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Sorry for cross posting but this is also a pressing issue, well almost the same as HIV. at the bottom of the well we see OUR very own behavior. There are a lot of issues on HIV and most of them boil down to behavior some need for behavior modification, easier said than done. I know, im on the process myself. now.... climate change ....irresponsible throwing of trash, irresponsible use of stry packages. blah, blah blah...... Lets see the parallel and maybe well learn to manage HIV the same way there are plans to manage climate change.... just a thought.
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SHOUT for PLANET EARTH! Planet earth forever! and the human race in all its colors, forms and shapes forever.
beauty, truth, justice and world peace ya all!!!!!

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Comment by Caca Carillo on June 2, 2009 at 3:20am
Hi christof, ( my friend from forever son is named christof) Now of courese we all know that the epidemic is fueled by many other drivers. In the case of the philippines, Im not in an "official" position to say that the epidemic in the philippines is driven by the MSMs now not to again "trash" the sector, cause I am one, AND I am one working in that field, (from again forever) so all along it would seem that all the work has been futile. NOW this is my realization and this is WHY I buy the ACProcess:
MUCH of what has been happening as interventions in the philippines for the longest time (and I hate to use this word, but for lack of a true-er one) PRESCRIBED, by experts, by donor's experts, analyzed by experts donors bring in experts....blah,blah,blah,yakyakyak
What I buy with the ACP is one looks (into one's strengths and weaknessess) and plan action from there rather than listen to some Eexpert talk about how you HAVE TO change your behavior.
This discussion would have been WAY better over a cup of coffee, but nevertheless here;s how my mind is ticking about the parallel about HIV and Climate change in my own contexzt as an HIV worker.
A lot of MSMs ( in the philippines atleast) ( including me, and SOME, as was discovered thru Focus Group Discussions) having grown up in a PATRIARCHAL AND CATHOLIC society, feel that or is made to feel that NOT bieng HETERO is a "WASTE"
Here's the parallel: The same way we feel about trashing plastic,styro,etc. this irresponsibility, applies to sexual behavior too..... Not being a hetero= waste,
NOW, why do i draw a picture between these two?
Because it might be difficult to look into one's self and behavior, but it would be easier to talk about behavior change regarding climate change because it is more OBJECTIVE.
Trying to assess One's behavior about climate change, and drawing a plan for that MIGHT just be an easier way of planning a way to improve personal competencies( lifeskills) towards HIV....
Again just a thought. hmmmmmmmm
Hi geoff, been a long time since we met that bitchy (i know) kick off event, hehehe, I personally would love to meet you again and talk some on using the tools, for my work and for my personal life. Well, yeah I agree, we can start using the tool, to assess personal accountability to climate change, but the petition I crossposted ( for which i apoligized) is due soon. and if ANYONE who like Laurence is AWARE of this issue and living it as a lifestyle ( level 5) will sign the petition, ( as laurence said: without reading much of the context of the petition) so yes I agree to using the tool, AND then sign the petition, and that might actually be the answer to christophe's question, what steps do I percieve?
whoah...... gotta stop now,hope to see you soon guys, this is best over a cup of coffee. LOL
Comment by Christophe BOERAEVE on June 1, 2009 at 5:38pm
Hi Laurence and Caca, I really like your ideas of personal change to trigger a bigger worldwide change. At the same time this is really "bateau" we say in French as everyone knows that the first step against pollution is of course individual behaviour (using less plastic bags, not throwing trash on the streets). What I find more interesting in Caca suggestion is the following : "Lets see the parallel and maybe well learn to manage HIV the same way there are plans to manage climate change.... just a thought".
Laurence do you think that change happens the same way, requires the same pre requisites, basically "functions" the same way whatever it applies to ?
Caca, do you think we change our attitude to HIV the same way we modify our position vis a vis climate change ?
If so, what steps do you perceive ?
Thanks and best regards,
Comment by Geoff Parcell on June 1, 2009 at 10:31am

How about a self assessment for communities to identify their strengths in response to climate change? That may change behavior more than signing a petition


Comment by Laurence Gilliot on June 1, 2009 at 4:49am
Hi Caca,

When I follow the link, I automatically sign the petition. Actually, I want to read the petition first and take real ownership of my response, whether I sign it or not. Could you please add the link to the 'petition' itself?

I try to take ownership of the issue of global warming in my own life as well. For example, Gaston and I use one motorcycle to come to the office to pollute less. I always have some plastic bags with me or put products straight into my bag, to avoid using so many plastic bags... Here is Thailand, people use plastic bags for everything, automatically... They look so surprised when you say "No bag please".

I stopped eating meat for the last 2 years. To produce meat you need a huge amount of water and energy. 80% of the land in the USA is used for growing animals for food. The methane emission of cows is the 4th biggest emission of CO2 on our planet. So, reducing your consumption of meat (or becoming a vegetarian) has a huge impact on reversing global warming...

Just some ideas for the week ;-)


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