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How to raise the funds for the organisationI would like to put the theme before you guys to discuss how we can raise the funds for the organisation, example here in South Africa and… Started by Jean de Dieu Bakundukize in The Constellation: building our community |
0 | Nov 28, 2016 |
Sur l’image d'arrière-plan qui figure sur la page d’accueil du site..Chers tous, Comme vous l'avez peut-être remarqué, le nouveau site de Constellation est maintenant « live » depuis quelques mois dans trois… Started by Carmen Indrani in The Constellation: building our community |
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Nov 16, 2016 Reply by Marie Lamboray |
Sobre la imagen de fondo de la página de principal de la web de la Constelación...Queridos/as, Como ya habréis notado, ¡la página web de la Constelación está viva desde hace unos meses en tres idiomas! Nos gustaría abri… Started by Carmen Indrani in The Constellation: building our community |
0 | Nov 11, 2016 |
On the background image could we use in the website's homepage...Dear all, As you may have noticed the Constellation website has now been alive for a few months in three different languages! We would no… Started by Carmen Indrani in The Constellation: building our community |
0 | Nov 11, 2016 |
Última versión del Preámbulo- sus aportacionesQueridos amigos y amigas a lo largo y ancho de la Constelación :) Una vez más nos gustaría conectar con la inteligencia colectiva de nuestr… Started by Célicia Theys in The Constellation: building our community |
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Nov 10, 2016 Reply by Loli Rey |
NON VERBAL CONVERSATION IN SALT VISITSMy interactions and experience with persons with disability especially persons who talk using sign language has really taught me how someti… Started by ABEDNEGO KITHEKA MUTUNGWA in The Constellation: building our community |
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Nov 8, 2016 Reply by Marie Lamboray |
Letting go.....of what?Was I stumbled ate the question? No! Truth is , I have never given thought to this question. I am confident about what I do and I trust thi… Started by Autry Haynes in The Constellation: building our community |
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Oct 26, 2016 Reply by Rituu B. Nanda |
The SALT visitDear people from the Community Life Competence, I have a question that I would like to have your view on (based on your experience) When,… Started by yvonne van oorsouw in SALT as our way of thinking and our way of working |
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Oct 23, 2016 Reply by yvonne van oorsouw |
Une lettre aux membres de la ConstellationChers membres de la Constellation, Au cours des derniers mois, deux de nos membres du Conseil d’Administration ont constaté que des circ… Started by Phil in The Constellation: building our community |
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Sep 29, 2016 Reply by Ngabala Eric |
Does Salt Continue After The Formal Support Comes To An End?Hi I am Pratibha Lal from NGO called JJK, Chhattisgarh, India. SALT is not an activity. It is a part of life and a way of living. So for li… Started by Pratibha Lal in SALT as our way of thinking and our way of working |
0 | Sep 3, 2016 |
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