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Dear colleagues, I am just thinking aloud here, hoping to get some thoughts on the questions. We encourage communities to be hopeful or be stimulated to share their hopes but can they over emphasize their thinking ability?
Can an individual / community be too hopeful, over hopeful? Might there be a relationship to being over zealous? What are the implications?"
I have some things to share from my experience. Hope they are useful.
First is one has to be careful about drafting the question on dream. While asking beyond one's lifetime is a great idea as we move away from needs and brings the community together, like one's dream in the year 2050. But we should limit to the theme. For instance what is your dream for say HIV response in 2050? If we ask a general dream and we cannot support the community in this then what? There are cases this will happen for example dream could be medicines for the community then that is where the NGO has to link up some community members. For eg we were working with a community on HIV. With application of CLC community started taking ownership on the issue of HIV. while the NGO linked up some members with hospitals, we asked the community that the project will end soon and who will link them up. So they came forward to do many things which the NGO had been doing like taking patients to hospitals, providing information to other community members on where they can get medicine etc. Another aspect which helps is self assessment where the community will realise where it is in terms of its dream.
Hi Autry!
Here are some quotes from Constellation members about hope:
“But she reflected to herself, I want to strengthen Ubuntu (our common Humanity) in the community by caring for others and myself. This brought hope in her life, as her health improved, leading to her gaining will power to lead those infected and affected in the community.” Johanna’s story, Onesmus Mutuku,
“For the first time in our history, we are aware that the fate of all humanity is connected. As we free ourselves from our prejudices, as we put our trust in humans, what strengths, what energy are then available! So whether it's AIDS, malaria, climate change, hope is renewed. Jean-Louis
“So with a salt visit you just don’t leave them aware and hope they adapt to change, but you stimulate their awareness, allow them to bring their dreams and hopes out and guide them into creation their own solutions on bringing it to realization and you leave them motivated while they pursue their OWN dreams TOGETHER”. Tricia Francis,
"Keep your hope. Keep your dreams," Samran says. "It's about survival."
“The Violet Home was born six years ago. Samran saw men newly diagnosed with HIV falling into the depths of depression without hope. Often, the men keep their status a secret, but the few who do tell run the risk of being abandoned by their family and friends. Violet Home is a space where HIV positive men who have sex with men (MSM) can come together for support, treatment and care. It's a place where they can come to be connected and stay alive, Samran says.” Violet Home, Chiang Mai, Lesley,
Here are the roots of integrated care, treatment, and prevention –respecting and stimulating people to the extent that ownership for care and change is opened and deepened, and then people living with and affected by HIV take another step toward a shared future with hope.
When I asked the Mildmay team if the experience was new for them they said ‘Yes-she has not expressed like that before’. The difference is in the listening and the shared learning, and the living out of a journey together. Ian Campbell,
“Street child is the name the world attributes to me
In reasons they provide, I can only they are right
I shout to the world appealing, please don't call me that way
I reach to the end of hope and therefore disgrace and end of life
All I want is someone to give me hope
Some who will give love
Someone who will give life back
I only want to be of someone”
Arnaldo Vembane,
Dear Autry,
Yesterday, I was discussing with Young people about what they would like to do to improve life for themselves and for the community they live in. And I asked them if they think that they will achieve the dreams that they were sharing with my team of facilitators. All of them where emphasizing on the strength of the hope and one of the boys gave the following example:
If they were one hundred (100) Young people who decide to climb a very high mountain, maybe half of them will abandon at the middle of the trip and 50 will continue. Maybe only 10 will arrive at the top of the hill and if they were to assess why they arrived, the other 90 would learn that the 10 had strong hope and courage. They told me about their commitment to continue working to avoid violence in their community even though they have conscious that it is a very high mountain to climb in this period before presidential elections.
This group of Young people was mainly orphans, others living with handicap and many of them used to be street children and where sharing how they were proud of what they are achieving thanks to hope and courage. Instead of encouraging them to extra hoping, It is me that they encouraged to continue SALT in communities. They reminded me what my friend Sangale (Coach in Mali) told me a few days before when I told him that I was not seeing results of my work to stimulate facilitators to keep on facilitating communities: "perseverance will help you attain the result you need, facilitator in action".
Yes, for a short moment I was discouraged when a member of the sharing team was asking me to share the Burundi Competence report for 2013" and I could not have outstanding results to present. So, my friend Sangale and these Young people encouraged me to pursue my work to set up a strong and committed facilitators team.
I had decided a long time ago that I would teach no more but I forgot and came back to that way of working. That was the origin of my feeling of failer. When I let the Young people express their commitment freely yesterday, It was me instead who has been encouraged to more hope. Sometimes we don't need to encourage communities to extra hoping, we just need to listen their existing hopes and then encourage them to plan and perform actions in that direction.
