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  • 43, Male
  • Chiang Mai
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Gaston's Friends

  • Gemma van Voorst
  • Nathalie Legros
  • Maizy Tan
  • Shabakie Fernandes
  • Naomi Singh
  • Zenita Nicholson
  • Jasper Touna
  • Gloria
  • Sylvia Jacobi
  • Jennifer Lentfer
  • adhi Ardian Kustiadi
  • Willemien Dorresteijn
  • Joke D´haese
  • HAWA  drame
  • DIALLO Soumaila

Gaston's Requests


SALT adds flavour to life

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Rituu B. Nanda commented on Gaston's blog post Are we objects or subjects of development?
"Reading it again! wonderful Gaston"
Apr 6, 2021
Patricia St Louis liked Gaston's blog post Are we objects or subjects of development?
Apr 6, 2021

Profile Information

Gaston Schmitz
the Constellation for AIDS Competence
About Me:
I am 29 years old and from the Netherlands. I have 3 brothers of which 1 twin brother, two great parents and a great dog called ' Baloe' . My background is in International Management. I almost worked for a large multi-national in the field of Marketing, but switched to the development cooperation sector. I did a second Master in Development Studies, worked in Mozambique for Unilever, in the Philippines for a NGO and for a Dutch NGO in post-conflict areas such as Kosovo, Bosnia and Sierra Leone. Since January 2008 I am working for the Constellation as the facilitator for ' Transfer'. This means facilitating the transfer of our approach and mindset to other people, organizations, topics and of course my own community and family :)

Working for the Constellation is not really work. It is reflecting, appreciating and trying to be as happy as possible in my work. If I do my work mindful, the results of my work come naturally and my learning curve is steeper than ever before. So, let's enjoy every bit of our work and look for strenghts!
My dream:
My dream is to explore more cultures and communities around the world and keep on learning from them.

A more materialistic dream is to go snowboarding in Alaska with my friends :)
I'm proud of:
I have learnt to take much better care of myself the last years. I feel my body and mind and take up signals much better. I am able to enjoy small moments much more than before. And I am proud that I climbed my first 7A route last weekend :)

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Gaston's Blog

CLCP in our start-up team

Posted on March 22, 2018 at 11:46am 5 Comments

Dear all, 

Together with our team of 8 people, we applied CLCP to ourselves a couple of weeks ago. It was refreshing, insightful and created real enthusiasm and commitment in our team members. 

Here the collection of dreams and the practices. Enjoy! …


Self-assessment in large groups

Posted on January 8, 2018 at 9:21pm 2 Comments

Dear community, some time ago I posted my ideas about facilitating CLCP in really large groups. These were some of my experiences which might be helpful if you face that challenge: 

If you have 200 participants, I would aim to get at least 5 facilitators. 10 is even better.

- Brief well together the day before the event with these people. Prepare the room for both plenary (in a circle) as well as 5 or more groups with sufficient A4 paper, markers, flipchart…


Dream building for an organization

Posted on November 19, 2016 at 12:11am 4 Comments

Dear all, 

I facilitated a few months ago a great Dream building exercise for a 70 people organization in Singapore. The small group dreams came out extremely well. 

I was cautious of hierarchies, but actually had the team leaders facilitate the various groups and share their dreams in the end. That worked well. I briefed them separately before the event took place and shared relevant questions to ask during the exercise. 

Each group presented their dream on stage and…


Discovering a precious poverty pocket in Mauritius

Posted on March 1, 2014 at 1:29pm 5 Comments

Wednesday evening. The sun starts to set. Our SALT team is in Citetol, one of the ‘slums’ on the island of Mauritius close to the international airport. ‘Tol’ means the tin material from which most of the houses in this neighborhood are constructed.

The community is one of the ‘poverty pockets’ on the island (less than 7USD for the entire household per day). Poverty on Mauritius often goes hand in hand with drug abuse. Our team of coaches is ready to discover some strengths and… Continue

Deux histoires de changement a Bibanga

Posted on July 24, 2013 at 10:02pm 1 Comment

Je partage un message de Celestin Mukala, facilitateur en RDC:
1 Aire de Santé de Cibila
                                     D'une manière générale cette Aire de Santé a connu des sérieux problèmes par rapport à la Vaccination.Une resistance menée par la Secte Religieuse cmmunement appelée BABA.Cette dernière  utilisait l'huile végétal pour le tratement de n'importe quelle maladie et s'opposait farouchement à la vaccination de leurs enfants dans leurs…

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At 5:02pm on February 24, 2014, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Thanks Gaston for you message for Gloria. Hope the Mauritius mission is going well. What has been the high moment for you so far?

At 5:02pm on August 29, 2013, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Gaston, you are featured on this platform for your active participation on this network as well as contribution to the Constellation. thank you!

At 12:10pm on February 1, 2013, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Thanks Gaston for sharing on Ning. You bring a great deal of positive energy.

At 3:55am on November 27, 2011, Maizy Tan said…
Hello Gaston, I heard so much about you from both Gloria and JL :)
Thanks for your kind compliments and your opinion of Gloria which I agree totally. Will love to meet and
learn from you the art of facilitation one fine day. I had an 
Inspiring and fruitful week with JL when he was in S'pore.
We are Beyond were very blesses by his presence and sharing.
At 10:31pm on August 30, 2011, Basikila Wa Mputu Paul said…

Bonjour Gaston,

Désolé de vous répondre après tant des jours passés: d'abord je n'étais pas habitué au site life competency et ensuite, je suis confronté à une charge horaire me permettant de me concentrer sur cette opportunité nouvelle d'améliorer mes compétences en matière de communication pour le développement. J'espère que notre connexion va se développer d'avantage et que nous pourrons partager tant d'expérience au bénéfice des populations cibles de nos programmes/projets respectifs

At 7:05am on June 21, 2011, Rituu B. Nanda said…
Welcome to the Asia Pacific competence group, Gaston! You have vast experience of working in Asia Pacific. I look forward to your sharing.
At 5:48pm on April 21, 2011, Sylvia Jacobi said…

Beste gaston,

Natuurlijk , kunnen we nederlands praten hoor. we hebben afgelopen week een training gevolgs van Boris, April en Autry. Het was een geweldige training hoor. ik hoop dus veel meer te leren  en om dus Saltyyyyy te zijn

At 2:26pm on February 10, 2011, Rituu B. Nanda said…
A warm welcome to Peace competence group! Look forward to learning from you Gaston.
At 8:17pm on January 3, 2011, Willemien Dorresteijn said…



Wat fijn dat jullie het goed hadden in duitsland! De laatste 2 jaar ben ik een paar keer bij retraites van opendharma geweest ( en die hebben me heel veel goed gedaan. Heel inspirerend ook - ze hebben ook geleide meditaties op hun website voor als je nieuwsgierig bent.

Grappig dat je het kaartje nog had, stond vast iets liefs op ;)!


Veel liefs en wellicht tot woensdag!


At 10:19am on December 23, 2010, Vichet LOK said…
Hi Gaston: Thank you so much for your comment. Actually, we are doing the SALT and Self Assessment within CHED team. In the progression so far so good. We will back to Phnom Penh on this Friday.