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Community-based Efforts to Resolve Waterlogging Issues in Pechakola Community

Recently, People of Moddhopara area from Pechakola community were facing the problem of water clogging. People might have to stuck at home due to recent heavy rainfall specially children and women. Women and children suffer the most, unable to navigate the flooded roads safely, which disrupts daily life, schooling, and work. Despite years of enduring this problem, the community did not think of the solution.

However, Through the community mobilization process of SALT, proactive group of young girls was able to identify the problem and decided to solve this problem. With the help of group SALT in community, they all agreed that action needed to be taken, and every option for drainage had to be looked into. According to the plan, in a remarkable show of solidarity, Jumuna group member organized themselves to find a solution for draining the excess water. They made the decision to ask for donations from the community in order to support their endeavor and speed up the drainage of water. With the collected money, they rented a pump to drain the accumulated water. This is how they resolved the issue with collaborative approach and people get their normal life.

This initiative is a powerful example of community-led problem-solving and the impact of collective action in addressing local challenges. It is quite admirable how united the community has been in the face of difficulty to identify and solve the issue, after SALT. The faith and confidence that the community placed in these young leaders was crucial in obtaining the required funding.

The aspiration of this story is to create a future where community development is driven by the people themselves, using their collective strengths, leadership, and solidarity. The Moddhopara initiative is a first step toward creating a community that not only resolves its own issues but also gets stronger as it overcomes obstacles one by one. As they proceed, the community understands that in order to adopt more long-term fixes that will ensure a permanent solution to this problem. In this regard, they are planning for wider community engagement as well as the local government's assistance and advocacy for permanent solution.

Views: 71


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Comment by Prokash Biswas 10 hours ago

It is a great action but this people is a real hero. 

Comment by Manira khanam 14 hours ago
  • Wow! amazing. It's called community action.Go ahead vai..

Comment by Sadia Jafrin on Sunday

Outstanding! I am so glad to see the community being empowered to take ownership of their own journey.

Comment by Shahrukh Atpade on Friday

It's amazing to see how collective action can lead to real change. This initiative serves as a reminder that communities can solve their own problems when they work together.

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 8, 2024 at 6:58pm

Amazing community action! Thank you for these pics.

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