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Little by little, a little becomes a lot.

Our GYRF facilitators in Gopalganj recently shared a report about a few small community-driven actions taken by the people of Byaspur.

What truly moved me when reading the report was how the mothers in the neighborhood united- sharing ideas and swiftly taking action to address problems within their community. They didn't just talk; they acted. Hearing that these ideas were not only discussed but also implemented filled me with admiration. I read how they are making an effort to be more present in their children’s lives by playing with them every evening and how a young High School student started tutoring primary-school-going children since schools are currently closed. (to know more, please check out- )

The ripple effect created was evident- when one community member takes a positive step, it inspires others to do the same. The children's habits are changing and so is the community.
I am once again reminded that even in the face of great challenges, small actions, when taken collectively, can lead to significant change.

Reflecting on this fills my heart with hope as currently, in Bangladesh, we are witnessing a crucial fight for reformation—a revolution that began as a plea for equality which has now morphed into a demand for justice, propelled by the sacrifices of hundreds of brave student protesters and those who have been wrongfully arrested. The constant raids, the curfew, the feeling of insecurity and fear for when the police could come barging in to arrest your brother, sister, or even yourself is devastating. However, even with this fascist government, I have never been prouder to be a Bangladeshi. Why? Because of my people and their endless bravery and resilience. We had fought for our freedom in the Liberation War of 1971 and emerged victorious. Similarly, I believe victory against tyranny will be achieved once again.

In times like these, I am reminded of a quote:

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Comment by Sadia Jafrin on August 1, 2024 at 3:18pm

Thank you so much for writing, Mariam. I know you and other students are going through a very hard and dark time right now, but it will end soon. Stay strong. We all stand with you and the other students who are facing such terrible experiences. It's truly heartwarming to see how you can connect your personal and professional experiences. Thank you once again.

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