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Global Learning Festival Newsletter: Three

16th October 2017

GLF Newsletter Three document 


  • Live Broadcast Global Learning Festival
  • Preparation for the SALT visits: see the stories from Mauritius
  • Blog of the day: Josianne - Jeudi 12 octobre: ma journée SALT/How is my SALT day?
  • Plenary highlights- Constellation, Uganda and Mauritius + Who are we? The balloon game
  • Stall owners sales pitch for the market place
  • Final Reflections
  • SALT is magical- Patricia from Belgium





Join our Live Broadcast Global Learning Festival here in Entebbe!

Every day this week at 10 am GMT, 11 am UK and Kinshasa, noon at Brussels time, 15.30 Delhi, 17.00 Bangkok and 21.00 Sidney time. Jean Louis Lamboray will lead it.




Preparation for SALT visits: Stories from Mauritius GLF

Marlou​: As we will be hunting beautiful stories with the Ugandan communities - see here what we have been doing in Mauritius last year. For inspiration…And for doing EVEN better this year. (english)   (french)


Blog of the day - Jeudi 12 octobre: ma journée SALT

Josiane Echeverria


8H debout.

Aujourd’hui mon programme est chargé mais c’est décidé ce sera une journée SALT.

C’est quoi en fait SALT? Déjà, commencer la journée en se disant que ce sera une excellente journée.

C’est être présente, à l’écoute, de moi, des autres, avec bienveillance.

C’est partager ses expériences et apprendre de l’expérience des autres.

Alors ça se passe comment ma journée SALT?

Je me lève en pensant à tout ce que j’ai à faire dans la journée. Demain je pars pour l’Ouganda donc j’ai toute une liste de choses à faire et je commence à me stresser.

Je sors les poules du poulailler.

Dans la matinée je cours à droite, à gauche. Je rencontre une amie, Marie Thé. Je sens bien qu’elle a besoin de parler mais je n’ai pas vraiment le temps et j’abrège lamentablement.


Ce midi je mange sur le pouce, je reçois la visite de ma voisine. Là, je prends le temps d’un café. Je lui explique comment s’occuper de Coco chat (mon animal préféré).


A 15h je passe chercher Maman pour l’emmener faire ses courses de la semaine. Le stress monte car à 92 ans tout prend plus de temps et je pense à tout ce qu’il me reste à faire… Et je la presse un peu, sans brusquerie mais quand même sans respecter vraiment son rythme.

A 17h je prends le temps du thé avec Maman, petit rituel immuable mais tellement important.

18h- finaliser les valises.

19h- coup de téléphone aux enfants.

Soirée plus tranquille.

Bilan de ma journée SALT? Je vous laisse juger… peut mieux faire!

Eh oui! Il y a les intentions et il y a la réalité de tous les jours…l’impatience, l’irritabilité, le tourbillon de la vie quoi.

C’est pas si facile d’être SALT.

Je pense que c’est une posture dont il faut avoir conscience à chaque instant pour que cela devienne un automatisme, une façon d’être, d’exister, de vivre.


Thursday 12th October: my SALT day

Josiane Echeverria

Up at 8 o’clock.- Today my programme is very loaded, but it’s been decided: this will be a SALT day. So what is SALT after all? For starters, starting the day by deciding that it will be a great day. It is to be present, listening to myself, to others, with kindness and openness. It is to share his experiences and learn from the experience of others. So how is my SALT day?


Who are we - Plenary highlights:


We as older persons have to set a model for others. But if we are left behind how will we do that? GLF will help us to increase our visibility and advance our cause.  We will be the biggest beneficiaries of your being here. Uganda came up with national policy for older persons in 2009 but it has not been operational. Last year National Council for older Persons was set up is the result of political environment. Older persons have our own manifesto.  We face challenges - The laws of my court allow my children to take me to court if I don’t take care of me. Now they are better off but I can’t sue them if they abandon me. Our leaders are older persons but I wish they could see our visibility. – John Orach, President, National Council for older Persons


A dream come true for us to be here. Visitors come from 17 countries. The challenge for all of us how to do we learn from this amazing experience and apply it when we go back home. We have an opportunity to learn from older persons. We first has a contact with Health Nest Uganda in 2011,  the organization and communities have been using SALT for past 6 years, is this not an example of sustainability what we all talk about? – Philip Forth, Chair, Constellation Global Support Team


We had Autry as the coach for social accompaniment of deprived families. SALT changed our way of working and thinking and brought us closer to the community. We realized that it was important to allow them to dream so that they would work towards it. We were fortunate to work with Constellation. After GLF other NGOs got interested in this approach and we joined hands to form Mo Competence. – Annelise, Mauritius


The minister has welcomed you to Uganda.  We are honoured to host the GLF. We worked towards the dream and today it becomes the reality.  It is an opportunity for us to learn, listen and share and we will be delighted if this is transferred to others.  Have you taken the time to understand what older people do?  We start  today.  It is a learning and listening day - Patrick, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social improvement


