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I'm looking to provide some support to an NGO (Tearfund) who are running a number of campaigns aiming to reduce child trafficking, and I wanted to do some "learning before doing" from this community.

Nearly all of the work to combat child trafficking happens at "grassroots" level - educating and equipping local communities to identify with the high risk moments, confront the misinformation and protect against the vulnerabilities borne of poverty.

So all of this reminds me of some of the approaches taken in Life Competence, and in particular on the UNAIDS programme - creating a self-assessment to create a common language, giving voice to experience, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and good practices, and developing knowledge assets for re-use...

My question is:  Does anyone know of any examples where this approach has been applied to Human Trafficking? 

A response during this week would be a great help.

Thanks so much.

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Hi Chris,

Few years agao, I documented efforts of sex workers to address trafficking in Asia region for UNDP Thailand.

I share an example with you from Durbar Mahila Samvaya Committee (DMSC) in India, the largest sex worker collective in Asia with more than 65,000 members. DMSC set up self-regulatory boards to check child sex trafficking in its brothel sites. How this functions is that the brothel owner has to present every new sex worker to the board. The board interviews the sex worker to ascertain that the sex worker is not being forced into sex work. Sex work below the age of 18 years is illegal. The new entrant is then sent to the hospital for an X-ray to confirm her age. In case she is minor, she is sent back home. There is a team which is responsible for the return of such girls to their homes. My experience is that this is a crucial stage as many minor girls are not accepted back in their village. In case the girls don't want to go back they are sent to government run women hostels or homes. 

In DMSC case what has worked is that sex workers are empowered and therefore have been able to undertake anti-trafficking initiatives. Also community engagement at different stages is important if we want to be successful to check this challenging issue. Check the website

Thanks Rituu - much appreciated.

Dear Chris, Guyana Competence did the following as indicated at the following sites:

Should you need additional info or questions please contact me by email or skype.
Hope we can be of support / help to you (^_^)

Thank you Autry - that's really great to read about.

I'm looking at the GBV self-assessment now. I will be sure to come back to you with more questions if this takes off!

Hi Chris,

Rituu motivated me to write on this issue again. In the Vedic religion of ancient India, the Taittiriya Upanishad teaches, “Matridevo bhava”—“Let your mother be god to you.” In this mantra of Brahmcharya Sukta, girls are supposed to receive equal training as boys as students and only then enter married life. Women are then venerated in the home as “protector of children, having definite knowledge, worth thousands of prayers and impressing all directions…” (Atharva Veda 7.46.3). Still we are not able to implement ..... Rig Veda, is even more forceful in its veneration of women. Verses supporting the development of women’s status are evident throughout the text. They are summarized below:

1. Women should be brave.

2. Women should be expert.

3. Women should earn fame.

4. Women should ride on chariots.

5. Women should be scholars.

6. Women should be prosperous and wealthy.

7. Women should be intelligent and knowledgable.

8. Women should be protector of family and society and get in the army.

9. Women should be illuminating.

10. Women should be provider of wealth, food, and prosperity.

When I read these lines, I am incredulous that they were ever written down as part of a religious text followed by an entire ancient society. Then I wonder how on earth the change to modernity could be so vast. A few days ago, I wrote about study on domestic violence and work place discrimination in Canada. The findings are eye opening for many please read the article

Positive Fatherhood – The Key In Preventing Violence In The Generat...

An ancient culture that came close to providing women with equal rights as men has made me hopeful. The discomforting current events I learn every week made me wonder if there ever really was a time and place in which women and children were given the respect they deserve. But now the question is, can we bring the same ideas to the present?

My previous post links may useful:

Please find below few links to strengthen my statement:

Namibia: Human Trafficking Mirrors Society's Underbelly

Symposium on Human Trafficking Session 2: Human Trafficking and Global Health [Rush Transcript; Federal News Service, Inc.]

Horror of Teen Sex Slavery Not Foreign Woe; It's Here

Trafficking in immigrants at the border has a feminine aroma

Brothel on wheels

Shady Lady Ranch: Free Gas at Nevada Brothel

In such conditions the project implementing agency and resource persons as well as staff must have proper knowledge to address this issue we must have understanding on Motor Vehicle Act, Drug and Excise Act, Sate Tax Act, ITPA (Immoral Trafficking and Prevention Act), CrPC (Criminal Procedure Code), IPC (Indian Penal Code), Prison Act, and Evidence Act off course Applied Socio-Psychology-Religion-Racism in the purview of Sustainable Development.

Even I know many time truckers gave few illegal articles to deliver someone else to the project staff and keep these articles also in the project office, in such condition how one should implement the project and face the situation.

On the other hand project staffs supply FSWs or their contact information to the truckers in lieu of cash or kind.

All these issues are related to economical development how we work for holistic development with these circumstances. I am not against anyone but these are the grass root realities.

In addition to this may individuals, celebrities' and organisations are working on this issue. I feel WILL and MOTIVATION plays important role for change. Following documents may helps you to draft the approach.   

Trafficking of children


International Law and Human Trafficking


Trafficking in Persons

Human Trafficking FAQs


Human Sex Trafficking: Canada's Hidden Crime

Trafficking in North America

Research on Human Traffickingin North America:A Review of Literature

A Web Resource for combating Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking: The Myths and the Realities

Chris, send me the draft of your consultation for my orientation.


Wow Avnish - you have given me a whole library!  Thank's so much...

Thanks Chris, I am not very active these days but still being a student of Developmental Sector putting my efforts for Holistic Development.

Please read the following and write on the issue because trends are changing ....

Positive Fatherhood - The Key in Preventing Violence in the Generat...

Hope the links I send you before are useful and you started working on it.

Best Wishes Again,


Hi Avnish,

Please could you check that URL - I got an error today...

Thanks again...


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