Connecting local responses around the world
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(newsletter co-created with participants of GLF)
Joram Tibasiimwa, the Chairman National Council for Older Persons
“You (delegates) must have observed during your SALT visits that older persons have potential to work for themselves if triggered to think without necessarily government coming in to provide assistance. Our target is to roll out the CLCP Approach to all parts of the country so that Uganda as a country benefits from the Approach.”
Our SALT visits to the communities to appreciate, listen, learn, stimulate, share and transfer.
A big thanks to our host team –Health Nest Uganda (HENU). Some members in this picture.
Contents of the Newsletter
Izzaty, Singapore
Connections doesnt necessary need to be in a full circle. It can happen in the middle, looking at opposite ends, or even coming from different parts of the world.
The commonality of all these different points of connections is being human first.
A smile that can lead to a hand shake.
A handshake to a "how are you?"
And eventually it multiplies to different forms of connections to home, family, policy, anger, strength, sadness and loneliness.
And thats where i learnt, i need to be human first before even thinking of creating change in the community around me.
Blaise kizolele, DRC
Mettre ensemble l'espoir et les forces.
L'histoire de Marguerite KIBURE, une femme de 74ans a impressionnée tout le monde, veuve de son état, elle a réussi à faire étudier tous ces enfants. Quand on cherche à savoir son secret, elle se livre à nous avec ces propos :
_ mon mari avait la terre, mais il était toujours absent, et moi, j'ai ne l'avait pas vendu, plutôt que, j'ai la façonner pour mon avenir,grâce à ça, j'ai construit ma maison, mon infirmier pour sauver des vies humaines, surtout les plus pauvres, comme chez moi j'ai l'espace, j'y mets l'élevage, les arbres fruitiers, les tomates, mais tout se fait en ordre. Grâce à l'association, mon entourage apprécie ce que je fait avec amour et moi, j'apprécie aussi le travail des autres, ce qui me donne la force de continuer, je consomme toujours la production locale, sur base de plantes, je me soigne, je contribue à l'association comme tout le monde et j'en suis fière et je me retrouve votre visite m'a chante beaucoup, car vous avez réellement visité entebbe, les autres préfèrent les hôtels et les boîtes, mais vous vous préférez la communauté, cela nous encourage à continuer à visiter aussi d'autres personnes âgées comme nous. Si nous pouvons garder le lien, cela va encore nous encourager.
Le marché international a laissé beaucoup impression, bien que l' on a pas visité intégralement, mais les résultats sont les mêmes partout. En France, par exemple, la façon de construire le rêve à travers le dessin qui caractérise un être humain a marqué les consommateurs de ce marché. Le dialogue communautaire comme approche de mobilisation communautaire à Madagascar a impressionné le marché. Au Burundi, l'approche a facilité la prise de conscience chez les jeunes dans la mobilisation locale de petit projet. En fin, la DRC a marqué ce festival international par la facilitation de l'approche de la réponse locale pour créer une dynamique communautaire , d'abord au niveau de la structure, nous prenons la charge du bureau, en suite au niveau des communauté s où selon le programme du gouvernement, nous avons, grâce à la approche RECO-SALT/CCV, installé dans quelques Aires Santé de la Zone de Santé kalamu II , les cellules d'animation communautaire multi sectorielles pour mobiliser la communauté vers son développement durable.
Nous avons appris beaucoup de choses aujourd'hui sur le terrain, la communauté dès personnes âgées de kabare qui compte 24 membres toutes vieilles femmes nous ont enseigné sur la notion de la réponse locale, elles ont non seulement la force physique parce qu'elles font d'exercices, mais elles ont encore des pensées plus que jeunes. Leur espoirs se reposent au fait sur leur motivation de faire le cash round à ma compréhension ce une sorte de ristourne comme activité collective pour financier une activité individuelle et malgré leur âges, elles ont toujours confiance qu'elles vont arriver à la fin. Ces personnes âgées trouvent la vie du groupe très important que la maison, car elles y trouvent satisfaction à leur problème de santé, un tensiomètre est disponible chaque réunion pour leur contrôle physique. Voici en peut de mots l'expérience particulière dé cette communaut
Ton frère Vianney, Burundi
Je voudrais vous informer que je suis en Ouganda pour le moment, où j’ai eu la chance de participer au Global Learning Festival.Ca sera une occasion d’améliorer mes connaissances en apprenant des autres communautés, en partageant les expériences par les forces qu’ils utilisent pour des réponses locales, leurs réussites et leur art de faire.
Ma sœur, comme tu sais mon job quotidien de facilitation communautaire ,mon expérience se focalise beaucoup sur les jeunes ,mais maintenant, je vais échanger avec la communauté des personnes âgées ,ce qui m’inspirera de faire de même chez nous à mon retour.
Ma sœur, c’est une très grande joie de connaitre l’approche SALT, car j’ai trouvé une grande différence par rapport aux autres car, depuis une dizaine d’années en utilisant les autres, je n’avais jamais pensé que la communauté a sa force, ses compétences pour trouver solutions de leurs défis.
