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Susan Koshy's Blog (10)

Mr John, who was SALT to me

During my working years with a bank where I spent 29 years as a career, I had the good fortune of working directly with Mr KXM John who was my boss, when I worked in a branch office for a few years.

Mr John was a small-built, unassuming man, of cheerful countenance and pragmatic approach. He had impeccable command over the English Language. He was…


Added by Susan Koshy on June 2, 2021 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

When Dr Jean-Louis Lamboray was in Chennai.....

In the first week of March 2017, Dr Jean-Louis Lamboray (JL) arrived at Chennai on a 3-day visit in connection with the launch of his book, "What Makes Us Human".

His three days' stay was a packed schedule for JL as he had interactive sessions with South India Aids Action Programme (SIAAP) staff, the students of the reputed Women's Christian College (WCC) and then the scheduled book launch.

My meeting up with JL again after I first met him at the Global Learning Festival (GLF)…


Added by Susan Koshy on March 17, 2017 at 6:23am — 5 Comments

How I used SALT in business sector

Susanne and I recorded the interview of Jan Somers of Belgium during the Global Learning Festival organised by the Constellation and India Competence in Chennai during Nov 2012. Here communities and facilitators of strength-based approaches like Community Life Competence and Appreciative Inquiry came to share and exchange.

Interviewer Susanne Mueller of USA with Jan Somers…


Added by Susan Koshy on December 2, 2013 at 5:30pm — No Comments

ABCD - Asset Based Community Development

I had, in my last blog, reported about my meeting with the Organisation, BEYOND of Singapore and shared my interview with the team, Gerard, Chris and Cheryl. 

Later on in the day, I visited a couple of team-mates working with the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), Singapore ( and directly associated with SGCares (, They are involved in community development. I…


Added by Susan Koshy on March 19, 2013 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell Just as Sweet

I might sound philosophical when I share a story that I heard in my younger days.

A disciple asked a sage which religion was the right one to know God. The sage walked silently by a tree in the heat of a sunny morning with the disciple. He then pointed to the reflections of the sunlight on the ground beneath the…


Added by Susan Koshy on March 19, 2013 at 3:00pm — No Comments

CLCP and SALT - Interview with Gerard, Chris and Cheryl of BEYOND, Singapore

During a recent visit to Singapore, I met Gerard, Chris and Cheryl and recorded an interview with them.

Gerard heads the organisation, BEYOND, that works with the community in Singapore. Chris and Cheryl work with him. These girls were at the Global Learning Festival held in Y2012 in India.

Thanks to Rituu B Nanda's reference, I connected with Gerard and reconnected with the two girls when I visited them at their office. What started as an informal conversation turned…


Added by Susan Koshy on March 16, 2013 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Interview with Chris Bennett and Sue James, Practitioners of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) at Melbourne, Australia

I met Chris Bennett and Sue James, AI Practitioners from Melbourne, at the Appreciative Inquiry Conference at Ghent, Belgium in April, 2012.

In a recent visit to Australia, I met up with them when they took me and my husband on a day-long drive to the lovely countryside in Warburton, Melbourne.

I recorded an interview with them…


Added by Susan Koshy on March 11, 2013 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

CLCP (Community Life Competence Process) - a Self-Help Process, like the Baby Monkey with its Mother

Yesterday, I attended a social meeting where a pastor spoke about the importance and essence of relationships in the family, with each other and with God. He said it is our responsibility to tap and develop relationships and not wait for it to happen. In this context, he compared the idea with how the young in animals are taken care of by their mothers.

In the case of cats, the young is carried by the mother with its teeth gripping on to the skin of the young. The young stays…


Added by Susan Koshy on January 10, 2013 at 4:56pm — 1 Comment

Global Learning Festival - My Take-Away Story

Global Learning Festival (GLF) was something I heard of during the World AI Conference in Ghent, Belgium in April 2012. It was through one of the very active delegates, Jan Somers by name, who was seen all over the place, clicking ace pictures of the activities and the delegates in the Conference. When I was introduced to him as a delegate from Chennai, India, Jan promptly said he was visiting Chennai later in the year for GLF. I thought little of it then as learning and festival were at…


Added by Susan Koshy on December 14, 2012 at 3:02pm — 5 Comments

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