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This is the group for all coaches of the Constellation. All coaches can connect, share and announce opportunities. Other members can find out who are the coaches and get in touch with them.

Members: 46
Latest Activity: Apr 18, 2017

Key documents

Process for Coaches Nomination 2016

Yearly commitment report and personal development plan template




Do we need to update the AAR?

Started by Phil May 24, 2013. 0 Replies

What is learning?

Started by Geoff Parcell Feb 20, 2013. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Phil on August 21, 2014 at 8:09am

Depuis quelque temps, certains d'entre nous ont travaillé d'utiliser le matériel sur Ning (et ailleurs) pour construire des perles du savoir. Au cours des prochaines semaines, nous tenons à vous présenter ces perles du savoir. Notre intention est de créer un outil qui sera utile pour tous ceux qui utilisent le processus de la compétence à la vie des communautés.

Nous voulons introduire l'idée de ‘Perle de savoir’ avec une perle pour la pratique de «Ressources». Cette pratique figure dans presque tous les cadre d'auto-évaluation. Nous avons l'intention de construire des perles pour toutes les pratiques qui apparaissent souvent dans le cadre. Vous trouverez cette introduction sur cette page.

S'il vous plaît jeter un oeil. Le but est que chacun d'entre nous qui utilisent CLCP peut améliorer lorsque nous apprenons de la sagesse de nos amis à travers le monde.

Si vous désirez voir une version anglaise de cette page, s'il vous plaît visitez:

J'ai traduit cette page à partir de la version anglaise. Si vous souhaitez m'aider à améliorer la traduction, s'il vous plaît faites le moi savoir. Je sais que j'ai besoin de l'aide!

Comment by Phil on August 21, 2014 at 8:08am

For some time, some of us have been working to use the material on Ning (and elsewhere) to build Knowledge Assets. Over the next few weeks, we would like to introduce you to these Knowledge Assets. Our intention is to create a tool that will be useful for all of us who use the Community Life Competence Process.


We want to introduce the idea of Knowledge Assets with a Knowledge Asset for the practise of ‘Resources’. This practise appears in nearly every Self Assessment framework. We intend to build Knowledge Assets for all of the practises that appear commonly in the framework. You will find this introduction on this page.


Please take a look. The intention is that all of us who use CLCP can improve when we learn from the wisdom of our friends around the world.

If you would like to see a French version of this page, please go to:

If you would like to help me to improve the translation of the French version, please let me know!  I know that I need help!

Comment by Joke D´haese on April 2, 2014 at 11:35am

Hello Fellow Coaches! 

I am very happy and honoured to join this group, as I have been admiring the Constellation way of working and the skills of the coaches for some time now. A lot is there for me to learn still, and happy to know I am part of a bigger team to keep learning and exchanging.  

I am Belgian and as Rafique wrote, first started doing CLCP in the Netherlands, where I have been living the five past years. 

Today I live in Mauritius with our fellow coach Onesmus and we are together facilitating Drug Competence for Mauritius. This is for the two year partnership with MCBFF (Mauritius Commercial Bank Forward Foundation).

Looking forward to meet you all personally, to learn and share with you.

Warm greetings from Mauritius,


Comment by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on March 23, 2014 at 6:14pm

Dear Fellow Coaches, 

Let us welcome our team mate, Joke D'haese, who is managing the Mauritius project. She is a Constellation coach from Netherlands. I am sure Joke will share what she is doing in Mauritius and how we can support her. 

With best regards, 


Comment by April Foster on September 10, 2012 at 12:37pm

Dear Fellow Coaches

Greetings!  I trust this finds each of you well.

During the past several months we have worked together on updating the understanding of What/Who is a Constellation Coach?  The Coaches Nomination Process and the Coaches Self-Assessment.  Thank you to everyone who contributed to those discussions.

Between September and November we are going to take a few more steps together, namely:

*  updating existing coaches contact list and tracking sheet

*  all coaches invited to complete their self-assessment and personal development plan as part of our reconfirmation

*  preparing a lsit of potential new coaches and beginning the nomination process.

We will post general updates in the Coaches forum on Ning.

I will be in touch via email on the coaches reconfirmation process.

Updated documents will be available on the GST Intranet page.

Thank you, and look forward to being in touch with all of you in the coming months.