My dream is that SALT is being practiced all over Africa and in all issues and six countries of Africa are here and we need to sit how can we transfer this practice to other countries. 63% of orphans are taken care by older persons though 70% of people are youth. Older persons cannot get HIV and we do not have issues. Banks do not lend money to older persons. Health Nest was set up in 2007 a big challenge was how to get funds. Unfortunately Francien was not there. We have not had funding but communities continue to respond and volunteers continue to contribute for past 10 years.  We have got a chapter on CLCP in Social Gerontology manual  brought out by the Government of Uganda. We are connectors and facilitators, they know how to do it. We learn from them. We just have to accompany them. – Arthur Namara, Gerontologist and director Health Nest Uganda


This week is for us to do things together. Please feel free to jump in and contribute –  Marlou


Who are we ? The balloon game


Her love helps to move others forward- Izzaty about Agnes

I met the most humble person- Autry about Stella

Kausar is very passionate about her work- Fisher




Market place – Loli and Sylvia invited the market stall teams to share


Botswana - We have a saying - If you are a man or gentleman, don’t you will marrying your sister, if you don’t go out of your home ;  so please come to our stall!

Pakistan - We have some food, attractive posters, how we have indigeneoused SALT in our own context, how we have tried to institutionalized SALT

Madagascar - is an island different vision of Africa

Luc - first time booth for France Competence, we are a young group, souvenir

John - Burundi- want to learn about youth and fighting employment if you are expecting help from outside they will only come after the rain has fallen.

Belgium- You need to come us we have 10 years of experience and also training events; Italian, French, German – Europe in one stall

Uganda- hygiene, sanitation, we will have older persons to talk about, items to buy made by older persons.

Singapore – we are one of the smallest countries and work with youth and mothers

DRC - Blaise and Eric -come one and come all- we have a lot of experience, inspired the government to start community dynamics policy and is thought of best- Local response with little or no funding.

Rafique - caring for old people in care home ; come rob my knowledge

Assam, India - Come for Tea, play a game , whatsapp chat, use of SALT in immunization in 90 villages







Final Reflections:


Patrick- We cannot not imagine that communities are dependent on us. In many countries like government tried to handle HIV but it failed. We are getting results where communities are handling themselves.


Sohail- I have learned how to unlearn, not to judge and not go into analysis


I was very inspired by Singapore the creativity of the team, with all the small things we can change the world- Sandra, Madagascar


Judith, Tanzanian team- We are so excited about the learning festival because we want to learn from other communities and show our experience with them. We hope the festival will bring about insights and provide transfer of knowledge among the participants and community members


Josiane, France- J'ai appris de l'histoire de Louis-Marie du Burundi qui a passé son enfance dans un orphelinat, qui a subi les ravages de la guerre, a perdu des membres de sa famille et qui a surmonter ses obstacles. Il s'est accroché à la vie, s'est formé à plusieurs reprises et maintenant accompagne les jeunes à trouver leur voie et à construire leur projet de vie. 

Ce qui m'impressionne c'est la persévérance de Louis-Marie pour se reconstruire et construire son projet de vie. Cette histoire redonne beaucoup d'espoir et m'encourage personnellement. 


J’aimerais partager ce que j’ai appris pour certains stands de la GLF. En  BelCompétence, j’ai beaucoup aimé  les outils qu’ils utilisent, ce qui m’a donné l’idée pour la communauté des personnes âgées de mon pays; Comment je vais procéder pour stimuler ces personnes. Pour la Tanzanie, j’ai appris que dans les communautés, il faut s’entraider du plus petit  au plus grand, comment ils font pour leur communauté en aidant les petits enfants à bien vivre, à s’entraider avec leurs parents , leur grand parent. Une autre leçon que j’ai tirée, c’est que malgré les différences gérontologiques ; malgré les différences entre religions, on apprend toujours des belles choses qui nous aident à  avancer dans notre communauté où on aimerait toujours partager avec les autres. Et enfin il y a la Singapour, où j’ai appris une créativité et innovation pour un bon changement. Nathalie NIHEZAGIRE, Burundi


Learning about local actions and how do they deal with challenges in their communities- Annilese


Beatrice- showing how it is working; how the facilitator is not taking lead but communities are finding solutions and looking for local resources. Facilitators are coming alongside and when it is action community take the lead.

Madagascar team- It is a good idea to work in a particular group as we are used to working with the whole community.



Europe - Patricia (

She finds that there is something magical about SALT. The magic part is the wisdom that is rooted in this art of living. For her, wisdom means developing deep knowledge of principles of life. For instance, when you trust people, they can do more, they can do extraordinary things. As it seems that the complete society is in burnout, SALT with its deep respect towards life, people and nature, offers a helpful hand. (Shared by Anu Sieberk)



Contribute to the Daily newsletter

Story from festival everyday 16th to 21st Oct by 9 pm every day to the following.

GLF Newsletter team: Josiane Echeverria, Laurie Khorchi, Blaise Kizolele, Marie Lamboray, Rituu B. Nanda, Dr E Mohammed Rafique, Carmen Rivera,Prof. Shittu

Views: 245


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Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on March 2, 2021 at 7:07pm

Remembering this Marie! What a treasure:-)

Comment by kintu dan on October 27, 2017 at 7:11am

It was great meeting people of the same mind of different origins.

Thanks to Arthur, Rituu, Marlou, Jean, please members all of you are worthy of hags every day

Dan Uganda

Comment by Marie Lamboray on October 18, 2017 at 9:49am

Merci pour ton histoire Josiane, je m'y retrouve tout à fait :)

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