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When the passive dreamer sleeps and snores, …the passionate visionary rises and soars.

The names in the hall of fame are not of those who hang their dreams on a wall frame and did nothing: it is those who realized that dreams need daily dusting and that one cannot do so without soiling their hands. Dreamers are darers who are not afraid to try, and don’t mind cutting a sweat. With time, like my guitar, some dreams might have gone out of tune, and others rusted, there is need to WORK to restore them to their original state, in tune with the end envisioned.

Refuse to let your dreams suffocate under the dust of neglect

Inconsistency is the number one assassinator of dreams; procrastination is the poisoned arrow that inconsistency uses to shoot down many dreams ‘…don’t wait until tomorrow to do what you can do today’ is greatest wisdom for all who hope to achieve their dreams.

Whereas the Passionate dreamer dreams while awake, passive dreamers dream in their sleep, and that is also the place where their dreams end…

Passion is the preserver of dreams. It is the fuel that drives one from dreaming to believing and from believing to achieving. Passionate dreamers are visionaries because they dream while awake, and take the risks of making their dreams a reality. They breathe life into their dreams, and the result is life giving realities.

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Comment by Steve Muthusi on April 23, 2014 at 3:07pm

Thanks people. My dream is a people who are READY TO BE IN CHARGE OF THEIR LIVES ...I therefore Hope I can be the voice that nudges people to wake up from their sleep and DEVELOP THEIR INFINITE POTENTIAL. This begins by an UNDERSTANDING OF ONE'S POTENTIAL program in schools, colleges, universities, Corporates and churches is "Stir Up Your Potential" seeks to do exactly this, and so far the impact has been enormous. Helping peolpe UNDERSTAND THAT TO GROW THEIR FUTURE, THEY NEED TO GROW THEMSELVES. TO GROW A COMMUNITY, WE NEED TO GROW ITS PEOPLE. TO DEVELOP GREAT ORGANIZATIONS AND COMPANIES, WE NEED TO DEVELOP ITS PEOPLE. THANK YOU...

Comment by Amy Ndinda Mutunga on April 16, 2014 at 1:55pm

Hi Steve, i would like to give some suggestion on Nutrition Education also.

  1. People should be informed of the beneficial impact of good Ntrition Status ,both;">n the prevention of HIV infection and on the course of the disease, so tha t they can provide advice to families and reorient their own activities accordingly.

Comment by Steve Muthusi on April 14, 2014 at 10:03am

Thanks People...

For the community, I organize "BetterWayFORUMS" inspire people live their best lives, train on leadership, personal development, life skills, and other empowerment programs running in high schools, colleges and universities...

Comment by Autry Haynes on April 13, 2014 at 1:29pm

Great thought Steve and inspiring. "Be passionate ....and do not procrastinate.." so true. Yes, I agree that 'cutting sweat' is necessary as  well. Important too, is that others see the dream through your eyes as well so that they can connect to it. "cutting sweat" i would reason implies that ALL in pursuit of the common dream willing to make the needed sacrifice to achieve the dream (^_^).  

Comment by Amy Ndinda Mutunga on April 13, 2014 at 11:55am

Thank you so much for the inspiring Words. To live on your Dreams, you need to work hard. Tomorrow never comes.  Lets follow the realities. Keep on Writing and share your ideas with others.

Comment by Marlou on April 12, 2014 at 7:51am

Wow Steve, thanks! Now I am curious to hear what your dream is, or the dream of your community - and what actions are you taking to get closer to that dream?

Kind wishes, 


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