. Mainstreaming gender on FP. this is to address inform concern for FP acceptor and to meet and to improve condom use. National data on condom use is less then 1.2%.
6. Regular review on FP program. This also to sophisticate data that annually up date by National FP Board.
I would like to invite all CLC coaches and facilitators to test this SA framework and to revise (to add or to reduce) as needed that make this FP SA framework contextual and doable at community level. I would be more than happy to discuss with other coaches, facilitators and communities or donors who are interesting to implement FP Competence.
Warm Regards from Indonesia
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