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I'm working at "LENTERA ANAK PELANGI" we've founding by UNDP and the name of project is :

we try to reach children that of course still very young ( 0-12 years old ) in Jakarta who had born from PLWHA eventough they follow infected from their parents or not..

FYI, there is no organization yet that really focus on them..

as we all know..that parents who use drugs maybe haven't much time to teach and grow up their children as normally.
and even tough they've already quit from their addiction but we can't close our eyes that HIV AIDS does effected to their children such as bad nutrition, bad education, psychosocial problems, and of course the advocacy team to "kick" the stake holder...

Last 2 weeks ago we had camping with 10 children ( 3-8 years old ) that they all infected from their mom..
What the really bad problems..they all do consumption ARV for keeping their immune system on their body..
At our 3 days camping, we gave them and include their mom and care giver ( there is 2 of children had already have no parents because already died by AIDS ) an education, information, run FGD and also gave the children lot of Games that supported their life!

what the great project!! hope we can run this project well and this project can cover the children need...

I do feel thanks to God That I've infected on my 27 years old where I've already understand for this problem..
Feel very sad to meet children who still young and not yet understand about this epidemic and also not guilty but they all fighting, struggling with their virus...

All the children do make me more stronger!!

For anyone who had reference info contact person PLWHA that have children and live in Jakarta, Indonesia please feel free to contact us!

Warm regards,
Taufiq M.A.
Case Manager
Lentera Anak Pelangi

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Comment by Cecilia Rina Haryanti on April 13, 2009 at 4:45am
Hi Gaston. Hope you don't mind if I join the forum :). I also work for Lentera Anak Pelangi and I am very interesting in your question. Are you asking about children affected by HIV in general or those who participated in the camping that Taufiq wrote in his blog? Maybe I can share our experience during camping...Thanks Gaston
Comment by Gaston on April 6, 2009 at 4:41am
Thanks Taufiq's to share about the great work you're doing. When I am reading this, I would like to ask you the following question: What kind of suffering do these children (or you) have to deal with? I mean can you give me a list of all the resulting elements of suffering caused by HIV for these kids? For example, fear can be one. Please take a few minutes and write this down on a sheet of paper. Take your time.

Now think how many of these elements of suffering actually come from the epidemic virus. I mean how many are related to the physical deterioration of the body resulting from AIDS (with HIV there are probably very little symptoms)?

All the other elements you came up with, where do they come from? It's obviously not related to the physical results of the virus, but from our own thinking, our own perceptions, our own views, our own interpretation, our own confirmation of certain feelings. All these things, we can work on ourselves. The ARV's take care of only a part of our suffering (the physical part), the rest we (and our community) can work on to improve on our AIDS Competence and happiness of the PLHIV and their communities.

Do you agree Taufiq?

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