Following the efforts of Jean-Louis, Laurie and Manu, Hervé and Luc have kickstarted a promising partnership with the "Mutuelles en pays de Vilaine" in Redon, in the western part of France. This partnership aims at supporting a group of institutions and associations to develop and implement a new vision of "together health for all in pays de Vilaine". Based on the Ottawa declaration, the group is dreaming to built policies and implement activities that will restate the essential role of people for achieving good health and encompass social and behavioral aspects of life.
In spite of limited participation during the first session, exchanges were intense and promising. We did SALT visits in two institutions where we had the opportunity to learn a lot about innovative approaches et raised interest for the new vision of the Collectif.
Next steps will follow in November. Starting with training of facilitators. For more information, contact Herve or Luc.
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