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When Dr Jean-Louis Lamboray was in Chennai.....

In the first week of March 2017, Dr Jean-Louis Lamboray (JL) arrived at Chennai on a 3-day visit in connection with the launch of his book, "What Makes Us Human".

His three days' stay was a packed schedule for JL as he had interactive sessions with South India Aids Action Programme (SIAAP) staff, the students of the reputed Women's Christian College (WCC) and then the scheduled book launch.

My meeting up with JL again after I first met him at the Global Learning Festival (GLF) in Mahabalipuram, India in 2012 was an instant re-connection like we had not parted. He also obliged with a personal evening with me, my husband and my friend-colleague.

When JL talked about his book, he shared his story of SALT, and concluded saying "The book compels us to reflect why we can and should connect just as humans without the tags of titles."

As I sat along with people of different orientations, listening to his stories from different lives brought out in the book, I realised all over again that what mattered in life was that we recognised ourselves and one other as fellow humans with destinations to reach through shared dreams.

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Comment by Susan Koshy on March 31, 2017 at 3:43pm

Dear Celicia Theys, thank you. 

Comment by Célicia Theys on March 31, 2017 at 10:28am

Heartfelt thanks Susan!!!! Feeling very touched by your last sentence "I realised all over again that what mattered in life was that we recognised ourselves and one other as fellow humans with destinations to reach through shared dreams" ...

Yes, fellow companions on a shared journey - uniqueness and oneness :)

Thanks for sharing!

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on March 18, 2017 at 1:28pm

Beautifully done Susan- a glimpse of book launch in Chennai. Thank you.

Comment by Susan Koshy on March 18, 2017 at 2:18am
Thank you, Jean-Louis. A pleasure and my privilege.
Comment by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 17, 2017 at 1:08pm

Many thanks Susan for your support and for your friendship

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