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a Life Circle is a space where we share our dreams and individual life competence practices; we talk about SALT in our lives and about what makes us human; the circles are opened to anyone, so the 'we' goes beyond Constellation or Belcompétence; after a convivial moment of sharing the latest news and simple food that we have brought or prepared together, we sit and talk/listen at the rhythm of the talking piece circulating around the circle; these Life Circles are held once a month (every last Tuesday evening of the month) in Brussels and you are welcome :-)
Cercle de Vie (3 juin 2014)
Anne, Wivine, Célicia, Laurie, Marie-Christine et Philippe, Eric et Sandrine, Jan, Jean-Louis et Pierre
quelques échos:
humanité - apprendre à grandir, à devenir, à être
résonnance - de la tête au coeur - bienveillance - écoute
électron libre - hauteur - contemplation - synchronicité
intimité - risque - fragilité - authenticité
‘et si vous nous racontiez un moment où vous vous êtes senti heureux?’
intergénérationnel - échanges profonds - ne pas faire semblant
‘oser sauter dans ma fragilité permet aux autres de faire de même’
‘écrire une lettre à mon job idéal et la confier à l’univers’
renversement du regard - invitation à rêver
confiance en soi - confiance en l’autre
apprendre à se connaître - de la confiance à l'amour
possibilité de pardonner - action positive - accueil de chacun
passion pour les rencontres - y mettre du SALT
'je viens comme je suis, je ne me cache pas’
confiance, ou humilité de quitter mon rôle
accepter d’être humain - partage
inspiration - chaleur - merci - vie
prochaine rencontre: mardi 24 juin, chez Sandrine ou Nathalie
cercle de vie de juillet, deux heures intenses,
où il est question de nourriture, riche, abondante, spirituelle, charnelle;
de table accueillante et de la joie de partager un repas, ensemble,
de lien, de relations quantiques, de toile d’araignée, de la danse entre collectif et individuel;
tension et confrontation des points de vue, dans l’appréciation, fidèles à SALT,
où il est questions des personnes, humaines, fortes de leurs émotions et fragilités,
résonance jusque dans la divergence: ‘je ne sais pas en parler’ versus ‘je n’en parle pas parce que ça va attirer du monde’,
jusqu’au mystère: ‘ça sort de moi mais ce n’est pas moi qui le dit’; émergence, 'laissons faire les choses naturellement’,
où il est question de courage: le courage d’être, parfois le courage de faire, ou de ne pas faire: ‘si je sors du bois, je vais prendre des claques'
le courage de trouver les mots, de voir le bien dans l’autre, ou de ne voir que le négatif et de le dire;
le coeur qui s’ouvre: ‘je vois des choses que je ne voyais pas’; ça se passe ‘rue du Cornet’: le cornet pour s’entendre et se comprendre;
exploration du mystère, de l’amour qui va et vient, du courage, de la beauté, de l’échange,
de ne rien savoir et de savoir qu’on ne sait rien et de se le dire, et de venir quand même, et toujours,
d’être en recherche sans rien chercher, et de repartir, joyeux, légers, riches, forts, ouverts
prochain cercle chez Sandrine le mardi 26 août à 19h,
formule auberge espagnole légère,
Hello Phil!
Thank you for your question about progress, I love this trigger to further explore together.
There is indeed an amazing sense of making progress amongst us; although we initially had neither clear expectation nor concrete results to achieve, after a few circles, we started noticing that our lives were moving in the direction of our dreams; this became particularly clear after a few months of gathering, when we paused and turned back; that is why we feel so grateful to each other and to the process;
Strangely, I wonder if we would achieve similar results by 'wanting or expecting' these results… Somehow I feel that the process allows things just to happen and to emerge, very naturally and gently, and that this gentleness and absence of expectations is a key element for change and transformation,
I am curious about your and others experience…
Thank you very much for that. It is very helpful for me.
I would be very interested to hear of other personal practises that people find useful. A selection which people could explore and use would be valuable.
I have another question. Do you have a sense of making progress (or even seeking to make progress) in these practises? If so, how do you gain that sense of progress? In Self Assessment we use levels and I find myself less and less comfortable with them. I am in search of an alternative.
These are fascinating and useful ideas. Thank you.
Wahou! J'espère que mon prochain passage en Belgique tombera dans une semaine "de dernier mardi du mois". Plein de belles ondes à tous ☼
Hello Phil!
Nice to read you :-) and thanks for your questions;
yes, indeed, as Autry pointed, there is this 'dance' between individuality and community in our sharing;
about individual practices, I will answer from my own perspective, and call for other members of the group to express theirs; let me share with you some of the practices I find relevant and useful:
cultivating authentic relationships with family, partner, friends,
developing alignment or grounding through a personal daily practice (in my case, meditation),
contribute to a positive working environment, being engaged in meaningful challenges;
keeping a strong connection with Nature,
eating mindfully, food produced with respect for all,
making daily choices with a sense of care for other living beings and the environment,
so these are a few examples... and I would love to discover others, from CST members; as underlined by Autry, collective/individual strength is in the sharing and the inspiration,
Dear Nathalie,
Could you give me an idea of individual life competence practices that members of your group find relevant and helpful? I assume that each individual has their own practises(?), but do you discuss them and explore them as a group.
It feels as if you are creating a community to explore your individuality and this then leads to Autry's thoughts.
Nathalie and Autry: double like!
Nathalie and Marlou I like (^_^). Our collective strength is a reflection of our individual incremental strengths contributed to the process and of course we inspire each other along the way. That circle starts with each of us, where ever we are, then the group, then national and international. What you do there, for example, inspire and stimulate me, where I am, so I remain part of the "Life's Circle." Thanks folks.
thank you for your comment, dear Marlou; and yes indeed, we are individually very much inspired by others and inspiring each other; by 'individual', we mean that we all have our 'own' life, with hopes and challenges, ups and downs... in the many groups we relate to (close or enlarged family, colleagues at work, friends, Belcompétence, neighbourhood...); in these communities, we act according to our values, practices, dreams, beliefs... Sharing it in the perspective of adding more SALT in our lives may enrich our journeys! this is what I observe in the Life Circles.
Thanks for sharing Nathalie. Pondering about the 'individual' life competence.... Is this possible without a group around you? is ones individual competence not necessarily inspired by and inspiring to those around you? Community Life Competence requires the effort of individuals and vice versa?
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