Comme tu t’en souviens, on s’asseyait au bureau et on n’imaginait ce qu’on peut faire sans consulter les bénéficiaires, on planifiait les activités et le budget, puis par après on remarquait toujours qu’il n’y’a pas eu d’impact positif pour ce projet car il n’y ‘avait même pas de suivi.
Ceux qui ont eu des machines a coudre les ont vendus, ceux qui ont bénéficié des formations de paires éducations ont abandonné après le projet……..ce qui est différent au SALT. D’après mon analyse le SALT commence par le moi, la famille, la communauté continue par l’ouverture des horizons pour le bien et le développement de tout le monde. Je vous remercie et j’espère vous revoir le weekend prochain. Merci beaucoup
Community of the Elderly in Kitubulu -"Together to succeed .." Sahondra RAKOTOMALALA, Madagascar
The meeting with members of the Community of the Elderly in Kitubulu was very relevant, the exchanges helped me a lot to understand their stories and to perceive their motivation.
I have greatly admired the perseverance and passion of the young ABDALLAH Adams, a young volunteer who works with his heart and with love for the well-being of "MAMA"
I was able to feel the competence of Mama REHAMA/ Asamani, leader of the very dynamic group and who is very comfortable by discussing in 4 languages (Luganda, Swahili, English and French)
Mama MAUZU Kadimala, in his corner, without disturbing, but very carrefull
NAKATUDE Harriet, in his youth, is overwhelmed with knowledges and love to share what she knows in agriculture, craft, breeding and cooking to the members without upsetting them. His perseverance and tenacity impressed me.
There is also Mama KALISUMU Shabani and all others who promote the effectiveness of being together. All this small group, very proud of their success to have common dream "Living in happiness, through a good health, better nutrition and healthy lifestyle"
A Malagasy proverb says, "Whoever crosses the river together will never be beaten by the crocodile and several guinea fowl walking together will not be attacked by the dog"
From being an analyst to being human- Sohail, Pakistan (Transcribed from what he shared)
I was not finishing a questionanaire but connected as a human being and I shared my fears as they shared theirs. We were on the same journey together. I felt that is when came the connection I was struck how connected we were and we felt at the same level. Maybe I asked them mundane questions about their life. I was not doing a review of the community. At this moment I was not an expert but a learner what can I do to learn from them. I asked them what do you do to keep your village clean.
They said that money is not sufficient to clean you have to be committed to clean. You are sitting with us because there are no flies. I made myself more vulnerable to share with them with my personal story and learn from them. There was a shift from me from being the academician to a human being. Being a health researcher I realize that the elderly are missing in our work and would like to take this on when I am back home in Karachi.
J’aimerais partager ce que j’ai appris pour certains stands de la GLF .En Bel compétence, j’ai beaucoup aimé les outils qu’ils utilisent, ce qui m’a donné l’idée pour la communauté des personnes âgées de mon pays ; Comment je vais procéder pour stimuler ces personnes. Pour la Tanzanie, j’ai appris que dans les communautés, il faut s’entraider du plus petit au plus grand, comment ils font pour leur communauté en aidant les petits enfants a bien vivre, a s’entraider avec leurs parents , leur grand parent. Une autre leçon que j’ai tirée, c’est que malgré les différences gérontologiques ; malgré les différences entre religions, on apprend toujours des belles choses qui nous aident à avancer dans notre communauté où on aimerait toujours partager avec les autres .Et enfin il y a la Singapour, où j’ai appris une créativité et innovation pour un bon changement.
Rafique, India
Ramla was a grandmother and had two deaths in the family. When the community visited her as part of condolence to give moral support, it helped her to cope with the double death. She makes a point to attend the community meeting as she learns everything new
Ruth, United Kingdom
Week of learning from Ugandan communities and groups from around the world on how they have organised themselves to be mutual support, tackle their own needs and get government on board in a positive way. A chance to hear from some pretty humble politicians about how they switched from top-down to responding to the priorities of communities to tackle major issues like old age health, homelessness, slums and Aids, and the challenges & opportunities faced while trying to do this. Really enriched by the warmth of Ugandans and to meet people passionate about doing this in the UK and Belgium
Meble, Kenya
When we talk to each other virtually, and over the years without seeing each other, we develop an elusive perception of each other because of ‘voice, pictures and what we see on social media’. We become friends, and at times judge prematurely based on virtual expectations and maybe assumptions. It is clear that virtual interactions could develop as a necessity especially when the opportunity for a face to face meeting is not possible. This week in Uganda has been an opportunity to complete that circle of virtual connections with people I had never met before. Learning and sharing with each other this week in the GLE has given me an opportunity to ‘see’ others and also appreciate their contribution to the process.