For me, now I think there is never enough hope but we don't need to tell people to hope. We should just show them what they have realised in their communities and this way will generate more hope and will to move.
Thank you for your loud thinking on this question,
(French follows)
"">Cher Autry,
Hier, je discutais avec les jeunes sur ce qu'ils aimeraient faire pour améliorer leur propre vie et celle de la communauté où ils vivent et je leur ai demandé s'ils pensaient qu'ils allaient réaliser les rêves qu'ils étaient en train de partager avec mon équipe de facilitateurs . ">Chacun d'entre eux soulignait la force de l'espoir et un des participants a donné l'exemple suivant:
S'ils étaient cent (100) jeunes qui décident de monter une montagne très élevée, peut-être la moitié d'entre eux abandonneront au milieu du voyage et 50 vont poursuivre la montée. Peut-être que 10 jeunes seulement arriveront au sommet de la colline et au moment d'évaluer pourquoi les 10 sont arrivés, les 90 autres pourront apprendre que les 10 n'avaient rien d'autre qu'un fort espoir et courage. ">Ils m'ont affirmé leur engagement de continuer à travailler pour éviter la violence dans leur communauté, même s'ils ont conscience qu'il s'agit d'une très haute montagne à grimper dans cette période avant les élections présidentielles.
Ce groupe de jeunes était principalement orphelins, d'autres vivant avec un handicap et beaucoup d'entre eux furent des enfants vivant dans la rue et nous partageaient pourtant comment ils étaient fiers de ce qu'ils réalisent grâce à l'espoir et le courage contrairement à certains autres jeunes qui ont grandi avec plus de chance. Au lieu de les encourager à un espoir supplémentaire, C'est moi qu'ils encourageaient à continuer les visites SALT dans les communautés. Ils m'ont rappelé ce que mon ami Sangale (coach du Mali) m'a dit quelques jours auparavant, quand je lui disais que je ne voyais pas les résultats de mon travail pour stimuler les facilitateurs de continuer à faciliter les communautés: "la persévérance vous aidera à atteindre le résultat que vous souhaitez ">, des facilitateurs en action ".
Oui, pour un court moment, j'étais découragé quand un membre de l'équipe de partage me demandait de partager le rapport Burundi Compétence pour 2013 "et je ne pouvais pas avoir d'excellents résultats à présenter. Donc, mon ami Sangale et ces jeunes m'a encouragé à ">poursuivre mon travail à mettre en place une équipe de facilitateurs fort et engagé.
J'avais décidé il ya longtemps que je n'enseignera plus mais j'ai oublié et revint à cette façon de travailler. Ce fut l'origine de mon sentiment de d'echec. Quand je laisse les jeunes expriment leur engagement librement hier, c'était moi la place qui a été encouragé à plus d'espoir. ">Parfois, nous n'avons pas besoin d'encourager les communautés à l'espoir supplémentaire, il suffit d'écouter leurs espoirs existants et les encourager à planifier et à exécuter des actions dans ce sens.
Pour moi, maintenant, je pense qu'il n'y a jamais assez d'espoir, mais nous n'avons pas besoin de dire aux gens d'espérer. ">Nous devrions leur montrer ce qu'ils ont réalisé dans leurs communautés et de cette façon allons générer plus d'espoir et de volonté à agir.
">Nous vous remercions de votre pensée à haute voix sur cette question,
Dear Eric, I like this posting, it says many things. As a Facilitator of SALT / CLCP we do just that, facilitate the process is a SALT[y] way to the benefit of the community we are engaged with. Mind you, this could be ANY community such as the one you alluded to. As we engage this community we do so consciously in a way to stimulate a different Way of Thinking (WoT) with a view of creating a different Way of Working WoW), taking ownership and responsibility for the Behavior Change among / between themselves to accomplish some positive change in some future time. This change could be incremental but measurable. Some dreams may never be achieved because we don't control ALL factors required and of course in life there is 'uncertainty' and many risks that we may plan for. While we engage in this process in a conscious manner, unconsciously we benefit individually from the shared experience by that community and thats where we feel re-energized, inspired, motivated to continue what we do. You have assured us of this fact. thank you (^_^). As we reflect we realise some things that work and somethings may not work. Those that work, we share with fellow Facilitators so that they can internalize and determine when / where these may be applied in the future. So, my dear friend, encouraging people to be hopeful or dream is not in vain. It is part of a process or a process within a process. Recently I visited a community who were stimulated to an envisioning session. There are stimulating exercises that lead to the act of hopes or dream building. So at this moment, of dreaming, the community, individually and / or as group is READY, hyped-up, to be engaged in the exercise. Thanks again for sharing this inspiring piece.
PS: seem long here (^_^)
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