Comment by Phil on April 4, 2012 at 11:27am

I have started to put content on a site called 'Constellation Learning'. The hope is that it will contain material coaches.


I have added a section called 'Learning tools' to this site. It contains a description and discussion on the Constellation Learning tools. It is taken from the updated version of Blended Learning. The tools discussed are AAR, learn-and-share, story telling, peer assist, knowledge asset and knowledge fair.

I am happy to have suggestions, additions and corrections. For those who haven't seen the site there is other stuff there that you might find useful. This is the link:

Comment by Ricardo Walters on March 15, 2012 at 1:56pm

Dear Coaches, 

Greetings to you all from Cape Town, South Africa!  I hope this finds you well.


I’ve been writing to coaches on Ning and via email lately, so many of you may have heard from me already.  Rituu suggested it would be good, as well, to post a more general note here in the Coaches group.  (Thanks, Rituu!)

As you may know,  The Constellation has a team working on preparing the Annual Report for 2011, and I'm trying to gather information on partnerships supported by Coaches during 2011.   


In the meantime, what would be really helpful from the Coaches group (and especially if you were linked to a 2011 partnership) is:


1.            Your advice on anything significant from those partnerships you think we need to highlight through the Annual report?


2.            Are there any links already on ning to blog-posts, photos or videos from that partnership?  (whether from a coach, or a local teammate, or a partner organisation, etc.)


3.            If nothing exists yet on ning, do you have any high-resolution, good-quality photo(s) or a story from the field that you'd like to showcase?


Thanks for your help, everyone.  We'll look forward to hearing from you soon.


Comment by Marlou on February 10, 2011 at 3:56pm

Chers amis Francophones,

Une équipes des facilitateurs de Belcompétence s'est mis plein d'enthusiasme à approfondir leurs experiences avec CLCP, à l'aide de nos modules sur 'Blended Learning'. De temps en temps ils auront des questions ou ils cherchent l'appui d'une coach et son expérience. Qui entre vous sera disponible de sountenir - en distance - ces amies? Cela ne prendra pas beaucoup de temps ET donnera l'occassion de mieux comprendre les Modules de Blended Learning, les étapes et les outils de CLCP ET d'avoir l'amitié de nos amies Belges. Veuillez me contacter pour toute ample renseignement.


Comment by Marlou on January 6, 2011 at 3:33pm
Friends, the word 'cease' in the second line should of course be: 'take' (which means the opposite!). With thanks to Luc for the alert :).
Comment by Marlou on January 6, 2011 at 2:47pm
Dear Friends, dear Coaches,

2011 has already started and we have all it's opportunities right in front of us!
My sincere hope is that we together cease them to contribute our part to the Constellation - by stimulating ànd connecting local responses around us.
This past year I have been chasing you all for your confirmation as a Constellation Coach and we have been welcoming new friends as coaches. I am grateful to all of you for your continued investment in Community Life Competence and for your friendship in doing so - all with our own skills and possibilities but all with the same determination and belief.

The Coaches Confirmation will be a yearly exercise where we apply the approach to our selves.  I have enjoyed it very much this year. I found this wasnot just another administrative exercise, but rather an opportunity to connect with you and to hear how you are doing.  I also saw how joint self assessment exercises led to renewed connections for coaches. For me personally doing the self assessment (with Geoff) was a occassion to get new ideas for how I can improve my skills. You can find all confirmation forms and self assessments in the library on: From your feedback I furthermore learned that we should look deeper into the definition of a coach, and that we could develop a better 'coaches self assessment' on that basis. That will be on the programme for this year!

The attached excell sheet gives an overview of details we collected so far. And (of course) there are missing elements. Some of you havenot yet handed in the complete form, although you confirmed your availability. I am still waiting for those missing forms! From others the picture in the coaches gallery is still missing, sometimes some contact details arenot there... (Please double check the list for your own details).

Therefore, please forgive me that I will keep chasing you this year :). Feel free to contact me as well with all missing elements you see behind your name in the sheet or for any other conversation! My contact details are in the signature below.

A last urgent request please is to sign up for the COACHES group on our Ning Platform. This is the place where communication between coaches is centralised - and so far only half of the full group is enrolled. I am more then happy to help you if you have any problem signing up for this specific group!



Members (46)


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