The opportunity to focus ‘on the elderly’ through HENU (Health Nest Uganda) as a running theme in the GLF is a reminder that aging is a challenge for all of us; - or one day or another we will take care of an ‘older’ person, and therefore the need for a generational transfer of care and support for our aging relatives. This is another significant entry point for community capacity development.
It is clear across the week that the experience, application, and understanding of SALT by everyone has evolved as evidenced through the Market place experience; - each country, community or individual is applying it as it seems fit and applicable in their context. Having been one of the original members of this approach, being at the GLF was a glimpse of the intensity in the spread of the SALT (approach, word, idea) across the world. I have had mixed feelings on many levels but what I have appreciated more is the fact that the grounding principle or idea of a SALT methodology is a string and interest of all that participated. The SALT approach is one way to be with others, we become learners and influencers of change around those we interact with, but the challenge is making it a ‘lifestyle’.
From the founding members of the Constellation |
We were discussing about name of the Organisation ; We felt that people and communities were stars in implementing local responses and we would be stimulating and connecting them. Hence the name Constellation! Where does the tag line Together we are striving for life competence come from? Usa! Now there is more passion because there are more people- Luc Passion now has increased because while we started we were focusing on tools than on approach. Usa warning me you are not attention to the spirit. Tools do not elicit passion; appreciation being open to strengths of people. Passion is now stronger than before- Jean Louis Lamboray We are many more people, we are deeper in our approach, it is not something we do to others. It is about us– Marlou, After the first learning day of GLF, faces I have not seen for years and I felt that we had remained in touch somehow. The connection seems as strong as ever. I am finding openness and eagerness to learn- Usa There is more wisdom is between noses than between ears. That is why nose-to-nose picture- Jean Louis
A few nuggets /reflections during the GLF |
Prof Shittu, Nigeria-We need to create more resilience in the community ; we don’t need a lot of money but find people who can bring SALT in the community
Jean Louis- Its not so often in history of the constellation. We have in the same room, communities, government, their representatives in the same room. You are giving an example to us. This does not have in my country.
The essence is love and care which contributes to sustainability- Phil about the community he visited Appreciation shows up not only in words but also actions. True appreciation is what Margaret said that I appreciate fruits and vegetables of the community and I show it buying it from you and not the super market. This is what I will apply in my life and in my work- Anita Sheehan, Belgium
Appreciate is not about the words you share with people, it is about acknowledging the skills of others. Margaret is social capital for her group and she wants to be an example for them. She said when you don’t appreciate them you minimize them – Ranga, Singapore
Appreciation is not just words, but it is also actions- Sylvia, Uganda
When you show appreciation through practical support you encourage local action- Usa
I was anxious about interaction of international team with the communities. We appreciate the respect shown by the team, they were sensitive to what question sshould we ask, there was a consideration of people’s feelings - Sylvia
What is keeping this river alive is strengths of the people- every individual story is giving birth to little strengths that are nurturing more soil of the community also the soil which has to come, the future soil, how older women are preparing the younger generation. Concept of dry soil was present, everyone had a little garden which had to be cultivated. What is the bed of the river? It is the strengths and wisdom which we have discovered in the group What is making the river flow is the dream- Alessandra
In DRC when we reach older age it is dusk of life. However, we can consider ageing as beginning of new life. This is the learning I take with me- Eric, DRC
What we learned is that dreams do not have any age limit- Jessica from Italy describing a 100 year old grandfather’s dream to see his 2 year old grandson work one day.
Sharing dreams with Sulaiti (120 yers old) to Katabi. He dreams of seeing his little daughter (2 years old) with a good job and better living conditions.
Reflections on the Book –What makes us human? By Jean Louis Lamboray Sohail- The Title of the book is very compelling it resonates with the crisis we have the crisis Friere’s rejuventation how do we resolve the crisis Describes the journey of the Contelaltion and how communities become agents of change; Provides examples of three continents They did not say we will provide solution but we trust in capacity of the people The book is short and short chapters one can use it to have discussions ; some of the people featured in the book are here
Eric- The book challenges the reader a gentle challenge ; I feel torn when I read it I want to proceed further to read it at the same time I want to pause to reflect on it.
John- When I read the book I started asking myself in my long life of dealing with several communities was I fair with the communities I was dealing with. Could I have done things differently? Am I actually a human? I found that being human is difficult, one does not know how to react when you come across anything . Think twice
Fun bytes
Jean Louis Lamboray led the Laughter therapy; Diwali glitter by Stella and Zumba by Anne Marie!
GLF newsletter compilation team is thankful to all the contributors including those who provided the beautiful pictures. We were able to include only a few pictures to limit the size of the newsletter
Josiane Echeverria
Laurie Khorchi
Blaise Kizolele,
Marie Lamboray
Rituu B. Nanda
Dr E Mohammed Rafique,
Carmen Rivera,
Prof. Shittu
HENU coordinates
Arthur Namara Araali
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Constellation coordinates
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Whatsapp CLCP group- Rafique +918281345391 and Autry +23059254505
Share facilitator- Rituu B Nanda –
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