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Well-shared community members start to initiate access resources to support other community members include at ARH competence (fathers and mothers groups start using other grant resource-PNMP Mandiri- to support community gathering on ARH issues). Along these community gathering SALT approach was introduced by inviting community put forward their opinion, anxiety, concern and hope. Ibu Siti (midwives, a SALT team member) shared that community debated one and another about HIV infected person who is member of their community. Initially, she preached community about health issues because lack time and space of opportunity to talk with community about health issues. She pointed out the community what should be done and what shouldn’t be done. After some resource available, there are more time and space to meet community. This is Ibu Siti Story about HIV+ person. Community thought that this person was not bad, being infected is her curse of being not good ect. Ibu Siti invited the community to answer her question: what will we do if that person is our daughter? Then community start responding this case positively. They actually concern about other people’s life as long as they understand what should it must be perceived. The more resources available the more community gathering could be held the more learning could be conduct the more help could be provided the better space for vulnerable people in the community. SALT fostering community counseling. Thanks to Fathers and Mothers groups that enabling SALT Team member contact more with community.

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Comment by Laurence Gilliot on June 18, 2010 at 6:06am
Hi Wiwin,

I hope that your son is better after the mission. Waw, he is quite an adventurer already, to travel around with his mam :) I think it is so cool that you bring him along on the mission!

Thanks a lot for this additional information. It is really interesting.
What I learn from you is that local support groups are willing to contribute money because you use the money for something that touches them as well: youth. Do you think they would contribute money to a community project that would not directly benefit them?

What a great system you have in Indonesia with village councils that manage government grants to develop what villagers need. It is a great idea. I guess the key is to involve people in the village council who are real representatives of the community, right?

Lots of love to you too and your son (please upload a picture of him)

Comment by wiwin winarni on June 18, 2010 at 5:38am
dear Laurence;

Sorry for delay answering your comment. just newly arrived from mission. I brought my two year son along the mission, he is not so well after join me the mission. sorry for this inconvinient.

Your stimulates questions are simply aslo deepen my understanding on articulating my learning and experience.
Father and mother groups believe that coomunity need such gathering to discuss ARH issues. mother and father also member of village council thta manage government grant to develop what villagers' need. the money used to be planned to develop street, mosques, watsan, school, all were to build infrastructure. Then mothers and fathers understand thta community (mostly parents) need to met to discuss about their family, their youths. that is why they start allocate the grant to support ARH activity/dissemination.

They need to mobililze another resource since grant is limited in trem of project. they need to be independent, and believe local support groops (merchants, wealth people, local/home industries) will be sustained. It could support the activity since they also member of community and has also youths as they family member.

Lessons learned I've got from this story is that every member of community love one and another, they will do support one and another. And sesond, we need prime movers at community to magnitude concerns and love of community .

To Gaston, thanks to inspire me me another key word. a key switching of thinking to go towards AIDS Competence.

Love you full :D

Comment by Gaston on June 16, 2010 at 7:31am
Thanks Wiwin. It is true that when community members acknowledge that the issue affects all of us (by for example asking the question: if it was your daughter), then they'll see it's the community's concern, not just the individual concern. A key switch in thinking that is important to go towards AIDS Competence.
Comment by Laurence Gilliot on June 14, 2010 at 10:36am
Hi Wiwin,

Wonderful blog on mobilizing resources, thanks so much for sharing!
I want to make sure that I understand your story well. Can I ask a few questions to deepen my understanding?

- So, fathers and mothers mobilized resources to support community gathering. Why did the fathers and mothers group want to mobilize resources? Why did they think it was necessary to mobilize funds, if grant resource was already available?

- How did they mobilize funds?

- what is the main lesson learned from this story?

Thanks a lot!

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