Connecting local responses around the world
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Dear Coaches,
If all goes well, UNAIDS offices in Trinidad and Tobago and in Guyana are inviting the Constellation to facilitate CLCP sessions in February/March 2011.
We are looking to compile a team of two coaches that can carry out both missions. If you are interested in this opportunity for working in a coaches team, please contact Marlou ( by January 20, 2010. Please note that the working language will be English and HIV is the issue we’ll be working on.
1. Support the team as an informal National team in their organization and management of their team in order to function effectively. This includes how to effectively respond to invitations from other agencies, document and share results, and guard the quality of the process and its facilitation;
2. Facilitate the development of a strategy and plan of the National team to allow the ACP/CLCP to reach its full potential in Guyana. This includes connection to other country teams for learning.
3. Explore nomination of ready and qualified facilitators as Constellation’s coaches;
4. Support the local facilitators in practicing facilitation in areas that need improvement, preferable in the context of a concrete partnership of GCLC (i.e. ILO, UNDP, Guyana Faith Coalition on HIV/ AIDS, UNV etc).
Trinidad and Tobago, 5 days initial learning event
Inspired by the developments in Guyana, now UNAIDS in T&T is inviting a coaches team to organise a first learning event to introduce CLCP. The team will work with facilitators from civil society, including MSM and People Living with HIV/AIDS. One facilitator from Guyana will also join during this event.
Dear Coaches,
Here is another opportunity: National TB Program/ PAHO Guyana has invited the Constellation to facilitate a first workshop on TB-Competence from 30 March-7 April 2011.
During this event a self-assessment framework would be developed with actors from various regions. Also a first group of facilitators will be trained in the first steps of the CLC Process, applied to TB. We are looking for a team of 2 (international) coaches who together have experience with local action on TB ànd with the application of CLCP to a new topic. Two facilitators from Guyana will join the team.
Please contact if you are interested!
**English below**
Chers Coaches,
Une belle opportunité parvient en Afrique de l'Ouest, sur Malaria Compétence. Nous explorons une partenariat avec World Vision qui permettra d'établir des nouveuax équipes de facilitation en Chad, Ghana, Mali, Mauretanie, Niger, Senegal et Sierra Leone. Pour le transfer de l'approche à ses équipes nous souhaitons établir une Equipe des Coaches qui, comme équipe, répond aux critères suivants:
1. Connaissance du paludisme et de sa réponse ;
2. Peut faciliter dans la langue du pays à visiter;
3. Aptitude à diriger une équipe et de développer et de soutenir le déploiement d'un plan de procédure;
4. Connaissance des derniers développements de l'apprentissage CLCP / l'évolution de la Constellation;
5. Une variété de l'expérience (dans divers pays) avec l'application de MCP / CLCP / ACP que l'équipe peut partager;
6. Expérience dans la région et / ou le pays de mission;
Le processus devra commencer en Septembre 2011 et se deroulera pendant 18 mois. Il y aura 2 evenements regional et deux visite d'appui par pays. Il y aura aussi d'appui en distance basé sur nos modules de 'blended learning'.
Si vous etes interessés de faire parti de cette Equipe des Coaches - veuillez contacter Marlou (Marlou<@>, avec votre motivation. Veuillez aussi indiquer si vous etes interesser dans un ou plusieurs de ces 7 pays en particulier.
Avec tous mes amitiés,
Dear Coaches,
A great opportunity is coming up in Western Africa, on Malaria Competence. We are exploring a partnership with World Vision that will lead to the creation of new Malaria Competence facilitation teams in Chad, Ghana, Mali, Mauretanie, Niger, Senegal and Sierra Leone. To transfer our approach to those new teams we are looking to establish a coaches team that, as a team, meets following criteria:
1. Knowledge of Malaria and its basic response;
2. Can facilitate in the language of country to visit;
3. Ability to lead a team and develop and support the roll-out of a process outline;
4. Up-to-date with latest developments of the CLCP/ Blended Learning/ developments in the Constellation;
5. A variety and intensity of field experience (in various countries) with applying MCP/ CLCP/ ACP that the team can share;
6. Experience in the region and/or country of mission;
The process will start in September 2011 and will last 18 months. There will be 2 regional events and two support visits per country - bridged by distance support via our blended learning modules. If you are interested to join the Coaches team, please contact Marlou de Rouw (marlou<@> Kindly provide a short motivation and indicate whether you are specifically interested to support one or more of the 7 countries.
