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[ Under the Youth-IN Programme Constellation with UNDP Barbados and OECS facilitated a learning event to provide a space for Caribbean Youth Think Tank (YTT) members to get to know each other on a human level, appreciate existing strengths, build a dream, self-assess where they currently are with regard to the dream, develop strategic plan for 2012-2013 and commit to it. At the conclusion of the face to face meeting, the YTT members were formally endorsed and the YTT officially launched. I asked the YTT about their high moment during the event and here are some interesting reflections]
Mario Rose The high moment for me in the learning event would have to be going on the SALT visit where we learned to Stimulate, appreciate, learn from and transfer knowledge and experiencce to our community friends , i learned how to connect more with , lfacilitate interaction and listen to their inate needs.
Andrea Bryan For me it was learning that you don't have to be perfect to be competent as well as when we were in the emotional circle realising what we could achieve once we had a vision. There were so many high points, it's hard to just pick one. Pulling apart the paper and putting it back together had great significance to me because it showed that regardless of how polarized or fragmented a society might be, with a committed team, we can put things back together.
Sadhana Debi-Tewarie Hmmm every thing, every moment ...but the best was working together in groups.
Delroy Nesta Williams i think the session where we wrote about our personal qualities and our hopes and dreams on the heart was the most enlightening, well at least to me... just to see that a lot of people from across the Caribbean share similar hopes and dreams and are as highly motivated as i am, made me feel like i'm not alone in the struggle and that there is so much hope for a bigger n brighter Caribbean
Gerve Vickens When I was sharing my creative presentation...
Crystal Alexander A high moment for me would be the final day when we all worked together and delivered an excellent presentation that impressed all stakeholders. As a result, after the presentation one of the sponsors came to me during the break and really motivated me to continue on this path to youth development. To this day, because of that encounter I have a new mentor.
Jamal Browne Well the high-point of my experience was late Wednesday night/ Thursday morning as the team worked on finalizing The Caribbean YTT Commitment. While it was rigorous and sometimes contentious, I am confident that we would have all come to an appreciation for the process - even the rough-n-tumbles thereof. The outcome was excellent, and major lessons were learnt. It was quite remarkable to see that we were actually building bonds in the midst of our disagreements, and this is most apparent in retrospect - looking back on the experience and our subsequent interactions. I am truly inspired by you all.
Well having so much to accomplish in such a short time-frame placed us under quite a bit of pressure, so a lot of the sparks that were flying (disagreements etc.) were professional rather than personal. The CYTT was/ is simply too significant a work for us to allow simple diverging opinions to jeopardize what we have worked so hard to build, and what so many people have invested in. It also may have had a lot to do with the fact that we understand that we represent change within our region - where consensus and action is so hard for our leaders to achieve.
Rah Lemoth Everyday with team was a highpoint for me ,All the sharing,teamwork,discussions and debates.just to highlight a few, was when on the 1st and second day during our debriefing Our project coordinator expressed that at first she was having mixed feelings about the YTT then with confidence she commented that she can see the sparkle in each of our eyes and she now believes that the YTT will be successful. Even though I wasn't feeling well (my throat was sick) I was motivated to keep that sparkle. Another highpoint was when We did the "Are We Human" exercise to foster our team spirit,where we all wrote down who we are on pieces of paper and post them on one chart then we all read what we post together.and we all saw that had a lot in common and also our uniqueness but most of all that we are all one team. After this exercise we all bonded great and carried out a productive week,linking our dreams/visions together creating one unified dream/vision : (To be a voice for youths providing a common space, Soaring above social ills to generate a brighter future for all!)
Teocah Arieal Ainka Dove For me my highpoint was the first day! In Trinidad volunteerism isn't something many young people do... Being among my fellow Caribbean brothers and sisters and listening to their stories truly inspired me!
Tevin Toby Shepherd(who could join through skype ) I enjoyed the innovation used throughout the week and allowing me to join in via skype. After all we are a youthful team and we saw it fit to use Skype to incoporate technology in reaching youth however, throughout the event, I enjoyed the part where we shared our dreams and listened to others dreams
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