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ukeme okon
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  • Lagos
  • Nigeria
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Ukeme okon's Friends

  • Libby and Len Traubman
  • Jennifer Lentfer
  • Rini Nuraeni
  • Hassan Cherry
  • Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone
  • Olivia Munoru
  • George Cross Friday
  • Abiola Faro
  • praveen kumar pargi
  • Marion
  • Lyndon Welch
  • Korey Anthony Chisholm
  • Verona Groverman
  • Sarah Davison-Tracy

ukeme okon's Requests

Can Faith Based Organisations promote Condom use?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lloyd M Handongwe Sep 6, 2010. 1 Reply

During one of our programmes, Called the frontier process. Young people from various communities were gathered for 6weeks to stimulate local responses.One of the major challenges, identified by the…Continue


ukeme okon's Page

Latest Activity

ukeme okon is attending Marlou's event

Virtual Global Learning Festival 2021 at Online

October 1, 2021 to October 4, 2021
ANCHORING THE ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE LOCAL RESPONSEHow communities learn and adapt to old and new challenges This year’s theme is locally set, and globally explored. Through virtual SALT visits to local communities in Kenya, and from the shared experiences of participants in many other places in the world – we will listen to how they have learned from actions in the past…See More
Aug 11, 2021

Profile Information

Ukeme Okon
The Salvation Army HIV/AIDS Department
About Me:
I am from the family of five and i have two brothers, I am a computer science graduate, i work with The Salvation Army HIV/AIDS Unit, also been involve in alot of local responses, Book writting and partnership meetings.
My dream:
My dream is to see people respond to life issues, also given opportunity to share their own stories with other young people. Most especially not seeing HIV/AIDS as a Moral Issue, rather a Social Issue.
To see generation free of HIV/AIDS.
I'm proud of:
People who come out to declare their HIV Status

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Ukeme okon's Blog

F.E.A.R | Face Everything And Rise |

Posted on March 30, 2017 at 5:38pm 3 Comments

I have been a way for long and good to be back.

If you have been following the news, Nigeria has been trending in terms of suicide and kidnapping

In the past three weeks, more than 20 people have committed suicide and the number keeps increasing everyday. Nigerians are very strong people with so much energy to build resilience against any form of threat, but today we losing all that.

Causes of occurrence have ranged from Depression, Poverty, Retrenchment at work, Poor…


Strength that needs Sustainance

Posted on October 9, 2012 at 1:15am 3 Comments


Dear Friends,

Greetings to you all from Nigeria.

As part of my Job as the newly appointed ANTI-AIDS club president is to design the activity plan of the club which I have done. The club has been in existence for the past 15yrs and as faced so many financial issues. The least of the support given to the club has always been condoms and I.E.C material and the student need more than this material support. The club has been running on individual contribution



Zimbabwe: Community Strength

Posted on December 16, 2011 at 12:30pm 0 Comments

Chipo is 15 years old and an orphan. Her father died in 2001 and her mother died six months ago. She is caring for her little sister, Nolly, and two brothers, Farai and Edwin, as there is no one else to look after them. There is no money for food or school fees and the landlord wants the rent they owe. Mr Gift, the store manager, offered to cancel her food bill if she would ‘go home’ with him. Last week she gave in because Farai was crying with hunger and Nolly had fainted at school.…



Posted on August 22, 2011 at 2:11pm 1 Comment

During the team’s SALT visits, we met a native doctor who believes in the existence of HIV/AIDS and also educated the team in is own little way, his interaction with the team was a little bit tough in the sense that this young man told us stories of many people that were sick and went to the hospital for tests, diagnosed HIV positive by the doctor’s result but the native doctor believes that it is a “family attack” which…


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At 3:55pm on March 8, 2013, Rituu B. Nanda said…

A very happy birthday Ukeme. Best wishes. Have a wonderful day.

At 3:26pm on March 31, 2012, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Hi Ukeme,


In response to your message, I would very much like you to attend the Global Learning Festival in India. A working group is preparing a concept note which will be finalised soon. You can use it to raise funds.




At 5:25pm on March 8, 2012, Ricardo Walters said…

Hi Ukeme...

Happy Birthday!  I hope you've had a good day.

At 11:22am on March 7, 2012, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Happy birthday Ukeme! Have a wonderful day.

At 4:47am on June 8, 2011, Libby and Len Traubman said…


     You asked about overcoming people's resistance to testing.  People have many "reasons" and experiences causing them to distrust.

     Like the public peace process itself, trust begins with relationships -- time for listening to a person's story, time for empathy, time to share your own story and deep interest in the other person.

Trust cannot be expected or demanded, because it is hard-won and requires you to show that you are trustworthy beginning with your heart connection and sincere expressions of interest in the "other."

     Of course, none of this is new to you.

     But please know that all of this is universal around our beautiful, perfectly diverse Earth.

                      Love,      Libby and Len

At 4:58pm on May 5, 2011, Libby and Len Traubman said…

Dear Ukeme,

     We deeply respect how you are living your life to make life in Nigeria more healthful and disease-free.

     In parallel, we are interested in providing encouragement and tools for needed, successful face-to-face communication and authentic Dialogue with it's new quality of listening-to-learn.

     Broken communication can lead to not HIV but perhaps even more deadly disease, HRV which is Human Relationship-Deficiency Virus first expalined to us in Jos last October 2010 --

     We are presently working hard to edit a new documentary film about the success of the 200 brave Muslims and Christians in youth interfaith Dialogue --

     Please keep on your path of excellence, Ukeme.

At 7:19pm on April 29, 2011, Korey Anthony Chisholm said…

How do you relate a Youth Capacity Development (YCD) and Human Capacity Development (HCD) programmes?

Dear ukeme, This is simple for  me,  we as young people need to stop in many case  putting our self  away from the general population since  we  end  up their anyways, we need to start thinking holistically when approaching  to address Youth Capacities,  the Overarching Vision/Dream  is the  HCD,  but  we can first  stat  at  looking at YDC once we have  clear strategies, we them look at other most-at-risk/vulnerable communities (Sexual minorities, Women etc) But not for getting that  with in the Youth population their is these vulnerable groups... Easy to say HCD and YDC is a ll in all one concept  used at different level  based on the populace 

What is your based-line for working with the Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC)?

 Not sure what u asking here, But  i do not work with OVC's so i  need some clarity.. i think  my  understanding of OVC might be a bit different  from yours...because of regional difference. Just to say that  I am a UN Volunteer and  i am attached to an NGO call Volunteer Youth Corps and  their  vision is the contribute to youth and Children for them to have better quality of life and access to Services. I have however worked with OVC in the past but   it's  based on different  things HIV, Living conditions, Self-esteem issues,  or some other social issues   trying to  delay or  just empower for better  future

At 2:52pm on April 28, 2011, Korey Anthony Chisholm said…
Ok  i accepted sir  and  same here my friend
At 1:01pm on February 18, 2011, Hassan Cherry said…
Dear Ukeme,
I totally agree with you regarding the experiential learning-Sharing-Accompanying. you really well described the issue.
I hope that we'll keep in touch
all the best
Hassan Cherry
At 1:17pm on February 14, 2011, Rituu B. Nanda said…
Welcome to the peace competence group, Ukeme! Wonderful to have you with us. Young people can play a key role in peace. Would you like to share a story where community came together to find a peaceful solution?