With thanks,
Hi Marlou, and other coaches. Greetings from Cape Town, South Africa!
Congratulations on the prosepctive World Vision partnership around malaria-competence in West Africa! It seems like a potentially good partnership, and I’d be very interested to see how it evolves.
The announcement stimulated some thinking for me, related to programme design and process analysis, and I thought I'd share that here for others to weigh in on. We're definitely maturing as The Constellation in our understanding of response, and I wondered whether the World Vision multi-country partnership offered us the opportunity to evolve even further.
Specifically, three thoughts:
1. This multi-country process could help us deepen and refine our collective thinking and practise around “stimulating local responses”, inclusive of a progression towards competence that includes some practices that in the past have been less explicit in our work as The Constellation. Specifically, I think about home visits, and the stimulus of home-to-home inter-neighbour conversation. And how SALT could be the way to bridge the private-public dynamic between those two environments.
2. It would be really exciting to see how malaria-competence becomes a bridge into HIV-competence in the communities that are receiving facilitation support. Is there already an intention to build deliberate linkages to HIV over time? Perhaps that’s already a specific component of the malaria competence process in general. But, it would be wonderful to build teams that are maturing in the facilitation process to such an extent that malaria provides openings to deal with the more intricate issues of HIV at local community level; where a local response is stimulated around malaria, and then grows in confidence to go even deeper with something like HIV. Personally, as much as we've seen CLCP adapted and applied to a range of life issues over the years, the significance of HIV as the "conscience" of our movement - especially in Africa - is huge for me, and I'd like to see us always trying to stretch different aspects of CLCP towards it.
3. Some of us have talked for a while about a specific focus on local response measurement, and on characterising the components of an effective local response, including quantifying transfer between communities through a facilitation team process. I’d be very interested in seeing how this potential partnership with WV could start out with a well-defined measurement framework in mind so that we can really draw out compelling results for our LEARN and SHARE work by the end of the partnership.
That’s it from me for now. Thanks for the chance to comment. I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts, and hopefully, the thoughts of several others.
Yes yes and yes
WV needs to encounter the intimate relational elements head on and heart on as you suggest, to explore the 'care to change' foundation to local response;so that consistency happens between vision and direction and underpinning motivation -which is linked to a particularly resonant theology for the organisation.
So here is an opportunity for the Constellation to dig deeper.
Dear Ian and Ricardo,
Your thoughts trigger more inspirations for me and especially with this movement of Faith (WV). The engagement can and would be articulate through SALT, Culture of facilitation and its integrity through relationships,
Malaria is the entry point, CLCP does away with the compartments and inclusiveness becomes real as people find space to deal with their real life issues with confidence.
Thanks Marlou for the chance to comment.
Thank you for sharing these thoughts on the opportunities that every partnership has to deepen our ways of working and keep stretching us as coaches.
I think what you have raised has implications for the formation of the coaches teams and their orientation to the process, so that these elements are brought out.
It may be helpful to name some specifics of how these elements can be incorporated into the West Africa WV partnership, so that everyone is tuned to that from the start and if any adaptation of the design is needed that can begin to happen now.
For me that would include:
1. Explicit inclusion of the home and neighbourhood conversations as part of SALT - so coaches who are able to facilitate and incorporate this as part of the proces
2. steps towards including this deeper understanding and practise of local response into the Blended Learning modules
2. some work on a local response measurement framework that can be agreed with WV before the partnership begins, but is open to adaptation/learning throughout the process. In the long term it may be that some of these elements get more explicitly incorporated into self-assessment frameworks so that we see local response as the grounding needed for response to any issues such as malaria, HIV etc.
Looking forward to seeing thoughts from others, but also some agreed concrete actions to incorporate these elements with WV but also across ongoing and upcoming Constellation Partnerships
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