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Started by khorchi laurie. Last reply by Bobby Zachariah Apr 18, 2017. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Dear Constellation Coaches and Facilitators,
As you already know the Global Support Team have developped a new website for the Constellation.
This website will be also a plateform for coaches and facilitators to get informations about current partnership, current opportunities and news.
We invite you to visit these two pages (to get the password contact me -
- News for coaches, facilitators and support teams- You'll find there all opportunities for coaching and request for support.
Please don't hesitate to get in contact with me to share an informations to add to those page or to get the password.
These pages are made for you.
We hope you'll find them relevant and you'll get all ressources needed for your work as coaches and facilitators.
Looking forward to get your feedback
Luc and Laurie
Dear Constellation coaches and facilitators,
Since a few months the Constellation is engaged in a partnership in Botswana, called CATCH. We are helping build multi layered facilitation teams that will facilitate Aids Competence in Botswana communities, eventually nationwide.
Onesmus and Ricardo helped start of this process successfully with a first SALT visit and learning event for the South East. They will bring a follow up (dream) support visit early September.
Botswana is now ready to start in new districts: Gaborone and Kweneng East. The first training for facilitators here is planned for 21 - 29 September 2015.
We are looking for a teammate for Onesmus to facilitate this event
The coach we are looking for:
- Has experience training and accompanying new facilitation teams,
multilayered, with a roll out strategy in mind.
- Is at ease and convincing in conversations with partners at national and local level
- Is strong in strategic thinking and conversations, as this process will eventually be roled out at national scale and possibly regional.
- Ideally has prior connections with Botswana/regional partners such as UNAIDS, USAID, FHI360.
- Is Anglophone
- Has good capturing and sharing skills
- Is available 20-30 September 2015 and can be flexible in dates if needed.
If you are interested to join the team, or if you want more information, please write to Marlou ( and Onesmus ( by 20 August 2015 latest.
Best wishes,
Onesmus and Marlou
Un processus d’apprentissage pour les entraîneurs de la Constellation
Ce diagramme montre un processus possible pour les entraîneurs de la Constellation apprendre systématiquement de leurs expériences avec les événements d'apprentissage de la Constellation .
Cette page décrit le processus plus en détail.
À l'heure actuelle, cette page est en anglais seulement. Je vais ajouter une version française de cette page bientôt.
A learning process for Constellation coaches
This diagram shows a possible process for the coaches of the Constellation to learn systematically from their experience with Learning Events of the Constellation.
This page describes the process in more detail.
I will add a French version of this page soon.
Perles du savoir sur la façon de faciliter CLCP
Voici le lien qui mène aux leçons tirées des entrevues avec les facilitateurs de la Constellation.
Ci-dessous la liste des entretiens, nous avons regroupé les leçons dans les étapes de CLCP. Vous pouvez les trouver sous forme de texte ou sous la même forme de perles du savoir que nous avons utilisé pour les pratiques de l'auto-évaluation.
Pour le moment, ces pages sont en anglais seulement.
Knowledge Assets on how to facilitate CLCP
Here is the link that leads to the lessons learned from the interviews with Constellation facilitators.
Below the list of interviews, we have grouped the lessons into the steps of CLCP. You can find them as text or in the same form of Knowledge Assets that we have used for the practises of the Self Assessment.
At the moment, these pages are only in English.
Apprendre de nos expériences avec CLCP
Utilisez-vous le processus de la Compétence Communautaire pour la Vie?
Avez-vous aidez les autres à utiliser le processus de la Compétence Communautaire pour la Vie? Voulez-vous apprendre de l'expérience des autres avec CLCP?
Après un événement d'apprentissage de la Constellation, nous avons pris le temps de réfléchir avec les facilitateurs sur ce qu'ils ont appris de leur expérience. Vous pouvez trouver les dossiers de ces entretiens à:
Les entretiens sont organisés autour des leçons apprises. J'ai beaucoup appris de ces discussions avec les facilitateurs de la Constellation. Pensez-vous que vous pouvez apprendre de ce matériel? Pensez-vous que vous pouvez ajouter à ces leçons de vos expériences?
Pour le moment, ce texte est en anglais seulement. S'il y a un intérêt, nous commencerons à construire une version en français.
Learning from our experiences with CLCP
Do you use the Community Life Competence Process?
Do you help others to use the Community Life Competence Process?
Would you like to learn from the experience of others with CLCP?
After a Constellation Learning Event, we have taken the time to reflect with the facilitators on what they have learned from their experience. You can find the records of these interviews at:
The interviews are organised around the lessons learned. I have learned a lot from these discussions with Constellation facilitators. Do you think that you can learn from such material? Do you think that you could contribute to material like this?
At the moment, this material is only in English. If there is interest, we will start to build a version in French.
Voici les liens vers les 3 perles du savoir que nous avons construites sur les pratiques du cadre d'auto-évaluation:
Lien vers la perle du savoir sur la pratique de «Ressources».
Lien vers la perle du savoir sur la pratique de «L’inclusion».
Lien vers la perle du savoir sur la pratique de «Mesurer le changem...
Lien vers la page qui présente les perles du savoir.
Here are links to the 3 Knowledge Assets that we have built on the practises of the Self Assessment framework:
Link to the Knowledge Asset on the practise of ‘Resources’.
Link to the Knowledge Asset on the practise of ‘Inclusion’.
Link to the Knowledge Asset on the practise of ‘Measuring change’.
Link to the page that introduces the Knowledge Assets.
Link that leads to the French version of the Knowledge Assets.
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